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(対) [たい] {against}
(と) [] {and}
(誰でも) [] {anybody}
(何故ならば) [なぜならば] {because ; for}
(諸事万端) [しょじばんたん] {everything}
(我が) [わが] {my ; our}
(自身) [] {oneself}
(または;あるいは) [] {or}
(彼奴) [あいつ] {she}
(此の方) [このかた] {since}
(彼らの) [] {their}
(奴等) [やつら] {they}
(此の) [この] {this}
(身共) [みども] {we}
(何の) [どの] {which}
(共に) [ともに] {with}
(あの) [] {the}
(何でも) [] {anything}
(人間) [] {person;individual;someone;somebody;mortal;soul ; homo;man;human being;human}
(動物) [] {animal;animate being;beast;brute;creature;fauna}
(植物) [] {plant;flora;plant life}
(食物) [] {food;nutrient}
(知識) [] {cognition;knowledge;noesis}
(感覚) [] {feeling}
(宇宙) [] {space;infinite ; universe;existence;creation;world;cosmos;macrocosm}
(出来事) [] {event ; happening;occurrence;occurrent;natural event}
(過程) [] {process;physical process}
(行い) [] {act;deed;human action;human activity}
(グループ) [] {group;grouping ; company;companionship;fellowship;society}
(関係) [] {relation}
(発見) [] {discovery;find;uncovering}
(最高記録) [] {record}
(損失) [] {loss}
(誤り) [] {mistake;error;fault}
(転倒) [] {spill;tumble;fall}
(蹴り技) [] {kick;boot;kicking}
(キス) [] {kiss;buss;osculation}
(比較) [] {comparison;comparing}
(やり方) [] {means;agency;way ; manner;mode;style;way;fashion}
(措置) [] {measure;step}
(交換) [] {substitution;exchange;commutation}
(破壊) [] {destruction;devastation}
(入浴) [] {bath}
(飛行) [] {flight;flying}
(旅行) [] {journey;journeying ; trip}
(動き) [] {motion;movement;move;motility ; movement;motion}
(拡張) [] {expansion;enlargement}
(裁ち方) [たちかた] {cut;cutting}
(分割) [] {division;partition;partitioning;segmentation;sectionalization;sectionalisation}
(操作) [] {operation}
(娯楽) [] {entertainment;amusement}
(努力) [] {work}
(世話) [] {care;attention;aid;tending}
(手術) [] {operation;surgery;surgical operation;surgical procedure;surgical process}
(術計) [じゅっけい] {trick}
(犯罪) [] {crime;offense;criminal offense;criminal offence;offence;law-breaking}
(企て) [] {attempt;effort;endeavor;endeavour;try}
(房事) [ぼうじ] {sexual activity;sexual practice;sex;sex activity}
(震え) [] {tremble;shiver;shake}
(足し算) [] {summation;addition;plus}
(観察) [] {observation;observance;watching}
(教育) [] {education;instruction;teaching;pedagogy;didactics;educational activity ; education}
(産業) [] {industry;manufacture}
(使用) [] {use;usage;utilization;utilisation;employment;exercise}
(攻撃) [] {attack;onslaught;onset;onrush}
(測定) [] {measurement;measuring;measure;mensuration}
(休憩) [] {rest;ease;repose;relaxation}
(貿易) [] {trade}
(販路) [] {market;marketplace;market place}
(運搬) [うんぱん] {transportation;shipping;transport}
(流通) [] {distribution}
(罰) [] {punishment;penalty;penalization;penalisation}
(戦闘) [] {fight;fighting;combat;scrap}
(強打) [] {blow}
(援助) [] {aid;assist;assistance;help}
(賛成) [] {blessing;approval;approving}
(支持) [] {support}
(出会い) [] {meeting;coming together ; meeting;encounter}
(卵) [] {egg}
(鳥) [] {bird}
(蛇) [へび] {snake;serpent;ophidian}
(家禽) [] {domestic fowl;fowl;poultry}
(羽毛) [] {feather;plume;plumage}
(虫) [] {worm}
(犬) [] {dog;domestic dog;Canis familiaris}
(猫) [] {cat;true cat}
(翼) [] {wing}
(尾) [] {tail}
(昆虫) [] {insect}
(蜂) [はち] {bee}
(蟻) [あり] {ant;emmet;pismire}
(鼠) [ねずみ] {rat}
(馬) [] {horse;Equus caballus}
(豚) [] {hog;pig;grunter;squealer;Sus scrofa ; swine}
(雌牛) [] {cow;moo-cow}
(羊) [] {sheep}
(やぎ) [] {goat;caprine animal}
(猿) [] {monkey ; ape}
(魚) [] {fish}
(アドオン) [] {addition;add-on;improver}
(飛行機) [] {airplane;aeroplane;plane}
(貸間) [] {apartment;flat}
(器具) [] {apparatus;setup ; instrument}
(服) [] {apparel;wearing apparel;dress;clothes}
(美術) [] {art;fine art}
(袋) [] {bag ; sack;poke;paper bag;carrier bag}
(ボール) [] {ball}
(主成分) [] {base;base of operations}
(かご) [] {basket;handbasket}
(ベッド) [] {bed}
(鐘) [] {bell}
(曲がり) [] {bend;curve ; fold;crease;plication;flexure;crimp;bend}
(自転車) [] {bicycle;bike;wheel;cycle}
(刃) [] {blade}
(盤) [] {board}
(ボート) [] {boat}
(書物) [] {book;volume}
(ブーツ) [] {boot}
(瓶) [びん] {bottle}
(箱) [] {box}
(ブレーキ) [] {brake}
(煉瓦) [れんが] {brick}
(橋) [] {bridge;span}
(ブラシ) [] {brush}
(バケツ) [] {bucket;pail}
(建物) [] {building;edifice}
(カメラ) [] {camera;photographic camera}
(缶) [] {can;tin;tin can}
(馬車) [] {carriage;equipage;rig}
(鎖) [] {chain}
(チョーク) [] {chalk}
(教会) [] {church;church building}
(時計) [] {clock ; watch;ticker}
(外套) [] {coat}
(襟) [えり] {collar;neckband}
(櫛) [くし] {comb}
(コネクタ) [] {connection;connexion;connector;connecter;connective}
(コピー) [] {copy}
(緒) [お] {cord}
(栓) [せん] {cork;bottle cork}
(カップ) [] {cup}
(優勝杯) [] {cup;loving cup}
(カーテン) [] {curtain;drape;drapery;mantle;pall}
(クッション) [] {cushion}
(装飾) [] {decoration;ornament;ornamentation}
(ドア) [] {door}
(排水路) [] {drain;drainpipe;waste pipe}
(引き出し) [] {drawer}
(エレベーター) [] {elevator;lift}
(エンジン) [] {engine}
(布) [] {fabric;cloth;material;textile}
(農場) [] {farm}
(旗) [] {flag}
(床) [] {floor;flooring}
(階) [] {floor;level;storey;story}
(フォーク) [] {fork}
(フレーム) [] {frame}
(庭) [] {garden}
(コップ) [] {glass;drinking glass}
(手袋) [] {glove}
(銃) [] {gun}
(槌) [つち] {hammer}
(荷馬車) [] {handcart;pushcart;cart;go-cart}
(取っ手) [] {handle;grip;handgrip;hold}
(帽子) [] {hat;chapeau;lid}
(フック) [] {hook;claw}
(病院) [] {hospital;infirmary}
(家) [] {house ; home;place}
(インターネット) [] {internet;net;cyberspace}
(逸品) [] {jewel;gem;precious stone}
(ティンパニ) [] {kettle;kettledrum;tympanum;tympani;timpani}
(キー) [] {key}
(ナイフ) [] {knife}
(結び目) [] {knot}
(図書館) [] {library}
(電球) [] {light bulb;lightbulb;bulb;incandescent lamp;electric light;electric-light bulb}
(錠) [] {lock}
(機械) [] {machine}
(地図) [] {map}
(マッチ) [] {match;lucifer;friction match}
(鉱山) [] {mine}
(釘) [] {nail}
(針) [] {needle}
(網) [] {net;network;mesh;meshing;meshwork}
(ナット) [] {nut}
(事務室) [] {office;business office}
(オーブン) [] {oven}
(塗料) [] {paint;pigment}
(ペン) [] {pen}
(鉛筆) [] {pencil}
(姿) [] {picture;image;icon;ikon}
(ピン) [] {pin}
(管) [] {pipe;pipage;piping ; tube;tubing}
(工場) [] {plant;works;industrial plant ; factory;mill;manufacturing plant;manufactory}
(皿) [] {plate ; dish}
(鋤) [すき] {plow;plough ; spade}
(鍋) [なべ] {pot}
(刑務所) [] {prison;prison house ; jail;jailhouse;gaol;clink;slammer;poky;pokey}
(ポンプ) [] {pump}
(ボタン) [] {push button;push;button}
(横棒) [] {railing;rail}
(指輪) [] {ring;band}
(道路) [] {road;route}
(棒) [] {rod}
(屋根) [] {roof}
(部屋) [] {room}
(金庫) [] {safe}
(帆) [] {sail;canvas;canvass;sheet}
(学校) [] {school;schoolhouse}
(はさみ) [] {scissors;pair of scissors}
(蓋) [ふた] {screen;cover;covert;concealment ; lid ; cap}
(棚) [] {shelf}
(船) [] {ship ; vessel;watercraft}
(シャツ) [] {shirt}
(靴) [] {shoe}
(店) [] {shop;store}
(絹) [] {silk}
(スカート) [] {skirt}
(石けん) [] {soap}
(靴下) [] {sock}
(スプーン) [] {spoon}
(ばね) [] {spring}
(ステージ) [] {stage}
(スタンプ) [] {stamp}
(駅) [えき] {station}
(ハンドル) [] {steering wheel;wheel}
(階段) [] {step;stair}
(杖) [] {stick}
(縫い方) [] {stitch}
(ストッキング) [] {stocking}
(通り) [] {street}
(建設) [] {structure;construction}
(テーブル) [] {table}
(テレビカメラ) [] {television camera;tv camera;camera}
(物) [] {thing ; object;physical object}
(糸) [] {thread;yarn}
(レール) [] {track;rail;rails;runway}
(列車) [] {train;railroad train}
(盆) [] {tray}
(傘) [かさ] {umbrella}
(容器) [] {vessel}
(塀) [] {wall ; fence;fencing}
(洗面器) [] {washbasin;basin;washbowl;washstand;lavatory}
(井戸) [] {well}
(車輪) [] {wheel}
(鞭) [むち] {whip}
(笛) [] {whistle}
(窓) [] {window}
(針金) [] {wire}
(作品) [] {work;piece of work}
(ユーモア) [] {humor;humour;sense of humor;sense of humour}
(一見) [] {expression;look;aspect;facial expression;face}
(魅惑) [みわく] {attraction;attractiveness}
(質) [] {quality}
(美点) [] {good;goodness}
(振舞い) [] {demeanor;demeanour;behavior;behaviour;conduct;deportment}
(特性) [] {property}
(構造) [] {structure}
(色合い) [] {shade;tint;tincture;tone}
(灰色) [] {gray;grayness;grey;greyness}
(におい) [] {olfactory property;smell;aroma;odor;odour;scent}
(音) [] {sound}
(平穏) [] {silence;quiet}
(寒さ) [] {coldness;cold;low temperature;frigidity;frigidness}
(熱) [] {hotness;heat;high temperature ; heat;warmth ; fever;febrility;febricity;pyrexia;feverishness}
(質量) [] {mass}
(重さ) [] {weight}
(力) [] {might;mightiness;power ; force;forcefulness;strength}
(傾斜度) [] {gradient;slope}
(湾曲) [] {curvature;curve}
(距離) [] {distance}
(水準) [] {degree;grade;level}
(大きさ) [] {size}
(大量) [] {bulk;mass;volume}
(高) [たか] {amount}
(増加) [] {increase;increment}
(限度) [] {limit;bound;boundary}
(範囲) [] {scope;range;reach;orbit;compass;ambit}
(価値) [] {value ; worth}
(目的) [] {function;purpose;role;use ; aim;object;objective;target}
(代価) [] {price;cost;toll}
(能力) [] {power;powerfulness}
(抑制) [] {control}
(権限) [] {authority;authorization;authorisation;potency;dominance;say-so}
(皮膚) [] {skin;tegument;cutis}
(毛) [] {hair;pilus}
(髪の毛) [] {hair}
(骨) [] {bone;os}
(歯) [] {tooth}
(筋肉) [] {muscle;musculus}
(舌) [] {tongue;lingua;glossa;clapper}
(口) [] {mouth;oral cavity;oral fissure;rima oris}
(唇) [] {lip}
(目) [] {eye;oculus;optic}
(耳) [] {ear}
(心臓) [] {heart;pump;ticker}
(胃) [] {stomach;tummy;tum;breadbasket}
(血) [] {blood}
(神経) [] {nerve;nervus ; nervous system;systema nervosum}
(脳) [] {brain;encephalon}
(頭部) [] {head;caput}
(首) [くび] {neck;cervix}
(喉元) [のどもと] {throat;pharynx}
(身体) [] {torso;trunk;body}
(胸部) [] {thorax;chest;pectus ; breast;chest}
(背中) [] {back;dorsum}
(脚) [] {leg}
(足) [] {foot;human foot;pes}
(腕) [] {arm}
(手) [] {hand;manus;mitt;paw}
(指) [] {finger}
(親指) [] {thumb;pollex}
(膝) [ひざ] {knee;knee joint;human knee;articulatio genus;genu}
(足の指) [] {toe}
(爪) [] {nail ; claw}
(鼻) [] {nose;olfactory organ}
(齶) [あご] {chin;mentum}
(顔) [] {face;human face}
(心) [] {mind;head;brain;psyche;nous}
(記憶力) [] {memory;retention;retentiveness;retentivity}
(意志) [] {volition;will}
(聴力) [] {hearing;audition;auditory sense;sense of hearing;auditory modality}
(味覚) [] {taste;gustation;sense of taste;gustatory modality}
(関心事) [] {interest;involvement}
(質問) [] {trouble;problem ; question;inquiry;enquiry;query;interrogation}
(疑い) [] {doubt;uncertainty;incertitude;dubiety;doubtfulness;dubiousness}
(注意) [] {attention;attending}
(騒音) [] {noise;dissonance;racket}
(体制) [] {arrangement;organization;organisation;system}
(成績) [] {mark;grade;score}
(学習) [] {learning;acquisition}
(経験) [] {experience}
(読書) [] {reading}
(事実) [] {fact}
(見本) [] {example;illustration;instance;representative ; sample}
(考え) [] {idea;thought}
(決定) [] {decision;determination;conclusion}
(種類) [] {kind;sort;form;variety}
(商標) [] {brand;make}
(規則) [] {rule;regulation}
(区画) [くかく] {part;section;division ; compartment ; block}
(コンプレックス) [] {complex;composite}
(本質) [] {kernel;substance;core;center;centre;essence;gist;heart;heart and soul;inwardness;marrow;meat;nub;pith;sum;nitty-gritty}
(思い出) [] {memory}
(意見) [] {opinion;sentiment;persuasion;view;thought}
(信仰) [] {religion;faith;religious belief}
(期待) [] {promise;hope}
(薫陶) [くんとう] {education}
(理論) [] {theory}
(訓練) [] {discipline;subject;subject area;subject field;field;field of study;study;bailiwick}
(科学) [] {science;scientific discipline}
(ページ) [] {page}
(新聞) [] {newspaper;paper}
(言語) [] {language;linguistic communication}
(語) [] {word}
(名) [] {name}
(書体) [] {writing}
(架空) [かくう] {fiction}
(散文) [] {prose}
(節) [] {verse;rhyme}
(抄本) [しょうほん] {excerpt;excerption;extract;selection}
(案内書) [] {guidebook;guide}
(用紙) [] {form}
(表) [] {list;listing ; table;tabular array}
(請求書) [] {bill;account;invoice}
(切符) [] {ticket}
(領収書) [] {receipt}
(法律) [] {law}
(遺言) [] {will;testament}
(意味) [] {sense;signified}
(手紙) [] {letter;missive}
(ニュース) [] {news;intelligence;tidings;word}
(論拠) [] {argument;statement}
(秘密) [] {secret}
(声明) [] {statement ; manifesto;pronunciamento}
(理由) [] {reason}
(答え) [] {answer;reply;response}
(注意書き) [] {note;annotation;notation}
(協定) [] {agreement;understanding ; treaty;pact;accord}
(郵便料金) [] {postage;postage stamp;stamp}
(線) [] {line}
(記号) [] {sign}
(文字) [] {letter;letter of the alphabet;alphabetic character}
(音階) [] {scale;musical scale}
(音符) [] {note;musical note;tone}
(微笑) [] {smile;smiling;grin;grinning}
(音楽) [] {music}
(歌) [] {song;vocal}
(リズム) [] {rhythm;beat;musical rhythm}
(声) [] {voice;vocalization;vocalisation;vocalism;phonation;vox}
(叫び) [] {cry;outcry;call;yell;shout;vociferation}
(議論) [] {discussion;give-and-take;word ; controversy;contention;contestation;disputation;disceptation;tilt;argument;arguing}
(提案) [] {suggestion;proposition;proffer}
(言い渡し) [いいわたし] {order}
(申し出) [] {offer;offering}
(要望) [] {request;asking}
(試験) [] {examination;exam;test}
(はい) [] {yes}
(いいえ) [] {no}
(抗議) [] {protest;protestation}
(広告) [] {ad;advertisement;advertizement;advertising;advertizing;advert}
(マーカー) [] {marker;marking;mark}
(体験) [] {experience}
(報酬) [] {wages;reward;payoff ; wage;pay;earnings;remuneration;salary}
(火) [] {fire ; fire;flame;flaming}
(誕生) [] {birth;nativity;nascency;nascence}
(原因) [] {cause}
(震動) [] {jolt;jar;jounce;shock}
(波) [] {wave;moving ridge}
(跳躍) [] {leap;jump;saltation}
(休止) [] {stop;halt ; pause;intermission;break;interruption;suspension}
(適応) [てきおう] {adjustment;accommodation;fitting}
(雷) [] {thunder}
(流れ) [] {current;stream ; stream;flow;current}
(接触) [] {touch;touching}
(損害) [] {damage;harm;impairment ; injury;hurt;harm;trauma}
(突発) [] {outburst;burst;flare-up}
(試合) [] {contest;competition ; match}
(欲望) [] {desire}
(楽しみ) [] {pleasure;pleasance}
(嫌悪) [けんお] {disgust ; antipathy;aversion;distaste}
(驚き) [] {surprise}
(驚愕) [きょうがく] {daze;shock;stupor}
(恐れ) [] {fear;fearfulness;fright}
(後悔) [] {sorrow;regret;rue;ruefulness}
(愛) [] {love}
(憎しみ) [] {hate;hatred}
(食事) [] {meal;repast}
(スープ) [] {soup}
(ケーキ) [] {cake}
(ゼリー) [] {gelatin;jelly}
(肉) [] {meat ; flesh}
(パン) [] {bread;breadstuff;staff of life}
(芋) [いも] {potato;white potato;Irish potato;murphy;spud;tater}
(林檎) [りんご] {apple}
(漿果) [しょうか] {berry}
(オレンジ) [] {orange ; orange;orangish}
(米穀) [べいこく] {rice}
(塩) [] {salt;table salt;common salt}
(乳汁) [にゅうじゅう] {milk}
(バター) [] {butter}
(チーズ) [] {cheese}
(飲み物) [] {beverage;drink;drinkable;potable}
(ワイン) [] {wine;vino}
(ミルクセーキ) [] {milkshake;milk shake;shake}
(社会) [] {society}
(一族) [] {family;family unit}
(性) [] {sex ; sex;gender;sexuality}
(小包み) [] {package;bundle;packet;parcel}
(組織) [] {organization;organisation ; system;scheme}
(政府) [] {government;authorities;regime}
(会社) [] {company}
(宗教) [] {religion;faith;organized religion}
(科) [] {family}
(聖職) [] {order;monastic order}
(国民) [] {nation;land;country}
(大衆) [] {populace;public;world}
(軍隊) [] {army;regular army;ground forces ; military;armed forces;armed services;military machine;war machine}
(楽団) [] {dance band;band;dance orchestra}
(委員会) [] {committee;commission}
(淵叢) [えんそう] {center;centre;middle;heart;eye}
(国) [] {country;state;land}
(端) [] {edge;border ; side ; peak;crown;crest;top;tip;summit}
(締切り) [しめきり] {end;terminal}
(畑) [] {field}
(前方) [] {front;front end;forepart}
(場所) [] {position;place ; seat;place ; topographic point;place;spot}
(港) [] {seaport;haven;harbor;harbour ; port}
(町) [] {town}
(傾向) [] {tendency;trend}
(小片) [] {bit;chip;flake;fleck;scrap}
(雲) [] {cloud}
(亀裂) [きれつ] {crack;cleft;crevice;fissure;scissure}
(輿地) [よち] {Earth;earth;world;globe}
(粒子) [りゅうし] {grain ; atom;molecule;particle;corpuscle;mote;speck}
(穴) [] {hole ; pit;cavity}
(島) [] {island}
(陸地) [] {land;dry land;earth;ground;solid ground;terra firma}
(月) [] {Moon;moon ; calendar month;month ; month}
(山) [] {mountain;mount}
(平原) [] {plain;field;champaign}
(川) [] {river}
(岩石) [] {rock;stone}
(鱗) [] {scale;scurf;exfoliation}
(海) [] {sea ; ocean}
(空) [] {sky}
(源泉) [] {spring;fountain;outflow;outpouring;natural spring}
(恒星) [] {star}
(広がり) [] {stretch}
(太陽) [] {sun;Sun}
(専門家) [] {expert}
(赤ん坊) [] {baby;babe;infant}
(兄弟) [] {brother;blood brother}
(料理人) [] {cook}
(娘) [] {daughter;girl}
(監督) [] {director;manager;managing director}
(ポーター) [] {doorkeeper;doorman;door guard;hall porter;porter;gatekeeper;ostiary}
(父親) [] {father;male parent;begetter}
(友人) [] {friend}
(将軍) [] {general;full general}
(少女) [] {girl;miss;missy;young lady;young woman;fille}
(首領) [しゅりょう] {head;chief;top dog}
(裁判官) [] {judge;justice;jurist}
(歩哨) [] {lookout;lookout man;sentinel;sentry;watch;spotter;scout;picket}
(少年) [] {male child;boy}
(男) [] {man;adult male}
(母) [] {mother;female parent}
(所有者) [] {owner;possessor}
(セールスマン) [] {representative}
(秘書) [] {secretary;secretarial assistant}
(召使) [] {servant;retainer}
(姉妹) [] {sister;sis}
(息子) [] {son;boy}
(案内係) [] {usher;guide}
(女) [] {woman;adult female}
(結果) [] {consequence;effect;outcome;result;event;issue;upshot}
(反応) [] {reaction ; chemical reaction;reaction}
(光線) [] {beam;beam of light;light beam;ray;ray of light;shaft;shaft of light;irradiation}
(電流) [] {current;electric current}
(死) [] {death}
(光) [] {light;visible light;visible radiation}
(霧) [きり] {mist ; fog;fogginess;murk;murkiness}
(雨) [] {rain;rainfall}
(煙) [] {smoke;fume ; smoke;smoking}
(雪) [] {snow;snowfall ; snow}
(天気) [] {weather;weather condition;conditions;atmospheric condition}
(風) [] {wind;air current;current of air}
(花) [] {flower ; flower;bloom;blossom}
(芝生) [] {grass}
(木) [] {tree}
(根) [] {root}
(茎) [] {stalk;stem}
(果実) [] {fruit}
(種) [] {seed ; species}
(木の実) [] {nut}
(葉) [] {leaf;leafage;foliage}
(枝) [] {branch}
(所有物) [] {property;belongings;holding}
(利益) [] {net income;net;net profit;lucre;profit;profits;earnings ; gain}
(贈り物) [] {present}
(お返し) [] {payment}
(税金) [] {tax;taxation;revenue enhancement}
(利息) [] {interest}
(相場) [] {rate;charge per unit}
(権利) [] {right}
(保険) [] {insurance}
(掛け) [] {credit}
(金銭) [] {money}
(小銭) [] {change}
(紙幣) [] {bill;note;government note;bank bill;banker's bill;bank note;banknote;Federal Reserve note;greenback}
(借金) [] {debt}
(沸騰) [ふっとう] {boiling}
(発展) [] {development;evolution}
(消化) [] {digestion}
(蕃殖) [はんしょく] {increase;increment;growth}
(実施) [] {operation;functioning;performance}
(数) [] {number}
(構成単位) [] {unit of measurement;unit}
(ビット) [] {bit}
(温度) [] {degree ; temperature}
(ルート) [] {root}
(歩み) [] {footstep;pace;step;stride}
(しずく) [] {drop;drib;driblet}
(部分) [] {part;portion;component part;component;constituent}
(残り) [] {remainder;balance;residual;residue;residuum;rest}
(縮尺) [] {scale}
(方向) [] {direction}
(北) [] {north;due north;northward;N}
(東) [] {east;due east;eastward;E}
(南) [] {south;due south;southward;S}
(西) [] {west;due west;westward;W}
(競争相手) [] {competition}
(逆) [] {reverse;contrary;opposite}
(曲線) [] {curve;curved shape}
(円) [] {circle}
(巻物) [] {coil;whorl;roll;curl;curlicue;ringlet;gyre;scroll}
(正方形) [] {square;foursquare}
(記念碑) [] {arch ; memorial;monument}
(角度) [かくど] {angle}
(点) [] {point;dot}
(状態) [] {condition;status}
(勘定書) [] {account;business relationship}
(絶頂) [] {acme;height;elevation;peak;pinnacle;summit;superlative;meridian;tiptop;top}
(存在) [] {being;beingness;existence}
(和声) [] {harmony;concord;concordance}
(平和) [] {peace}
(均衡) [] {balance}
(眠り) [] {sleep;slumber}
(発情) [はつじょう] {estrus;oestrus;heat;rut}
(病気) [] {disease ; illness;unwellness;malady;sickness}
(風邪) [] {cold;common cold}
(動物咬傷) [] {bite}
(傷) [] {wound;lesion}
(くしゃみ) [] {sneeze;sneezing;sternutation}
(痛み) [] {pain;hurting ; ache;aching}
(咳嗽) [] {cough;coughing}
(不人気) [] {shame;disgrace;ignominy}
(支配) [] {dominance;ascendance;ascendence;ascendancy;ascendency;control}
(安楽) [] {comfort;comfortableness}
(入り用) [いりよう] {need;demand}
(機会) [] {opportunity;chance}
(低気圧) [] {low;depression}
(湿気) [] {moisture;wet}
(危険) [] {danger ; hazard;jeopardy;peril;risk;endangerment}
(材料) [] {material;stuff}
(海綿動物) [] {sponge}
(酸) [] {acid}
(金属) [] {metallic element;metal}
(銅) [] {copper;Cu;atomic number 29}
(金) [] {gold;Au;atomic number 79}
(黒金) [くろがね] {iron;Fe;atomic number 26}
(鉛) [] {lead;Pb;atomic number 82}
(銀) [] {silver;Ag;atomic number 47}
(錫) [すず] {tin;Sn;atomic number 50}
(練り物) [] {paste}
(黄銅) [こうどう] {brass}
(革) [かわ] {leather}
(炭水化物) [] {carbohydrate;saccharide;sugar}
(鋼鉄) [こうてつ] {steel}
(化学薬品) [] {chemical;chemical substance}
(石炭) [] {coal}
(コルク) [] {cork}
(粉末) [] {dust}
(空気) [] {air}
(息) [] {breath}
(地上) [] {earth;ground}
(水) [] {water;H2O}
(廃棄物) [] {waste;waste material;waste matter;waste product}
(脂肪) [] {fat}
(綿) [] {cotton;cotton fiber;cotton wool}
(ガラス) [] {glass}
(氷) [] {ice;water ice ; ice}
(インク) [] {ink}
(液体) [] {liquid}
(油) [] {oil}
(紙) [] {paper}
(石油) [] {petroleum;crude oil;crude;rock oil;fossil oil;oil}
(絵の具) [] {coloring material;colouring material;color;colour}
(磨き) [みがき] {polish}
(粉) [] {powder;pulverization;pulverisation}
(砂) [] {sand}
(毒) [] {poison;toxicant;poisonous substance ; venom}
(蒸気) [] {steam}
(ワックス) [] {wax}
(木材) [] {wood}
(ウール) [] {wool}
(現在) [] {present;nowadays}
(前歴) [] {past;past times;yesteryear}
(来歴) [] {history}
(未来) [] {future;hereafter;futurity;time to come}
(時) [] {fourth dimension;time ; hour;hr;60 minutes}
(週) [] {week;calendar week ; week;hebdomad}
(日) [ひ] {day;twenty-four hours;twenty-four hour period;24-hour interval;solar day;mean solar day}
(明日) [] {tomorrow ; tomorrow}
(朝) [] {morning;morn;morning time;forenoon}
(夜) [] {night;nighttime;dark}
(年度) [] {year;twelvemonth;yr}
(分) [] {minute;min}
(秒) [] {second;sec;s}
(秋) [] {fall;autumn}
(春) [] {spring;springtime}
(夏) [] {summer;summertime}
(冬) [] {winter;wintertime}
(開始) [] {beginning;commencement;first;outset;get-go;start;kickoff;starting time;showtime;offset}
(局面) [] {phase;stage}
(笑う) [] {laugh;express joy;express mirth}
(泣く) [] {cry;weep}
(傷付ける) [きずつける] {injure;wound}
(変わる) [] {change;alter;modify}
(増える) [] {increase}
(濡らす) [] {wet}
(乾かす) [] {dry;dry out}
(限る) [] {restrict;restrain;trammel;limit;bound;confine;throttle}
(始める) [はじめる] {get down;begin;get;start out;start;set about;set out;commence}
(暖める) [] {warm}
(調える) [ととのえる] {fix;prepare;set up;ready;gear up;set}
(仕上げる) [しあげる] {complete;finish}
(扱う) [あつかう] {process;treat}
(仕込む) [しこむ] {train;develop;prepare;educate}
(考える) [] {reason ; think;believe;consider;conceive}
(測る) [] {measure;mensurate;measure out}
(並べ替え) [] {classify;class;sort;assort;sort out;separate}
(見積もる) [] {estimate;gauge;approximate;guess;judge}
(疑う) [] {doubt}
(言い渡す) [いいわたす] {order;tell;enjoin;say}
(頼む) [] {request;bespeak;call for;quest ; ask}
(来たす) [きたす] {induce;stimulate;cause;have;get;make}
(論じる) [ろんじる] {argue;reason}
(呼び出す) [] {call;telephone;call up;phone;ring}
(立ち向かう) [] {confront;face up;face}
(応じる) [] {answer;reply;respond}
(叫ぶ) [] {shout;shout out;cry;call;yell;scream;holler;hollo;squall}
(話す) [] {talk;speak;utter;mouth;verbalize;verbalise}
(書き記す) [かきしるす] {record;tape}
(言う) [] {state;say;tell}
(名づける) [] {name;call}
(送る) [] {mail;post;send}
(遊ぶ) [] {play}
(戦う) [] {contend;fight;struggle}
(倒す) [たおす] {beat;beat out;crush;shell;trounce;vanquish}
(攻める) [せめる] {assail;assault;set on;attack}
(撃つ) [] {open fire;fire}
(用いる) [] {use;utilize;utilise;apply;employ}
(飲む) [] {drink;imbibe}
(磨く) [] {polish;smooth;smoothen;shine}
(結ぶ) [] {join;bring together}
(縫う) [] {sew;run up;sew together;stitch}
(貼る) [はる] {glue;paste}
(閉める) [] {close;shut}
(開ける) [] {open;open up}
(蹴る) [ける] {kick}
(引く) [] {pull;draw;force}
(置く) [] {put;set;place;pose;position;lay}
(巻く) [まく] {wind;wrap;roll;twine}
(働く) [] {function;work;operate;go;run}
(洗う) [] {wash;launder}
(切る) [] {cut}
(和らげる) [] {cushion;buffer;soften}
(押しつぶす) [] {squash;crush;squelch;mash;squeeze}
(する) [] {make;create}
(造り出す) [つくりだす] {produce;make;create}
(仕組む) [しくむ] {design;plan}
(コピー;転送) [] {copy;re-create}
(写す) [] {imitate;copy;simulate}
(刷る) [する] {print;impress}
(感じる) [] {feel;experience}
(憎む) [] {hate;detest}
(愛する) [] {love}
(好きだ) [] {like}
(悔いる) [くいる] {repent;regret;rue}
(望む) [] {hope}
(慰める) [] {comfort;soothe;console;solace}
(欲する) [] {desire;want}
(行く) [] {travel;go;move;locomote}
(来る) [] {come;come up ; arrive;make it;get in;go far}
(動く) [] {move;displace}
(止める) [] {stop;halt}
(押す) [] {push;force}
(歩く) [] {walk}
(回す) [] {turn ; revolve;go around;rotate}
(走る) [] {run}
(飛ぶ) [] {fly;wing}
(運ぶ) [はこぶ] {transport;send;ship}
(跳び上がる) [] {jump;leap;bound;spring}
(落ちる) [] {fall}
(持ち上げる) [] {raise;lift;elevate;get up;bring up}
(導く) [] {lead;take;direct;conduct;guide}
(匂う) [におう] {smell}
(臭う) [におう] {smell}
(見る) [] {see ; look}
(見える) [みえる] {look;appear;seem}
(眺める) [] {watch;view;see;catch;take in}
(舐める) [なめる] {taste;savor;savour}
(与える) [] {give}
(生む) [] {have;have got;hold}
(擁する) [ようする] {own;have;possess}
(得る) [うる] {get;acquire ; acquire;win;gain}
(申し出る) [] {offer}
(放り出す) [ほうりだす] {displace;fire;give notice;can;dismiss;give the axe;send away;sack;force out;give the sack;terminate}
(許す) [ゆるす] {free;liberate;release;unloose;unloosen;loose}
(制する) [せいする] {control;command}
(敬う) [うやまう] {respect;honor;honour;abide by;observe}
(分ける) [] {divide;split;split up;separate;dissever;carve up}
(試みる) [] {try;seek;attempt;essay;assay ; test;prove;try;try out;examine;essay}
(汚す) [よごす] {dishonor;disgrace;dishonour;attaint;shame}
(手伝う) [] {help;assist;aid}
(従う) [] {heed;mind;listen ; follow}
(治める) [] {govern;rule}
(ある;いる) [] {be}
(終える) [] {end;stop;finish;terminate;cease}
(取る) [とる] {necessitate;ask;postulate;need;require;take;involve;call for;demand}
(含む) [ふくむ] {embrace;encompass;comprehend;cover ; incorporate;contain;comprise}
(合う) [] {match;fit;correspond;check;jibe;gibe;tally;agree}
(超える) [] {exceed;transcend;overstep;pass;go past;top}
(つかむ) [] {keep;maintain;hold}
(粘っこい) [ねばっこい] {gluey;glutinous;gummy;mucilaginous;pasty;sticky;viscid;viscous}
(亡い) [ない] {dead}
(自動的) [じどうてき] {automatic}
(美しい) [] {beautiful ; adorable;endearing;lovely}
(確か) [たしか] {certain;sure}
(青い) [] {blue;bluish;blueish}
(緑) [] {green;greenish;light-green;dark-green ; green;greenness;viridity}
(赤) [] {red;reddish;ruddy;blood-red;carmine;cerise;cherry;cherry-red;crimson;ruby;ruby-red;scarlet}
(黄色い) [きいろい] {yellow;yellowish;xanthous}
(黒い) [くろい] {black}
(白い) [] {white}
(明朗) [めいろう] {bright;brilliant;vivid}
(暗い) [] {dark}
(汚い) [きたない] {dirty;soiled;unclean}
(鋭い) [するどい] {astute;sharp;shrewd ; acuate;acute;sharp;needlelike}
(遠い) [] {far ; distant;remote}
(近い) [] {near;close;nigh}
(格別) [かくべつ] {especial;exceptional;particular;special}
(水っぽい) [] {sparse;thin}
(正しい) [] {correct;right}
(不可) [ふか] {incorrect;wrong}
(膠も無い) [にべもない] {brusque;brusk;curt;short}
(弱い) [よわい] {delicate;fragile;frail ; faint;feeble ; weak ; sensitive;sore;raw;tender}
(難しい) [] {difficult;hard}
(軽易) [けいい] {elementary;simple;uncomplicated;unproblematic}
(早い) [] {early}
(等しい) [] {equal}
(平たい) [ひらたい] {even;fifty-fifty ; flat;level;plane}
(高い) [] {costly;dear;high-priced;pricey;pricy ; expensive}
(安い) [] {cheap;inexpensive}
(遅い) [] {slow}
(太った) [] {fat ; corpulent;obese;weighty;rotund}
(脂っ濃い) [あぶらっこい] {fatty;fat ; greasy;oily;sebaceous;oleaginous}
(硬い) [] {rigid;stiff ; firm;solid}
(見知らぬ) [] {foreign;strange}
(弱々しい) [] {hapless;miserable;misfortunate;pathetic;piteous;pitiable;pitiful;poor;wretched}
(全般的) [ぜんぱんてき] {general}
(望ましい) [] {good}
(素敵) [すてき] {bang-up;bully;corking;cracking;dandy;great;groovy;keen;neat;nifty;not bad;peachy;slap-up;swell;smashing}
(悪い) [わるい] {bad}
(悲しい) [] {deplorable;distressing;lamentable;pitiful;sad;sorry}
(うれしい) [] {happy}
(柔らかい) [] {soft}
(健やか) [すこやか] {good;sound}
(軽い) [] {light}
(低い) [] {low}
(以下) [いか] {nether;under ; below;at a lower place;to a lower place;beneath}
(冷たい) [] {cold}
(一寸した) [ちょっとした] {fiddling;footling;lilliputian;little;niggling;piddling;piffling;petty;picayune;trivial}
(物悲しい) [ものがなしい] {sad}
(小さい) [] {small;little ; little}
(細かい) [こまかい] {infinitesimal;minute ; fine}
(細やか) [ささやか] {minor;modest;small;small-scale;pocket-size;pocket-sized}
(短い) [] {short}
(きつい) [] {tight}
(高らか) [たからか] {loud}
(愛しい) [いとしい] {beloved;darling;dear}
(オス) [] {male}
(激しい) [] {fierce;tearing;vehement;violent;trigger-happy}
(軍事) [] {military}
(必然的) [ひつぜんてき] {necessary}
(庶民的) [しょみんてき] {normal}
(古い) [] {old ; ancient}
(若い) [] {young;immature}
(クローズ) [] {shut;unopen;closed}
(窃か) [ひそか] {clandestine;cloak-and-dagger;hole-and-corner;hugger-mugger;hush-hush;secret;surreptitious;undercover;underground}
(プレゼント) [] {present}
(私設) [しせつ] {private}
(肉的) [にくてき] {physical}
(政治的) [せいじてき] {political}
(強い) [つよい] {potent;strong;stiff}
(静か) [しずか] {quiet}
(黙黙) [もくもく] {silent;soundless;still}
(規則正しい) [] {regular}
(順当) [じゅんとう] {right}
(左側) [ひだりがわ] {left}
(丸い) [] {round;circular}
(四角い) [しかくい] {square}
(恙無い) [つつがない] {safe}
(同じ) [] {same}
(新しい) [] {new}
(オープン) [] {open;opened}
(重重しい) [おもおもしい] {serious}
(熟練した) [じゅくれんした] {adept;expert;good;practiced;proficient;skillful;skilful}
(粗末) [そまつ] {crude;rough}
(荒っぽい) [] {rough;unsmooth}
(どれでも) [] {any;whatever;whatsoever}
(総て) [すべて] {all}
(各各) [おのおの] {every}
(甘い) [] {sweet}
(苦い) [] {bitter}
(厚い) [] {thick}
(薄い) [] {thin}
(濃い) [] {thick}
(疲れた) [] {tired}
(非道い) [ひどい] {violent}
(暖い) [] {warm}
(湿った) [しめった] {wet}
(索然) [さくぜん] {dry}
(広い) [] {wide;broad}
(狭い) [] {narrow}
(賢い) [] {wise}
(馬鹿げた) [ばかげた] {foolish}
(化学的) [かがくてき] {chemical;chemic}
(物理的) [ぶつりてき] {physical}
(単に) [] {merely;simply;just;only;but}
(内外) [ないがい] {approximately;about;close to;just about;some;roughly;more or less;around;or so}
(当然) [] {well;good}
(然し乍ら) [しかしながら] {however;nevertheless;withal;still;yet;all the same;even so;nonetheless;notwithstanding}
(もっと) [] {still}
(非常に) [] {very;really;real;rattling}
(再び) [] {again;once again;once more;over again}
(ただちに) [] {immediately;instantly;straightaway;straight off;directly;now;right away;at once;forthwith;like a shot}
(直に) [じきに] {directly;straight;direct}
(前) [まえ] {earlier;before}
(危うく) [あやうく] {about;almost;most;nearly;near;nigh;virtually;well-nigh}
(最前) [さいぜん] {first;firstly;foremost;first of all;first off}
(同然) [どうぜん] {right}
(そら) [] {there;at that place;in that location}
(一緒に) [] {together}
(然らば) [しからば] {then;so;and so;and then}
(十分) [] {enough;plenty}
(斯うした) [こうした] {such}
(ゆっくり) [] {slowly;slow;easy;tardily}
(恰度) [ちょうど] {right ; precisely;exactly;just}
(昨日) [さくじつ] {yesterday}
(化学) [] {chemistry;chemical science}
(ドイツ連邦共和国) [] {Germany;Federal Republic of Germany;Deutschland;FRG}
(フランス共和国) [] {France;French Republic}
(インド) [] {India;Republic of India;Bharat}
(天文学) [] {astronomy;uranology}
(十二月) [じゅうにがつ] {December;Dec}
(十月) [じゅうがつ] {October;Oct}
(十一月) [じゅういちがつ] {November;Nov}
(政治学) [] {politics ; politics;political science;government}
(九月) [くがつ] {September;Sep;Sept}
(阿弗利加) [あふりか] {Africa}
(四月) [しがつ] {April;Apr}
(数学) [] {mathematics;math;maths}
(物理学) [ぶつりがく] {physics;natural philosophy}
(六月) [ろくがつ] {June}
(七月) [しちがつ] {July}
(アルゼンチン共和国) [] {Argentina;Argentine Republic}
(チェス) [] {chess;chess game}
(正月) [しょうがつ] {January;Jan}
(地理) [] {geography;geographics}
(水素) [] {hydrogen;H;atomic number 1}
(五月) [ごがつ] {May}
(魯国) [ろこく] {Soviet Union;Russia;Union of Soviet Socialist Republics;USSR}
(カナダ) [] {Canada}
(イタリア) [] {Italy;Italian Republic;Italia}
(ギリシャ共和国) [] {Greece;Hellenic Republic;Ellas}
(二月) [にがつ] {February;Feb}
(瑞西) [すいす] {Switzerland;Swiss Confederation;Suisse;Schweiz;Svizzera}
(スペイン) [] {Spain;Kingdom of Spain;Espana}
(聖書) [] {Bible;Christian Bible;Book;Good Book;Holy Scripture;Holy Writ;Scripture;Word of God;Word}
(原子) [] {atom}
(スウェーデン) [] {Sweden;Kingdom of Sweden;Sverige}
(ライオン) [] {lion;king of beasts;Panthera leo}
(ビール) [] {beer}
(日本;日本国) [] {Japan;Nippon;Nihon}
(文学) [] {literature ; literature;lit}
(葡萄牙) [ぽるとがる] {Portugal;Portuguese Republic}
(ポーランド共和国) [] {Poland;Republic of Poland;Polska}
(チリ共和国) [] {Chile;Republic of Chile}
(欧州) [おうしゅう] {Europe}
(亜細亜) [あじあ] {Asia}
(基督教) [きりすときょう] {Christianity;Christian religion}
(砂糖) [] {sugar;refined sugar}
(メキシコ) [] {Mexico;United Mexican States}
(アフガニスタン) [] {Afghanistan;Islamic State of Afghanistan}
(教皇) [] {pope;Catholic Pope;Roman Catholic Pope;pontiff;Holy Father;Vicar of Christ;Bishop of Rome}
(大陸) [] {continent}
(リトアニア) [] {Lithuania;Republic of Lithuania;Lietuva}
(アメリカ合衆国) [] {United States;United States of America;America;the States;US;U.S.;USA;U.S.A.}
(英国) [えいこく] {England}
(イラン・イスラム共和国) [] {Iran;Islamic Republic of Iran;Persia}
(ブラジル) [] {Brazil;Federative Republic of Brazil;Brasil}
(パキスタン) [] {Pakistan;Islamic Republic of Pakistan;West Pakistan}
(スポーツ) [] {sport;athletics}
(アルバニア) [] {Albania;Republic of Albania}
(イラク) [] {Iraq;Republic of Iraq;Al-Iraq;Irak}
(仏教) [] {Buddhism}
(拉丁) [らてん] {Latin}
(農業) [] {farming;agriculture;husbandry}
(オーストリア共和国) [] {Austria;Republic of Austria;Oesterreich}
(ケニア共和国) [] {Kenya;Republic of Kenya}
(月曜日) [げつようび] {Monday;Mon}
(生物学) [] {biology;biological science}
(酸素) [] {oxygen;O;atomic number 8}
(ノルウェー) [] {Norway;Kingdom of Norway;Norge;Noreg}
(アテネ) [] {Athens;Athinai;capital of Greece;Greek capital}
(心理学) [] {psychology;psychological science}
(地質学) [] {geology}
(バングラデシュ人民共和国) [] {Bangladesh;People's Republic of Bangladesh;Bangla Desh;East Pakistan}
(考古学) [] {archeology;archaeology}
(ルーマニア) [] {Romania;Roumania;Rumania}
(虎) [] {tiger;Panthera tigris}
(百科事典) [] {encyclopedia;cyclopedia;encyclopaedia;cyclopaedia}
(歴史) [れきし] {history}
(ブルガリア) [] {Bulgaria;Republic of Bulgaria}
(アイスランド共和国) [] {Iceland;Republic of Iceland}
(アルジェリア) [] {Algeria;Algerie;Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria}
(辞書) [] {dictionary;lexicon}
(金曜日) [きんようび] {Friday;Fri}
(砂漠) [] {desert}
(アルメニア共和国) [] {Armenia;Republic of Armenia;Hayastan}
(蜜) [みつ] {honey}
(タイ) [] {Thailand;Kingdom of Thailand;Siam}
(フィンランド共和国) [] {Finland;Republic of Finland;Suomi}
(木曜日) [もくようび] {Thursday;Th}
(アゼルバイジャン) [] {Azerbaijan;Azerbaijani Republic;Azerbajdzhan;Azerbajdzhan Republic}
(ブルンジ共和国) [] {Burundi;Republic of Burundi}
(踊り) [] {dance}
(コーヒー) [] {coffee;java}
(火曜日) [かようび] {Tuesday;Tues}
(惑星) [] {planet}
(肝臓) [] {liver}
(ペルー共和国) [] {Peru;Republic of Peru}
(アルファベット) [] {alphabet}
(水曜日) [すいようび] {Wednesday;Midweek;Wed}
(ハンガリー) [] {Hungary;Republic of Hungary;Magyarorszag}
(カーボン) [] {carbon;C;atomic number 6}
(イスラム教) [] {Islam;Islamism;Mohammedanism;Muhammadanism;Muslimism}
(イギリス) [] {United Kingdom;UK;U.K.;Britain;United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;Great Britain}
(オランダ) [] {Netherlands;The Netherlands;Kingdom of The Netherlands;Nederland;Holland}
(人類学) [] {anthropology}
(スロベニア) [] {Slovenia;Republic of Slovenia;Slovenija}
(ボリビア共和国) [] {Bolivia;Republic of Bolivia}
(アンゴラ) [] {Angola;Republic of Angola}
(ベルギー王国) [] {Belgium;Kingdom of Belgium;Belgique}
(バーレーン) [] {Bahrain;State of Bahrain;Bahrein}
(コロンビア共和国) [] {Colombia;Republic of Colombia}
(ニジェール) [] {Niger;Republic of Niger}
(ベラルーシ) [] {Belarus;Republic of Belarus;Byelarus;Byelorussia;Belorussia;White Russia}
(彗星) [] {comet}
(デンマーク) [] {Denmark;Kingdom of Denmark;Danmark}
(窒素) [] {nitrogen;N;atomic number 7}
(キューバ共和国) [] {Cuba;Republic of Cuba}
(ナイジェリア) [] {Nigeria;Federal Republic of Nigeria}
(哲学) [] {philosophy}
(国際連合) [] {United Nations;UN}
(セネガル) [] {Senegal;Republic of Senegal}
(エストニア) [] {Estonia;Esthonia;Republic of Estonia}
(アルミニウム) [] {aluminum;aluminium;Al;atomic number 13}
(戦争) [] {war;warfare}
(ラトビア共和国) [] {Latvia;Republic of Latvia}
(フィリピン) [] {Philippines;Republic of the Philippines}
(カンボジア王国) [] {Cambodia;Kingdom of Cambodia;Kampuchea}
(駱駝) [らくだ] {camel}
(スーダン) [] {Sudan;Republic of the Sudan;Soudan}
(バイオリン) [] {violin;fiddle}
(地震) [] {earthquake;quake;temblor;seism}
(ユーロ) [] {euro}
(エチオピア) [] {Ethiopia;Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia;Yaltopya;Abyssinia}
(欧州連合) [] {European Union;EU;European Community;EC;European Economic Community;EEC;Common Market;Europe}
(3月) [] {March;Mar}
(火星) [] {Mars;Red Planet}
(木星) [] {Jupiter}
(イエス・キリスト) [] {Jesus;Jesus of Nazareth;the Nazarene;Jesus Christ;Christ;Savior;Saviour;Good Shepherd;Redeemer;Deliverer}
(ウクライナ) [] {Ukraine;Ukrayina}
(レバノン) [] {Lebanon;Lebanese Republic}
(南極) [] {Antarctica;Antarctic continent}
(日曜日) [にちようび] {Sunday;Lord's Day;Dominicus;Sun}
(8月) [] {August;Aug}
(火山) [] {vent;volcano}
(ベネズエラ) [] {Venezuela;Republic of Venezuela}
(インドネシア共和国) [] {Indonesia;Republic of Indonesia;Dutch East Indies}
(大西洋) [] {Atlantic;Atlantic Ocean}
(第二次世界大戦) [] {World War II;World War 2;Second World War}
(茶) [] {tea}
(ガーナ共和国) [] {Ghana;Republic of Ghana;Gold Coast}
(精力) [] {energy;free energy}
(クロアチア) [] {Croatia;Republic of Croatia;Hrvatska}
(モナコ) [] {Monaco;Principality of Monaco}
(共和制) [] {democracy;republic;commonwealth}
(イエメン) [] {Yemen;Republic of Yemen}
(ベトナム) [] {Vietnam;Socialist Republic of Vietnam;Viet Nam;Annam}
(カザフスタン共和国) [] {Kazakhstan;Republic of Kazakhstan;Kazakstan;Kazakh;Kazak}
(エクアドル共和国) [] {Ecuador;Republic of Ecuador}
(オーストラリア) [] {Australia ; Australia;Commonwealth of Australia}
(ジンバブエ) [] {Zimbabwe;Republic of Zimbabwe;Rhodesia;Southern Rhodesia}
(チュニジア) [] {Tunisia;Republic of Tunisia}
(蝶) [] {butterfly}
(チェコ共和国;チェコ) [] {Czech Republic}
(タンザニア) [] {Tanzania;United Republic of Tanzania}
(湖) [] {lake}
(経済学) [けいざいがく] {economics;economic science;political economy}
(チョコレート) [] {chocolate}
(ソマリア) [] {Somalia}
(大韓民国) [] {South Korea;Republic of Korea}
(鷲) [わし] {eagle;bird of Jove}
(幾何学) [きかがく] {geometry}
(ミャンマー) [] {Myanmar;Union of Burma;Burma}
(9月11日) [] {9/11;9-11;September 11;Sept. 11;Sep 11}
(パラグアイ) [] {Paraguay;Republic of Paraguay}
(マルタ共和国) [] {Malta;Republic of Malta}
(ダイヤモンド) [] {diamond}
(ウルグアイ) [] {Uruguay}
(言語学) [げんごがく] {linguistics}
(ガンビア共和国) [] {Gambia;The Gambia;Republic of The Gambia}
(アンドラ公国) [] {Andorra;Principality of Andorra}
(北アメリカ) [] {North America}
(ヨルダン・ハシミテ王国) [] {Jordan;Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan}
(南アメリカ) [] {South America}
(ドイツ語) [] {German;High German;German language}
(サウジアラビア) [] {Saudi Arabia;Kingdom of Saudi Arabia}
(ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ) [] {Bosnia and Herzegovina;Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina;Bosna i Hercegovina;Bosnia-Herzegovina;Bosnia}
(スロバキア) [] {Slovakia;Slovak Republic}
(解剖学) [] {anatomy;general anatomy}
(象) [] {elephant}
(マウス) [] {mouse}
(アラスカ州) [] {Alaska;Last Frontier;AK}
(カメルーン) [] {Cameroon;Republic of Cameroon;Cameroun}
(リベリア) [] {Liberia;Republic of Liberia}
(自動車) [] {car;auto;automobile;machine;motorcar}
(ネパール) [] {Nepal;Kingdom of Nepal}
(ベナン) [] {Benin;Republic of Benin;Dahomey}
(社会学) [しゃかいがく] {sociology}
(ザンビア) [] {Zambia;Republic of Zambia;Northern Rhodesia}
(パリ) [] {Paris;City of Light;French capital;capital of France}
(フィジー) [] {Fiji;Republic of Fiji}
(動物学) [] {zoology;zoological science}
(パナマ共和国) [] {Panama;Republic of Panama}
(モンゴル国) [] {Mongolia;Mongolian People's Republic;Outer Mongolia}
(ボツワナ) [] {Botswana;Republic of Botswana}
(民主主義) [] {democracy}
(ブルキナファソ) [] {Burkina Faso;Upper Volta}
(代数) [] {algebra}
(バチカン) [] {Vatican City;Citta del Vaticano}
(エリトリア国) [] {Eritrea;State of Eritrea}
(統計) [とうけい] {statistics}
(土星) [] {Saturn}
(南アフリカ共和国) [] {South Africa;Republic of South Africa}
(マラウイ) [] {Malawi;Republic of Malawi;Nyasaland}
(マリ) [] {Mali;Republic of Mali;French Sudan}
(レモン) [] {lemon}
(モーリシャス共和国) [] {Mauritius;Republic of Mauritius}
(チャド共和国) [] {Chad;Republic of Chad;Tchad}
(メートル) [] {meter;metre;m}
(シリア) [] {Syria;Syrian Arab Republic}
(マレーシア) [] {Malaysia;Malaya}
(劇場) [] {theater;theatre;house}
(モルディブ) [] {Maldives;Republic of Maldives}
(ハイチ) [] {Haiti;Republic of Haiti}
(医師) [] {doctor;doc;physician;MD;Dr.;medico}
(ウガンダ) [] {Uganda;Republic of Uganda}
(ナミビア) [] {Namibia;Republic of Namibia;South West Africa}
(ウズベキスタン) [] {Uzbekistan;Republic of Uzbekistan;Uzbek}
(レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ) [] {Leonardo;Leonardo da Vinci;da Vinci}
(朝鮮民主主義人民共和国) [] {North Korea;Democratic People's Republic of Korea;D.P.R.K.;DPRK}
(アドルフ・ヒトラー) [] {Hitler;Adolf Hitler;Der Fuhrer}
(リビア) [] {Libya;Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya}
(アイザック・ニュートン) [] {Newton;Isaac Newton;Sir Isaac Newton}
(建築学) [] {architecture}
(ホンジュラス共和国) [] {Honduras;Republic of Honduras}
(硫黄) [いおう] {sulfur;S;sulphur;atomic number 16}
(トルコ) [] {Turkey;Republic of Turkey}
(ルクセンブルク大公国) [] {Luxembourg;Grand Duchy of Luxembourg;Luxemburg}
(大洋州) [たいようしゅう] {Oceania;Oceanica}
(兎) [うさぎ] {rabbit;coney;cony ; hare}
(地中海) [] {Mediterranean;Mediterranean Sea}
(青色) [] {blue;blueness}
(ワルシャワ) [] {Warszawa;Warsaw;capital of Poland}
(インド洋) [] {Indian Ocean}
(キプロス) [] {Cyprus;Republic of Cyprus}
(ヴォルフガング・アマデウス・モーツァルト) [] {Mozart;Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart}
(ジブチ) [] {Djibouti;Republic of Djibouti;Afars and Issas}
(カリフォルニア州) [] {California;Golden State;CA;Calif.}
(エジプト・アラブ共和国) [] {Egypt;Arab Republic of Egypt;United Arab Republic}
(モザンビーク共和国) [] {Mozambique;Republic of Mozambique;Mocambique}
(スコットランド) [] {Scotland}
(太平洋) [] {Pacific;Pacific Ocean}
(文化) [] {culture;civilization;civilisation}
(テニス) [] {tennis;lawn tennis}
(モロッコ王国) [] {Morocco;Kingdom of Morocco;Maroc;Marruecos;Al-Magrib}
(カール・マルクス) [] {Marx;Karl Marx}
(名詞) [] {noun}
(アラブ首長国連邦) [] {United Arab Emirates}
(Linux) [] {Linux}
(ニュージーランド) [] {New Zealand}
(モンテネグロ) [] {Montenegro;Crna Gora}
(ニカラグア) [] {Nicaragua;Republic of Nicaragua}
(ロンドン) [] {London;Greater London;British capital;capital of the United Kingdom}
(セーシェル) [] {Seychelles;Republic of Seychelles}
(電話) [] {telephone;phone;telephone set}
(クウェート) [] {Kuwait;State of Kuwait;Koweit}
(ベルリン) [] {Berlin;German capital}
(コスタリカ共和国) [] {Costa Rica;Republic of Costa Rica}
(スワジランド王国) [] {Swaziland;Kingdom of Swaziland}
(燐) [りん] {phosphorus;P;atomic number 15}
(ルワンダ) [] {Rwanda;Rwandese Republic;Ruanda}
(都市) [] {city;metropolis;urban center}
(ドミニカ共和国) [] {Dominican Republic}
(赤色) [せきしょく] {red;redness}
(気体) [] {gas;gaseous state}
(アラビア語) [] {Arabic;Arabic language}
(ブータン) [] {Bhutan;Kingdom of Bhutan}
(アルベルト・アインシュタイン) [] {Einstein;Albert Einstein}
(肺) [] {lung}
(狼) [おおかみ] {wolf}
(縞馬) [しまうま] {zebra}
(三つ) [みっつ] {three;3;iii}
(生化学) [] {biochemistry}
(エルサルバドル) [] {El Salvador;Republic of El Salvador;Salvador}
(太陽系) [] {solar system}
(NATO) [] {North Atlantic Treaty Organization;NATO}
(革命) [] {revolution}
(モルドバ共和国) [] {Moldova;Republic of Moldova;Moldavia}
(テレビ) [] {television;telecasting;TV;video}
(夢) [] {dream;dreaming}
(バハマ) [] {Bahamas;Commonwealth of the Bahamas;Bahama Islands}
(サンスクリット語) [] {Sanskrit;Sanskritic language}
(麒麟) [きりん] {giraffe;camelopard;Giraffa camelopardalis}
(海王星) [] {Neptune}
(塩素) [] {chlorine;Cl;atomic number 17}
(生態学) [] {ecology;bionomics;environmental science}
(銀行) [] {depository financial institution;bank;banking concern;banking company}
(冥王星) [] {Pluto}
(カルシウム) [] {calcium;Ca;atomic number 20}
(ハワイ州) [] {Hawaii;Hawai'i;Aloha State;HI}
(フロリダ州) [] {Florida;Sunshine State;Everglade State;FL}
(エルサレム) [] {Jerusalem;capital of Israel}
(蛙) [かわず] {frog;toad;toad frog;anuran;batrachian;salientian}
(モスクワ) [] {Moscow;capital of the Russian Federation;Russian capital}
(ニューヨーク市) [] {New York;New York City;Greater New York}
(ローマ) [] {Rome;Roma;Eternal City;Italian capital;capital of Italy}
(北極海) [] {Arctic Ocean}
(文法) [] {grammar}
(周期表) [] {periodic table}
(鰐) [わに] {crocodile ; alligator;gator}
(モーリタニア・イスラム共和国) [] {Mauritania;Islamic Republic of Mauritania;Mauritanie;Muritaniya}
(マドリード) [] {Madrid;capital of Spain;Spanish capital}
(アムステルダム) [] {Amsterdam;Dutch capital;capital of The Netherlands}
(スリナム) [] {Suriname;Republic of Suriname;Surinam;Dutch Guiana;Netherlands Guiana}
(詩) [] {poetry;poesy;verse ; poem;verse form}
(鹿) [] {deer;cervid}
(タジキスタン) [] {Tajikistan;Republic of Tajikistan;Tadzhikistan;Tadzhik;Tadjik;Tajik}
(ピアノ) [] {piano;pianoforte;forte-piano}
(三角形) [] {triangle;trigon;trilateral}
(遺伝学) [いでんがく] {genetics;genetic science}
(トルクメニスタン) [] {Turkmenistan;Turkomen;Turkmen;Turkmenia}
(電子) [] {electron;negatron}
(植物学) [] {botany;phytology}
(自然界) [] {nature}
(フランクフルト・アム・マイン) [] {Frankfurt on the Main;Frankfurt;Frankfort}
(グアテマラ) [] {Guatemala;Republic of Guatemala}
(ラオス) [] {Laos;Lao People's Democratic Republic}
(電子工学) [でんしこうがく] {electronics}
(八つ) [やつ] {eight;8;viii}
(マダガスカル) [] {Madagascar}
(論理) [] {logic}
(クリストファー・コロンブス) [] {Columbus;Christopher Columbus;Cristoforo Colombo;Cristobal Colon}
(第一次世界大戦) [] {World War I;World War 1;Great War;First World War;War to End War}
(ナイル川) [] {Nile;Nile River}
(倫理学) [りんりがく] {ethics;moral philosophy}
(リヒテンシュタイン) [] {Liechtenstein;Principality of Liechtenstein}
(北京) [] {Beijing;Peking;Peiping;capital of Red China}
(フィデル・カストロ) [] {Castro;Fidel Castro;Fidel Castro Ruz}
(十) [とお] {ten;10;x}
(俳優) [] {actor;histrion;player;thespian;role player}
(トーゴ) [] {Togo;Togolese Republic}
(ギニア) [] {Guinea;Republic of Guinea;French Guinea}
(1000) [] {thousand;one thousand;1000;M;K;chiliad;G;grand;thou;yard}
(バスケットボール) [] {basketball;basketball game;hoops}
(ヘリウム) [] {helium;He;atomic number 2}
(国家主義) [] {patriotism;nationalism}
(シェイクスピア) [] {Shakespeare;William Shakespeare;Shakspere;William Shakspere;Bard of Avon}
(コンゴ民主共和国) [] {Congo;Democratic Republic of the Congo;Zaire;Belgian Congo}
(速度) [] {speed;velocity}
(ギニアビサウ共和国) [] {Guinea-Bissau;Republic of Guinea-Bissau;Guine-Bissau;Portuguese Guinea}
(キルギス) [] {Kyrgyzstan;Kyrgyz Republic;Kirghizia;Kirgizia;Kirghiz;Kirgiz;Kirghizstan;Kirgizstan}
(カーボベルデ共和国) [] {Cape Verde;Republic of Cape Verde}
(シカゴ) [] {Chicago;Windy City}
(ノーベル賞) [] {Nobel prize}
(神話) [] {mythology ; myth}
(香港) [] {Hong Kong}
(共同墓地) [] {cemetery;graveyard;burial site;burial ground;burying ground;memorial park;necropolis}
(テキサス州) [] {Texas;Lone-Star State;TX}
(グリーンランド) [] {Greenland;Gronland;Kalaallit Nunaat}
(エスペラント) [] {Esperanto}
(遊戯) [] {game ; gambling;gaming;play}
(ブルネイ) [] {Brunei;Negara Brunei Darussalam}
(アラバマ州) [] {Alabama;Heart of Dixie;Camellia State;AL}
(ユダヤ教) [] {Judaism}
(カイロ) [] {Cairo;Al Qahira;El Qahira;Egyptian capital;capital of Egypt}
(嵐) [] {storm;violent storm}
(狐) [きつね] {fox}
(クリスマス) [] {Christmas;Christmas Day;Xmas;Dec 25}
(シエラレオネ) [] {Sierra Leone;Republic of Sierra Leone}
(バンコク) [] {Bangkok;capital of Thailand;Krung Thep}
(マハトマ・ガンディー) [] {Gandhi;Mahatma Gandhi;Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi}
(大使館) [] {embassy}
(工学) [] {engineering;engineering science;applied science;technology}
(ガイウス・ユリウス・カエサル) [] {Caesar;Julius Caesar;Gaius Julius Caesar}
(天王星) [] {Uranus}
(スカンディナヴィア) [] {Scandinavia}
(グレゴリオ暦) [] {Gregorian calendar;New Style calendar}
(後天性免疫不全症候群) [] {AIDS;acquired immune deficiency syndrome}
(腎臓) [] {kidney}
(ジャマイカ) [] {Jamaica}
(イスラエル国) [] {Israel;State of Israel;Yisrael;Zion;Sion}
(レソト王国) [] {Lesotho;Kingdom of Lesotho;Basutoland}
(陽子) [] {proton}
(デオキシリボ核酸) [] {deoxyribonucleic acid;desoxyribonucleic acid;DNA}
(天使) [] {angel}
(ウラジーミル・レーニン) [] {Lenin;Vladimir Lenin;Nikolai Lenin;Vladimir Ilyich Lenin;Vladimir Ilich Lenin;Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov;Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov}
(大きい) [] {large;big}
(ベリーズ) [] {Belize;British Honduras}
(リスボン) [] {Lisbon;Lisboa;capital of Portugal}
(ロサンゼルス) [] {Los Angeles;City of the Angels}
(気象学) [] {meteorology}
(プラトン) [] {Plato}
(フランス革命) [] {French Revolution}
(亜鉛) [] {zinc;Zn;atomic number 30}
(ガイアナ) [] {Guyana;Co-operative Republic of Guyana;British Guiana}
(人参) [] {carrot;cultivated carrot;Daucus carota sativa}
(ストックホルム) [] {Stockholm;capital of Sweden}
(鉱物) [] {mineral}
(ヒンドゥー教) [] {Hinduism;Hindooism}
(ルイジアナ州) [] {Louisiana;Pelican State;LA}
(ウィーン) [] {Vienna;Austrian capital;capital of Austria}
(ベニート・ムッソリーニ) [] {Mussolini;Benito Mussolini;Il Duce}
(ブエノスアイレス) [] {Buenos Aires;capital of Argentina}
(オスロ) [] {Oslo;Christiania;capital of Norway}
(バグダード) [] {Baghdad;Bagdad;capital of Iraq}
(ダース) [] {twelve;12;xii;dozen}
(水銀) [] {mercury;quicksilver;hydrargyrum;Hg;atomic number 80}
(コバルト) [] {cobalt;Co;atomic number 27}
(ペンシルバニア州) [] {Pennsylvania;Keystone State;PA}
(医学) [] {medicine;medical specialty}
(中央アフリカ;中央アフリカ共和国) [] {Central African Republic;Central Africa}
(オマーン) [] {Oman;Sultanate of Oman;Muscat and Oman}
(キログラム) [] {kilogram;kg;kilo}
(算数) [] {arithmetic}
(ホメーロス) [] {Homer}
(蜘蛛) [くも] {spider}
(ルートヴィヒ・ヴァン・ベートーヴェン) [] {Beethoven;van Beethoven;Ludwig van Beethoven}
(コロラド州) [] {Colorado;Centennial State;CO}
(台湾) [たいわん] {Taiwan;China;Nationalist China;Republic of China}
(バス) [] {bus;autobus;coach;charabanc;double-decker;jitney;motorbus;motorcoach;omnibus;passenger vehicle}
(スリランカ民主社会主義共和国) [] {Sri Lanka;Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka;Ceylon}
(アレクサンドロス3世) [] {Alexander;Alexander the Great}
(トニー・ブレア) [] {Blair;Tony Blair;Anthony Charles Lynton Blair}
(のみ) [] {flea ; chisel}
(悪魔) [] {devil;fiend;demon;daemon;daimon}
(ギター) [] {guitar}
(空港) [] {airport;airdrome;aerodrome;drome}
(ガリレオ・ガリレイ) [] {Galileo;Galileo Galilei}
(ヴェネツィア) [] {Venice;Venezia}
(プラハ) [] {Prague;Praha;Prag;Czech capital}
(チェ・ゲバラ) [] {Guevara;Ernesto Guevara;Che Guevara}
(電気) [] {electricity;electrical energy}
(イスタンブル) [] {Istanbul;Stambul;Stamboul;Constantinople}
(鴨) [] {duck}
(カリウム) [] {potassium;K;atomic number 19}
(ジョージ・W・ブッシュ) [] {Bush;George Bush;George W. Bush;George Walker Bush;President Bush;President George W. Bush;Dubyuh;Dubya}
(浜) [] {beach}
(コンゴ共和国) [] {Congo;Republic of the Congo;French Congo}
(気候) [] {climate;clime}
(ミュンヘン) [] {Munich;Muenchen}
(ヨウ素) [] {iodine;iodin;I;atomic number 53}
(バルセロナ) [] {Barcelona}
(無神論) [] {atheism;godlessness}
(リチウム) [] {lithium;Li;atomic number 3}
(カトヴィツェ) [] {Katowice}
(ジョージ・ワシントン) [] {Washington;George Washington;President Washington}
(城) [] {castle}
(キリバス共和国) [] {Kiribati;Republic of Kiribati}
(色) [] {color;colour;coloring;colouring}
(神学) [] {theology;divinity}
(ナウル共和国) [] {Nauru;Republic of Nauru}
(パプアニューギニア) [] {Papua New Guinea;Independent State of Papua New Guinea}
(小説) [] {novel}
(ピュタゴラス) [] {Pythagoras}
(ホウ素) [] {boron;B;atomic number 5}
(クロム) [] {chromium;Cr;atomic number 24}
(アイルランド) [] {Ireland;Republic of Ireland;Irish Republic;Eire}
(セルビア) [] {Serbia and Montenegro;Union of Serbia and Montenegro;Yugoslavia;Federal Republic of Yugoslavia;Jugoslavija ; Serbia;Srbija}
(パブロ・ピカソ) [] {Picasso;Pablo Picasso}
(ウィスコンシン州) [] {Wisconsin;Badger State;WI}
(サンマリノ) [] {San Marino;capital of San Marino}
(マルコ・ポーロ) [] {Polo;Marco Polo}
(武器) [] {weapon;arm;weapon system}
(鳩) [] {pigeon ; dove}
(コムギ) [] {wheat}
(ニッケル) [] {nickel;Ni;atomic number 28}
(クリケット) [] {cricket}
(リットル) [] {liter;litre;l;cubic decimeter;cubic decimetre}
(バルバドス) [] {Barbados}
(トロント) [] {Toronto}
(タンパク質) [] {protein}
(齧歯類) [げっしるい] {rodent;gnawer}
(国際連合教育科学文化機関) [] {United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization;UNESCO}
(バルト海) [] {Baltic;Baltic Sea}
(森林) [] {forest;wood;woods}
(フィレンツェ) [] {Firenze;Florence}
(大学) [] {university}
(フェルディナンド・マゼラン) [] {Magellan;Ferdinand Magellan;Fernao Magalhaes}
(恐竜) [] {dinosaur}
(六) [ろく] {six;6;vi;half dozen;half-dozen}
(オハイオ州) [] {Ohio;Buckeye State;OH}
(ソフトウェア) [] {software;software program;computer software;software system;software package;package}
(ジッダ) [] {Jeddah;Jed'dah;Jiddah;Jidda}
(インフルエンザ) [] {influenza;flu;grippe}
(ロシア) [] {Russia}
(アリゾナ州) [] {Arizona;Grand Canyon State;AZ}
(アリストテレス) [] {Aristotle}
(ジークムント・フロイト) [] {Freud;Sigmund Freud}
(ネルソン・マンデラ) [] {Mandela;Nelson Mandela;Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela}
(熊) [] {bear}
(ヒンディー語) [] {Hindi}
(復活祭) [ふっかつさい] {Easter}
(シドニー) [] {Sydney}
(ヨシフ・スターリン) [] {Stalin;Joseph Stalin;Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili}
(科学技術) [] {technology;engineering}
(バヌアツ) [] {Vanuatu;Republic of Vanuatu;New Hebrides}
(ウェールズ) [] {Wales;Cymru;Cambria}
(アルフレッド・ノーベル) [] {Nobel;Alfred Nobel;Alfred Bernhard Nobel}
(オペレーティング システム) [] {operating system;OS}
(コモロ) [] {Comoros;Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros}
(マリ・キュリー) [] {Curie;Marie Curie;Madame Curie;Marya Sklodowska}
(ヴァイキング) [] {Viking}
(アルゴリズム) [] {algorithm;algorithmic rule;algorithmic program}
(谷) [] {valley;vale}
(ブログ) [] {web log;blog}
(閏年) [] {leap year;intercalary year;366 days;bissextile year}
(魂) [] {soul;psyche}
(東ティモール) [] {East Timor}
(大蒜) [にんにく] {garlic;ail}
(アーカンソー州) [] {Arkansas;Land of Opportunity;AR}
(顕微鏡) [] {microscope}
(九つ) [ここのつ] {nine;9;ix}
(ウラジーミル・プーチン) [] {Putin;Vladimir Putin;Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin}
(ダブリン) [] {Dublin;Irish capital;capital of Ireland}
(ネオン) [] {neon;Ne;atomic number 10}
(分子) [] {molecule}
(赤道ギニア) [] {Equatorial Guinea;Republic of Equatorial Guinea;Spanish Guinea}
(白鳥) [] {swan}
(滝) [] {waterfall;falls}
(チェコスロバキア) [] {Czechoslovakia}
(イマヌエル・カント) [] {Kant;Immanuel Kant}
(ヘルシンキ) [] {Helsinki;Helsingfors;capital of Finland;Finnish capital}
(アンティグア・バーブーダ) [] {Antigua and Barbuda}
(ツバル) [] {Tuvalu}
(干し草) [] {hay}
(鶏肉) [] {chicken;Gallus gallus}
(溶岩) [] {lava}
(静脈) [] {vein;vena;venous blood vessel}
(肩) [] {shoulder}
(司教) [] {bishop}
(ネブラスカ州) [] {Nebraska;Cornhusker State;NE}
(虹) [] {rainbow}
(資本主義) [] {capitalism;capitalist economy}
(エイブラハム・リンカーン) [] {Lincoln;Abraham Lincoln;President Lincoln;President Abraham Lincoln}
(有機化学) [] {organic chemistry}
(嘴) [くちばし] {beak;bill;neb;nib;pecker}
(ブリュッセル) [] {Bruxelles;Brussels;Belgian capital;capital of Belgium}
(シンガポール) [] {Singapore;Republic of Singapore ; Singapore;capital of Singapore}
(観光) [] {tourism;touristry}
(アメリカ合衆国大統領) [] {President of the United States;United States President;President;Chief Executive}
(インディアナ州) [] {Indiana;Hoosier State;IN}
(ウィルス) [] {virus}
(アラン・チューリング) [] {Turing;Alan Turing;Alan Mathison Turing}
(バイエルン) [] {Bavaria}
(ファシズム) [] {fascism}
(リクガメ) [] {tortoise}
(オレゴン州) [] {Oregon;Beaver State;OR}
(土曜日) [どようび] {Saturday;Sabbatum;Sat}
(イリノイ州) [] {Illinois;Prairie State;Land of Lincoln;IL}
(ノースカロライナ州) [] {North Carolina;Old North State;Tar Heel State;NC}
(動詞) [] {verb}
(アーネスト・ヘミングウェイ) [] {Hemingway;Ernest Hemingway}
(仏陀) [] {Buddha;Siddhartha;Gautama;Gautama Siddhartha;Gautama Buddha}
(トリニダード・トバゴ) [] {Trinidad and Tobago;Republic of Trinidad and Tobago}
(鯨) [] {whale}
(ギリシア文字) [] {Greek alphabet}
(小麦粉) [] {flour}
(マルティン・ルター) [] {Luther;Martin Luther}
(ビル・ゲイツ) [] {Gates;Bill Gates;William Henry Gates}
(アフリカーンス語) [] {Afrikaans;Taal;South African Dutch}
(ケイ素) [] {silicon;Si;atomic number 14}
(カトリック) [] {Roman Catholic;Western Church;Roman Catholic Church;Church of Rome;Roman Church}
(HTML) [] {hypertext markup language;hypertext mark-up language;HTML}
(トウモロコシ) [] {corn;maize;Indian corn;Zea mays}
(アルコール) [] {alcohol ; alcohol;alcoholic drink;alcoholic beverage;intoxicant;inebriant}
(ブダペスト) [] {Budapest;Hungarian capital;capital of Hungary}
(プラム) [] {plum}
(津波) [] {tsunami}
(オリンピック) [] {Olympic Games;Olympics;Olympiad}
(鸚鵡) [おうむ] {parrot}
(銀河) [] {galaxy;extragalactic nebula}
(シチリア州) [] {Sicily;Sicilia}
(カタルーニャ州) [] {Catalonia}
(世紀) [] {century}
(アルゴン) [] {argon;Ar;atomic number 18}
(フィンセント・ファン・ゴッホ) [] {van Gogh;Vincent van Gogh;Gogh}
(社会主義) [] {socialism;socialist economy}
(キリル文字) [] {Cyrillic alphabet;Cyrillic}
(アルキメデス) [] {Archimedes}
(黒海) [] {Black Sea;Euxine Sea}
(ロバ) [] {domestic ass;donkey;Equus asinus}
(ウィンストン・チャーチル) [] {Churchill;Winston Churchill;Winston S. Churchill;Sir Winston Leonard Spenser Churchill}
(ペニス) [] {penis;phallus;member}
(鏡) [] {mirror}
(ジャン=ジャック・ルソー) [] {Rousseau;Jean-Jacques Rousseau}
(合金) [] {alloy;metal}
(神) [] {God;Supreme Being ; deity;divinity;god;immortal}
(バーモント州) [] {Vermont;Green Mountain State;VT}
(君主制) [] {monarchy}
(ビタミン) [] {vitamin}
(ワイオミング州) [] {Wyoming;Equality State;WY}
(ドラム) [] {drum;membranophone;tympan}
(万里の長城) [] {Chinese Wall;Great Wall;Great Wall of China}
(占星術) [] {astrology;star divination}
(サハラ砂漠) [] {Sahara;Sahara Desert}
(グレナダ) [] {Grenada}
(光合成) [こうごうせい] {photosynthesis}
(ベリリウム) [] {beryllium;Be;glucinium;atomic number 4}
(エベレスト) [] {Everest;Mount Everest;Mt. Everest}
(玉ねぎ) [] {onion;onion plant;Allium cepa}
(ムハンマド・イブン=アブドゥッラーフ) [] {Mohammed;Mohammad;Muhammad;Mahomet;Mahound}
(技芸) [ぎげい] {humanistic discipline;humanities;liberal arts;arts}
(ドナウ川) [] {Danube;Danube River;Danau}
(マグネシウム) [] {magnesium;Mg;atomic number 12}
(アルプス山脈) [] {Alps;the Alps}
(元素) [] {chemical element;element}
(中性子) [] {neutron}
(ヒマラヤ山脈) [] {Himalayas;Himalaya Mountains;Himalaya}
(サッダーム・フセイン) [] {Hussein;Husain;Husayn;Saddam Hussein;Saddam;Saddam bin Hussein at-Takriti}
(イオン) [] {ion}
(半島) [] {peninsula}
(小惑星) [しょうわくせい] {asteroid}
(群島) [] {archipelago}
(ネバダ州) [] {Nevada;Silver State;Battle Born State;Sagebrush State;NV}
(警察) [] {police;police force;constabulary;law}
(しらみ) [] {louse;sucking louse}
(宇宙飛行士) [] {astronaut;spaceman;cosmonaut}
(インフレーション) [] {inflation;rising prices}
(七面鳥) [] {turkey;Meleagris gallopavo}
(竜) [] {dragon;firedrake}
(ドル) [] {dollar}
(トーマス・エジソン) [] {Edison;Thomas Edison;Thomas Alva Edison}
(国際単位系) [] {Systeme International d'Unites;Systeme International;SI system;SI;SI unit;International System of Units;International System}
(カドミウム) [] {cadmium;Cd;atomic number 48}
(カナリア諸島) [] {Canary Islands;Canaries}
(ナトリウム) [] {sodium;Na;atomic number 11}
(Google) [] {Google}
(沼気) [しょうき] {methane}
(梟) [ふくろう] {owl;bird of Minerva;bird of night;hooter}
(ブラウザ) [] {browser;web browser}
(処刑) [] {execution;executing;capital punishment;death penalty}
(エッフェル塔) [] {Eiffel Tower}
(コペンハーゲン) [] {Copenhagen;Kobenhavn;Danish capital}
(航空機) [] {aircraft}
(カンザス州) [] {Kansas;Sunflower State;KS}
(ミラノ) [] {Milan;Milano}
(ミシガン州) [] {Michigan;Wolverine State;Great Lakes State;MI}
(牛) [] {cattle;cows;kine;oxen;Bos taurus}
(ボルト) [] {volt;V}
(ギリシア神話) [] {Greek mythology}
(姓) [] {surname;family name;cognomen;last name}
(道具) [] {tool}
(リオデジャネイロ市) [] {Rio de Janeiro;Rio}
(赤道) [] {equator}
(自然数) [] {natural number}
(吸血鬼) [] {vampire;lamia}
(電子メール) [] {electronic mail;e-mail;email}
(憲法) [] {fundamental law;organic law;constitution}
(胸) [] {breast;bosom;knocker;boob;tit;titty}
(中国) [] {China;People's Republic of China;mainland China;Communist China;Red China;PRC;Cathay}
(ナイチンゲール) [] {nightingale;Luscinia megarhynchos}
(世界の七不思議) [] {Seven Wonders of the Ancient World;Seven Wonders of the World}
(ニューメキシコ州) [] {New Mexico;Land of Enchantment;NM}
(ユタ州) [] {Utah;Beehive State;Mormon State;UT}
(激甚) [げきじん] {violence;force}
(健康状態) [] {health;wellness}
(ヒ素) [] {arsenic;As;atomic number 33}
(洪水) [] {flood;inundation;deluge;alluvion}
(回教寺院) [] {mosque}
(ブラックホール) [] {black hole}
(椅子) [] {chair}
(ニュージャージー州) [] {New Jersey;Jersey;Garden State;NJ}
(失業) [] {unemployment}
(アイダホ州) [] {Idaho;Gem State;ID}
(オクラホマ州) [] {Oklahoma;Sooner State;OK}
(癌) [] {cancer;malignant neoplastic disease}
(カンガルー) [] {kangaroo}
(カレンダー) [] {calendar}
(ミネソタ州) [] {Minnesota;Gopher State;North Star State;MN}
(ノーム・チョムスキー) [] {Chomsky;Noam Chomsky;A. Noam Chomsky}
(洞窟) [] {cave}
(光年) [] {light year;light-year}
(タリン) [] {Tallinn;Tallin;capital of Estonia}
(生命) [] {life}
(ヒポクラテス) [] {Hippocrates}
(北アイルランド) [] {Northern Ireland}
(竜巻) [] {tornado;twister}
(ムンバイ) [] {Mumbai;Bombay}
(タージ・マハル) [] {Taj Mahal}
(モンタナ州) [] {Montana;Treasure State;MT}
(サンフランシスコ) [] {San Francisco}
(コネチカット州) [] {Connecticut;Nutmeg State;Constitution State;CT}
(教師) [] {teacher;instructor}
(ヤーセル・アラファート) [] {Arafat;Yasser Arafat}
(メリーランド州) [] {Maryland;Old Line State;Free State;MD}
(冷戦) [] {Cold War}
(熱力学) [ねつりきがく] {thermodynamics}
(ゼウス) [] {Zeus}
(アマゾン川) [] {Amazon;Amazon River}
(三角法) [さんかくほう] {trigonometry;trig}
(アテーナー) [] {Athena;Athene;Pallas;Pallas Athena;Pallas Athene}
(ジブラルタル) [] {Gibraltar;Rock of Gibraltar;Calpe}
(1000000) [] {million;1000000;one thousand thousand;meg}
(光学) [こうがく] {optics}
(トンガ) [] {Tonga;Kingdom of Tonga;Friendly Islands}
(星座) [] {constellation}
(すずめ) [] {sparrow;true sparrow}
(Web) [] {World Wide Web;WWW;web}
(ニューハンプシャー州) [] {New Hampshire;Granite State;NH}
(アルベール・カミュ) [] {Camus;Albert Camus}
(日記) [] {diary;journal}
(卵形) [] {ellipse;oval}
(ガソリン) [] {gasoline;gasolene;gas;petrol}
(ダンテ・アリギエーリ) [] {Dante;Dante Alighieri}
(ジョージ・オーウェル) [] {Orwell;George Orwell;Eric Blair;Eric Arthur Blair}
(ルネサンス) [] {Renaissance;Renascence}
(影) [] {shadow}
(ソクラテス) [] {Socrates}
(物質) [] {matter}
(微生物学) [びせいぶつがく] {microbiology}
(鵞鳥) [がちょう] {goose}
(羅針盤) [] {compass}
(方程式) [] {equation}
(ジャカルタ) [] {Jakarta;Djakarta;capital of Indonesia}
(トリノ) [] {Turin;Torino}
(黄瓜) [きゅうり] {cucumber;cuke}
(議会) [] {parliament}
(おの) [] {ax;axe}
(デラウェア州) [] {Delaware;Diamond State;First State;DE}
(豆) [] {bean;edible bean}
(ヨハネス・グーテンベルク) [] {Gutenberg;Johann Gutenberg;Johannes Gutenberg}
(蚊) [] {mosquito}
(バージニア州) [] {Virginia;Old Dominion;Old Dominion State;VA}
(王) [] {king;male monarch;Rex}
(セレン) [] {selenium;Se;atomic number 34}
(ハイエナ) [] {hyena;hyaena}
(世帯) [] {family;household;house;home;menage}
(同位元素) [どういげんそ] {isotope}
(首都) [] {capital}
(人口) [] {population}
(臭素) [] {bromine;Br;atomic number 35}
(アルバ) [] {Aruba}
(コンピュータ サイエンス) [] {computer science;computing}
(ハンブルク) [] {Hamburg}
(夕方) [] {evening;eve;even;eventide}
(藻類) [] {alga;algae}
(プエルトリコ) [] {Puerto Rico;Porto Rico;Commonwealth of Puerto Rico;PR}
(アメリカ航空宇宙局) [] {National Aeronautics and Space Administration;NASA}
(アプロディーテー) [] {Aphrodite;Cytherea}
(エルヴィス・プレスリー) [] {Presley;Elvis Presley;Elvis Aron Presley}
(マニラ) [] {Manila;capital of the Philippines}
(バルカン半島) [] {Balkan Peninsula;Balkans}
(ファッション) [] {fashion}
(縄) [なわ] {rope}
(サモア) [] {Samoa;Independent State of Samoa;Western Samoa;Samoa i Sisifo}
(通貨) [] {currency}
(子羊) [] {lamb}
(ウラン) [] {uranium;U;atomic number 92}
(ドイツ民主共和国) [] {East Germany;German Democratic Republic}
(ライプツィヒ) [] {Leipzig}
(ラジウム) [] {radium;Ra;atomic number 88}
(ブラチスラヴァ) [] {Bratislava;capital of Slovakia;Pressburg;Pozsony}
(シュトゥットガルト) [] {Stuttgart}
(エディンバラ) [] {Edinburgh}
(レオンハルト・オイラー) [] {Euler;Leonhard Euler}
(食べる) [] {eat}
(西サハラ) [] {Western Sahara;Spanish Sahara}
(フェロー諸島) [] {Faroe Islands;Faeroe Islands;Faroes;Faeroes}
(上海) [] {Shanghai}
(形容詞) [] {adjective}
(マルセイユ) [] {Marseille;Marseilles}
(ハーグ) [] {The Hague;'s Gravenhage;Den Haag}
(オットー・フォン・ビスマルク) [] {Bismarck;von Bismarck;Otto von Bismarck;Prince Otto von Bismarck;Prince Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck;Iron Chancellor}
(豹) [ひょう] {leopard;Panthera pardus}
(ユーラシア大陸) [] {Eurasia}
(オペラ) [] {opera;opera house}
(密度) [] {density;denseness}
(カリブ海) [] {Caribbean;Caribbean Sea}
(ミハイル・ゴルバチョフ) [] {Gorbachev;Mikhail Gorbachev;Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev}
(遺伝子) [] {gene;cistron;factor}
(大麦) [] {barley;barleycorn}
(ロナルド・レーガン) [] {Reagan;Ronald Reagan;Ronald Wilson Reagan;President Reagan}
(カスピ海) [] {Caspian;Caspian Sea}
(ブレーズ・パスカル) [] {Pascal;Blaise Pascal}
(年齢) [] {age}
(チタン) [] {titanium;Ti;atomic number 22}
(テヘラン) [] {Teheran;Tehran;capital of Iran;Iranian capital}
(蜥蜴) [とかげ] {lizard}
(リヒャルト・ワーグナー) [] {Wagner;Richard Wagner;Wilhelm Richard Wagner}
(毛沢東) [] {Mao;Mao Zedong;Mao Tsetung}
(象牙) [ぞうげ] {ivory;tusk}
(独立) [] {independence;independency}
(テント) [] {tent;collapsible shelter}
(安全) [] {security}
(独裁) [] {dictatorship;absolutism;authoritarianism;Caesarism;despotism;monocracy;one-man rule;shogunate;Stalinism;totalitarianism;tyranny}
(データベース) [] {database}
(コウノトリ科) [] {stork}
(伝記) [] {biography;life;life story;life history}
(結核) [] {tuberculosis;TB;T.B.}
(サンクトペテルブルク) [] {St. Petersburg;Leningrad;Peterburg;Petrograd;Saint Petersburg}
(望遠鏡) [] {telescope;scope}
(天体物理学) [] {astrophysics}
(ビリニュス) [] {Vilnius;Vilna;Vilno;Wilno;capital of Lithuania}
(苺) [いちご] {strawberry}
(サウスダコタ州) [] {South Dakota;Coyote State;Mount Rushmore State;SD}
(柏) [かしわ] {oak;oak tree}
(アンデス山脈) [] {Andes}
(グローバリゼーション) [] {globalization;globalisation}
(アイオワ州) [] {Iowa;Hawkeye State;IA}
(ジェイムズ・ジョイス) [] {Joyce;James Joyce;James Augustine Aloysius Joyce}
(アンモニア) [] {ammonia}
(酵素) [こうそ] {enzyme}
(コンピュータ) [] {computer;computing machine;computing device;data processor;electronic computer;information processing system}
(鰐鮫) [わにざめ] {shark}
(ブカレスト) [] {Bucharest;Bucharesti;Bucuresti;capital of Romania}
(博物館) [] {museum}
(野菜) [] {vegetable}
(ウサーマ・ビン=ラーディン) [] {bin Laden;Osama bin Laden;Usama bin Laden}
(中世ヨーロッパ) [] {Middle Ages;Dark Ages}
(薔薇) [しょうび] {rose;rosebush}
(チーター) [] {cheetah;chetah;Acinonyx jubatus}
(ミケランジェロ・ブオナローティ) [] {Michelangelo;Michelangelo Buonarroti}
(食) [] {eclipse;occultation}
(音韻学) [おんいんがく] {phonetics}
(ドレスデン) [] {Dresden}
(ソフィア) [] {Sofia;Serdica;Bulgarian capital}
(ジェームズ・クック) [] {Cook;James Cook;Captain Cook;Captain James Cook}
(国際通貨基金) [] {International Monetary Fund;IMF}
(ひまわり) [] {sunflower;helianthus}
(カール・フォン・リンネ) [] {Linnaeus;Carolus Linnaeus;Carl von Linne;Karl Linne}
(パラオ) [] {Palau;Republic of Palau;TT}
(戦い) [] {battle;conflict;fight;engagement ; conflict;struggle;battle}
(ビーバー) [] {beaver}
(カーブル) [] {Kabul;capital of Afghanistan}
(鬚) [ひげ] {beard;face fungus;whiskers}
(タバコ) [] {tobacco;baccy}
(錨) [いかり] {anchor;ground tackle}
(竹) [] {bamboo}
(ソウル特別市) [] {Seoul;capital of South Korea}
(ジュース) [] {juice}
(イド語) [] {Ido}
(固体) [] {body;organic structure;physical structure}
(摩天楼) [まてんろう] {skyscraper}
(朝鮮) [] {Korea;Korean Peninsula;Dae-Han-Min-Gook;Han-Gook}
(ホテル) [] {hotel}
(アダム・スミス) [] {Smith;Adam Smith}
(砂丘) [] {dune;sand dune}
(蘚苔) [せんたい] {moss}
(ビル・クリントン) [] {Clinton;Bill Clinton;William Jefferson Clinton;President Clinton}
(ロードアイランド州) [] {Rhode Island;Little Rhody;Ocean State;RI}
(サウスカロライナ州) [] {South Carolina;Palmetto State;SC}
(グアム) [] {Guam;GU}
(ヨハネス・ケプラー) [] {Kepler;Johannes Kepler;Johan Kepler}
(魔術師) [] {sorcerer;magician;wizard;necromancer;thaumaturge;thaumaturgist}
(ウェストバージニア州) [] {West Virginia;Mountain State;WV}
(宮殿) [] {palace;castle}
(大聖堂) [] {cathedral}
(皮肉) [] {sarcasm;irony;satire;caustic remark}
(党) [] {party;political party}
(方言) [] {dialect;idiom;accent}
(トマス・アクィナス) [] {Aquinas;Thomas Aquinas;Saint Thomas;St. Thomas;Saint Thomas Aquinas;St. Thomas Aquinas}
(頂戴物) [ちょうだいもの] {gift}
(メイン州) [] {Maine;Pine Tree State;ME}
(トーマス・ジェファーソン) [] {Jefferson;Thomas Jefferson;President Jefferson}
(ケンタッキー州) [] {Kentucky;Bluegrass State;KY}
(ジュネーヴ) [] {Geneva;Geneve;Genf}
(フョードル・ドストエフスキー) [] {Dostoyevsky;Dostoevski;Dostoevsky;Feodor Dostoyevsky;Fyodor Dostoyevsky;Feodor Dostoevski;Fyodor Dostoevski;Feodor Dostoevsky;Fyodor Dostoevsky;Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky;Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky;Feodor Mikhailovich Dos}
(キエフ) [] {Kyyiv;Kiev;capital of the Ukraine}
(標準時) [] {time zone}
(UNIX) [] {UNIX;UNIX system;UNIX operating system}
(桃) [] {peach}
(真珠) [] {pearl}
(灯台) [] {beacon;lighthouse;beacon light;pharos}
(コレラ) [] {cholera;Asiatic cholera;Indian cholera;epidemic cholera}
(一つ) [ひとつ] {one;1;i;ane}
(コイン) [] {coin}
(英雄) [] {hero}
(ジョン・レノン) [] {Lennon;John Lennon}
(長方形) [] {rectangle}
(インディラ・ガンディー) [] {Gandhi;Indira Gandhi;Indira Nehru Gandhi;Mrs. Gandhi}
(アメリカ合衆国ドル) [] {United States dollar}
(シベリア) [] {Siberia}
(マラリア) [] {malaria}
(ジミー・カーター) [] {Carter;Jimmy Carter;James Earl Carter;James Earl Carter Jr.;President Carter}
(ローマ帝国) [] {Roman Empire}
(アドリア海) [] {Adriatic;Adriatic Sea}
(コンクリート) [] {concrete}
(実数) [] {real number;real}
(整数) [] {integer;whole number}
(学生) [] {student;pupil;educatee}
(潜水艦) [] {submarine;pigboat;sub;U-boat}
(事故) [] {accident}
(人種差別) [] {racism;racialism;racial discrimination}
(英語) [] {English;English language}
(クラリネット) [] {clarinet}
(ポンド) [] {British pound;pound;British pound sterling;pound sterling;quid}
(トランペット) [] {cornet;horn;trumpet;trump}
(蝙蝠) [こうもり] {bat;chiropteran}
(ハード ディスク) [] {hard disc;hard disk;fixed disk}
(ケルン) [] {Cologne;Koln}
(ケルビン) [] {kelvin;K}
(作家) [] {writer;author}
(ザグレブ) [] {Zagreb}
(ジェラルド・R・フォード) [] {Ford;Gerald Ford;Gerald R. Ford;Gerald Rudolph Ford;President Ford}
(コミュニケーション) [] {communication;communicating}
(大災害) [] {calamity;catastrophe;disaster;tragedy;cataclysm}
(ストロンチウム) [] {strontium;Sr;atomic number 38}
(路面電車) [] {streetcar;tram;tramcar;trolley;trolley car}
(ドミニカ国) [] {Dominica;Commonwealth of Dominica}
(廊下) [] {corridor}
(エンリコ・フェルミ) [] {Fermi;Enrico Fermi}
(シナモン) [] {cinnamon;cinnamon bark}
(騎士) [] {knight}
(アイザック・アシモフ) [] {Asimov;Isaac Asimov}
(巻き煙草) [まきたばこ] {cigarette;cigaret;coffin nail;butt;fag}
(リュブリャナ) [] {Ljubljana}
(セントクリストファー・ネイビス) [] {Saint Kitts and Nevis;Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis;Saint Christopher-Nevis;St. Christopher-Nevis;St. Kitts and Nevis}
(眼鏡) [めがね] {spectacles;specs;eyeglasses;glasses}
(バナナ) [] {banana}
(青銅) [] {bronze}
(敷物) [] {rug;carpet;carpeting}
(軍人) [] {soldier}
(おばあちゃん) [] {grandma;grandmother;granny;grannie;gran;nan;nanna}
(ジャン=ポール・サルトル) [] {Sartre;Jean-Paul Sartre}
(ヴィクトル・ユーゴー) [] {Hugo;Victor Hugo;Victor-Marie Hugo}
(音楽家) [] {musician;instrumentalist;player}
(バレーボール) [] {volleyball;volleyball game}
(ジャワ島) [] {Java}
(オートバイ) [] {motorcycle;bike}
(フランスの人物) [] {French;French people}
(胡椒) [こしょう] {pepper;common pepper;black pepper;white pepper;Madagascar pepper;Piper nigrum}
(ベオグラード) [] {Belgrade;Beograd;capital of Serbia and Montenegro}
(死体) [] {cadaver;corpse;stiff;clay;remains}
(シャルル・ド・ゴール) [] {de Gaulle;General de Gaulle;Charles de Gaulle;General Charles de Gaulle;Charles Andre Joseph Marie de Gaulle}
(チャーリー・チャップリン) [] {Chaplin;Charlie Chaplin;Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin}
(プラスチック) [] {plastic}
(ろうそく) [] {candle;taper;wax light}
(オスカー・ワイルド) [] {Wilde;Oscar Wilde;Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde}
(ジョン・ロック) [] {Locke;John Locke}
(キセノン) [] {xenon;Xe;atomic number 54}
(ユーゴスラビア) [] {Yugoslavia}
(イノシシ) [] {wild boar;boar;Sus scrofa}
(携帯電話) [] {cellular telephone;cellular phone;cellphone;cell;mobile phone}
(ベイルート) [] {Bayrut;Beirut;capital of Lebanon}
(ドワイト・D・アイゼンハワー) [] {Eisenhower;Dwight Eisenhower;Dwight D. Eisenhower;Dwight David Eisenhower;Ike;President Eisenhower}
(鉄拳) [てっけん] {fist;clenched fist}
(一神教) [] {monotheism}
(世界保健機関) [] {World Health Organization;WHO}
(テネシー州) [] {Tennessee;Volunteer State;TN}
(原子番号) [] {atomic number}
(メロディ) [] {tune;melody;air;strain;melodic line;line;melodic phrase}
(ハープ) [] {harp}
(頭蓋骨) [] {skull}
(コアラ) [] {koala;koala bear;kangaroo bear;native bear;Phascolarctos cinereus}
(オスマン帝国) [] {Ottoman Empire;Turkish Empire}
(甲虫) [] {beetle}
(ミンスク) [] {Minsk;capital of Belarus}
(カール大帝) [] {Charlemagne;Carolus;Charles;Charles I;Charles the Great}
(ジャンヌ・ダルク) [] {Jeanne d'Arc;Joan of Arc;Saint Joan}
(東ローマ帝国) [] {Byzantine Empire;Byzantium;Eastern Roman Empire}
(オタワ) [] {Ottawa;Canadian capital;capital of Canada}
(ボストン) [] {Boston;Hub of the Universe;Bean Town;Beantown;capital of Massachusetts}
(パラシュート) [] {parachute;chute}
(重力) [] {gravity;gravitation;gravitational attraction;gravitational force}
(とんぼ) [] {dragonfly;darning needle;devil's darning needle;sewing needle;snake feeder;snake doctor;mosquito hawk;skeeter hawk}
(リス) [] {squirrel}
(レーザー) [] {laser;optical maser}
(野球) [] {baseball;baseball game}
(マリリン・モンロー) [] {Monroe;Marilyn Monroe;Norma Jean Baker}
(円周率) [] {pi}
(ビッグバン) [] {big bang}
(炭化水素) [たんかすいそ] {hydrocarbon}
(副詞) [] {adverb}
(復水器) [ふくすいき] {capacitor;capacitance;condenser;electrical condenser}
(雄鶏) [おんどり] {cock;rooster}
(ひょう) [] {hail}
(プログラミング言語) [] {programming language;programing language}
(ウォルト・ディズニー) [] {Disney;Walt Disney;Walter Elias Disney}
(テロリズム) [] {terrorism;act of terrorism;terrorist act}
(毛布) [] {blanket;cover}
(ニールス・ボーア) [] {Bohr;Niels Bohr;Niels Henrik David Bohr}
(琥珀) [こはく] {amber}
(グアドループ) [] {Guadeloupe}
(ハバナ) [] {Havana;capital of Cuba;Cuban capital}
(肱) [ひじ] {elbow;elbow joint;human elbow;cubitus;cubital joint;articulatio cubiti}
(人々) [] {people}
(マン島) [] {Man;Isle of Man}
(さそり) [] {scorpion}
(泳ぎ) [] {swimming;swim}
(国歌) [] {national anthem}
(貴族) [] {nobility;aristocracy ; Lord;noble;nobleman}
(マクロ経済学) [] {macroeconomics}
(灰) [] {ash}
(頬) [] {cheek}
(沿岸) [] {seashore;coast;seacoast;sea-coast}
(ナポリ) [] {Naples;Napoli}
(動脈) [] {artery;arteria;arterial blood vessel}
(ジェノヴァ) [] {Genoa;Genova}
(起源) [] {beginning;origin;root;rootage;source}
(古代メソポタミア) [] {Mesopotamia}
(夫) [] {husband;hubby;married man}
(技師) [] {engineer;applied scientist;technologist}
(ストラスブール) [] {Strasbourg;Strassburg}
(狩り) [] {hunt;hunting}
(テューリンゲン) [] {Thuringia}
(人工知能) [] {artificial intelligence;AI}
(語源学) [ごげんがく] {etymology}
(伝統) [] {tradition}
(A) [] {A;a}
(ニコラウス・コペルニクス) [] {Copernicus;Nicolaus Copernicus;Mikolaj Kopernik}
(牧師) [] {priest}
(バレッタ) [] {Valletta;Valetta;capital of Malta}
(なだれ) [] {avalanche}
(ランプ) [] {lamp}
(紅海) [] {Red Sea}
(第1族元素) [] {alkali metal;alkaline metal}
(財宝) [] {treasure;hoarded wealth}
(伝説) [] {legend;fable}
(妻) [] {wife;married woman}
(レフ・トロツキー) [] {Trotsky;Leon Trotsky;Lev Davidovich Bronstein}
(HTTP) [] {hypertext transfer protocol;HTTP}
(主題) [] {subject;topic;theme}
(キロメートル) [] {kilometer;kilometre;km;klick}
(オール) [] {oar}
(眉毛) [] {eyebrow;brow;supercilium}
(胆汁) [] {bile;gall}
(アポローン) [] {Apollo;Phoebus;Phoebus Apollo}
(ブリティッシュコロンビア州) [] {British Columbia}
(分類学) [] {taxonomy}
(ニューオーリンズ) [] {New Orleans}
(大阪市) [] {Osaka}
(ラスベガス) [] {Las Vegas}
(酢) [] {vinegar;acetum}
(アルフレッド・ヒッチコック) [] {Hitchcock;Alfred Hitchcock;Sir Alfred Hitchcock;Alfred Joseph Hitchcock}
(女性解放論) [じょせいかいほうろん] {feminist movement;feminism;women's liberation movement;women's lib}
(矢張り) [やはり] {besides;too;also;likewise;as well}
(腹部) [] {abdomen;venter;stomach;belly}
(セリウム) [] {cerium;Ce;atomic number 58}
(盗み) [] {larceny;theft;thievery;thieving;stealing}
(組) [くみ] {set}
(扁桃) [へんとう] {almond}
(ウッドロウ・ウィルソン) [] {Wilson;Woodrow Wilson;Thomas Woodrow Wilson;President Wilson}
(ライン川) [] {Rhine;Rhine River;Rhein}
(脊索動物) [] {chordate}
(武士) [] {samurai}
(エンドウ) [] {pea;pea plant}
(唾) [つば] {saliva;spit;spittle}
(sf) [] {science fiction}
(DVD) [] {videodisk;videodisc;DVD}
(土壌) [どじょう] {land;ground;soil}
(巣) [] {nest}
(北海) [] {North Sea}
(コソボ) [] {Kosovo}
(生薑) [しょうが] {ginger;powdered ginger}
(多角形) [] {polygon;polygonal shape}
(変圧器) [] {transformer}
(森林地帯) [] {forest;woodland;timberland;timber}
(節足動物) [] {arthropod}
(フルート) [] {flute;transverse flute}
(氷河) [] {glacier}
(アントニオ・ヴィヴァルディ) [] {Vivaldi;Antonio Vivaldi;Antonio Lucio Vivaldi}
(アルカン) [] {methane series;alkane series;alkane;paraffin series;paraffin}
(香水) [] {perfume;essence}
(カラカス) [] {Caracas;capital of Venezuela}
(助産婦) [] {midwife;accoucheuse}
(ゴキブリ) [] {cockroach;roach}
(超新星) [] {supernova}
(木苺) [きいちご] {raspberry}
(オンタリオ州) [] {Ontario}
(ジャガイモ) [] {potato;white potato;white potato vine;Solanum tuberosum}
(リボ核酸) [] {ribonucleic acid;RNA}
(ロアール・アムンセン) [] {Amundsen;Roald Amundsen}
(光速) [] {speed of light;light speed;c}
(エメラルド) [] {emerald}
(製図) [せいず] {mapmaking;cartography}
(実験) [] {experiment;experimentation}
(セメント) [] {cement}
(アトランタ) [] {Atlanta;capital of Georgia}
(大理石) [だいりせき] {marble}
(ハンス・クリスチャン・アンデルセン) [] {Andersen;Hans Christian Andersen}
(村) [] {village;small town;settlement ; village;hamlet}
(ミゲル・デ・セルバンテス) [] {Cervantes;Miguel de Cervantes;Cervantes Saavedra;Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra}
(タレス) [] {Thales;Thales of Miletus}
(建築家) [] {architect;designer}
(キャベツ) [] {cabbage;chou}
(リチャード・ニクソン) [] {Nixon;Richard Nixon;Richard M. Nixon;Richard Milhous Nixon;President Nixon}
(爆弾) [] {bomb}
(話し) [] {story ; speech;speech communication;spoken communication;spoken language;language;voice communication;oral communication}
(鮭) [] {salmon}
(バートランド・ラッセル) [] {Russell;Bertrand Russell;Bertrand Arthur William Russell;Earl Russell}
(アコーディオン) [] {accordion;piano accordion;squeeze box}
(マッシュルーム) [] {mushroom}
(文献学) [ぶんけんがく] {linguistics;philology}
(バレエ) [] {ballet;concert dance}
(古生物学) [] {paleontology;palaeontology;fossilology}
(球) [] {ball;globe;orb ; sphere}
(メッカ) [] {Mecca}
(ソロモン諸島) [] {Solomon Islands}
(新約聖書) [] {New Testament}
(ラテン文字) [] {Roman alphabet;Latin alphabet}
(主の祈り) [] {Lord's Prayer}
(形而上学) [けいじじょうがく] {metaphysics}
(電線) [] {cable;line;transmission line}
(アンチモニー) [] {antimony;Sb;atomic number 51}
(アンディ・ウォーホル) [] {Warhol;Andy Warhol}
(リマ) [] {Lima;capital of Peru}
(啄木鳥) [きつつき] {woodpecker;peckerwood;pecker}
(セントビンセント・グレナディーン) [] {Saint Vincent and the Grenadines;St. Vincent and the Grenadines}
(領事) [] {consul}
(雄牛) [] {bull}
(外科) [] {surgery}
(チャールズ・ディケンズ) [] {Dickens;Charles Dickens;Charles John Huffam Dickens}
(ボン) [] {Bonn}
(像) [] {statue}
(マンガン) [] {manganese;Mn;atomic number 25}
(ニーダーザクセン) [] {Lower Saxony}
(アーヘン) [] {Aachen;Aken;Aix-la-Chapelle}
(ジャズ) [] {jazz}
(UTC) [] {coordinated universal time;UTC}
(マルクス主義) [] {Marxism}
(病気の流行) [] {epidemic}
(泡) [あわ] {foam;froth}
(誕生日) [] {birthday}
(フリードリヒ・エンゲルス) [] {Engels;Friedrich Engels}
(罪悪感) [] {guilt;guiltiness}
(量子力学) [] {quantum mechanics}
(勝利) [] {victory;triumph}
(女王) [] {queen;queen regnant;female monarch}
(幽霊) [] {ghost;shade;spook;wraith;specter;spectre}
(ジュール・ヴェルヌ) [] {Verne;Jules Verne}
(国際連合児童基金) [] {United Nations Children's Fund;United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund;UNICEF}
(サル目) [] {primate}
(蛭) [ひる] {leech;bloodsucker;hirudinean}
(加速度) [] {acceleration;quickening;speedup}
(かん木) [] {shrub;bush}
(レンジ) [] {stove;kitchen stove;range;kitchen range;cooking stove}
(磁石) [] {magnet}
(ラドン) [] {radon;Rn;atomic number 86}
(プラチナ) [] {platinum;Pt;atomic number 78}
(カルタゴ) [] {Carthage}
(セビリア) [] {Sevilla;Seville}
(ダイナマイト) [] {dynamite}
(孔子) [] {Confucius;Kongfuze;K'ung Futzu;Kong the Master}
(オオカミ) [] {timber wolf;grey wolf;gray wolf;Canis lupus}
(バクー) [] {Baku;capital of Azerbaijan}
(プロテスタント) [] {Protestantism}
(無) [] {nothing;nil;nix;nada;null;aught;cipher;cypher;goose egg;naught;zero;zilch;zip;zippo}
(充電) [] {charge;electric charge}
(バリウム) [] {barium;Ba;atomic number 56}
(パナマ運河) [] {Panama Canal}
(ヴォルテール) [] {Voltaire;Arouet;Francois-Marie Arouet}
(プログラム) [] {program;programme;computer program;computer programme}
(選挙) [] {election}
(河馬) [かば] {hippopotamus;hippo;river horse;Hippopotamus amphibius}
(住所) [] {address}
(アンダルシア州) [] {Andalusia;Andalucia}
(槍) [やり] {spear;lance;shaft}
(世界貿易機関) [] {World Trade Organization;WTO}
(生理学) [せいりがく] {physiology ; physiology}
(地球物理学) [ちきゅうぶつりがく] {geophysics;geophysical science}
(布告) [] {announcement;proclamation;annunciation;declaration}
(ポロニウム) [] {polonium;Po;atomic number 84}
(ドバイ) [] {Dubai}
(蚯蚓) [みみず] {earthworm;angleworm;fishworm;fishing worm;wiggler;nightwalker;nightcrawler;crawler;dew worm;red worm}
(豊か) [ゆたか] {rich ; affluent;flush;loaded;moneyed;wealthy ; abundant}
(公理) [] {axiom}
(風呂) [] {bathtub;bathing tub;bath;tub}
(毛虫) [] {caterpillar}
(有理数) [] {rational number;rational}
(速い) [] {fast ; quick;speedy}
(ダチョウ) [] {ostrich;Struthio camelus}
(海洋学) [かいようがく] {oceanography;oceanology}
(幸福) [] {Eden;paradise;nirvana;heaven;promised land;Shangri-la ; happiness;felicity}
(素数) [] {prime number}
(トランジスター) [] {transistor;junction transistor;electronic transistor}
(サラエボ) [] {Sarajevo}
(神聖ローマ帝国) [] {Holy Roman Empire}
(ブルグンド王国) [] {Bourgogne;Burgundy}
(昭和天皇) [] {Hirohito;Michinomiya Hirohito}
(アンカラ) [] {Ankara;Turkish capital;capital of Turkey;Angora}
(意味論) [いみろん] {semantics}
(ガザ地区) [] {Gaza Strip;Gaza}
(シラブル) [] {syllable}
(天然痘) [] {smallpox;variola;variola major}
(ベルン) [] {Bern;Berne;capital of Switzerland}
(トスカーナ州) [] {Tuscany;Toscana}
(専門語) [] {slang;cant;jargon;lingo;argot;patois;vernacular}
(アレクサンドリア) [] {Alexandria;El Iskandriyah}
(ガリウム) [] {gallium;Ga;atomic number 31}
(リチャード・P・ファインマン) [] {Feynman;Richard Feynman;Richard Phillips Feynman}
(FTP) [] {file transfer protocol;FTP}
(モリブデン) [] {molybdenum;Mo;atomic number 42}
(暖炉) [] {fireplace;hearth;open fireplace}
(自殺) [] {suicide;self-destruction;self-annihilation}
(膣) [ちつ] {vagina}
(ニュートン) [] {newton;N}
(修道院) [] {monastery ; abbey}
(マーク・トウェイン) [] {Clemens;Samuel Langhorne Clemens;Mark Twain}
(ピラミッド) [] {Pyramid;Great Pyramid;Pyramids of Egypt}
(AU) [] {Astronomical Unit;AU}
(フランシウム) [] {francium;Fr;atomic number 87}
(独占) [] {monopoly}
(箒) [ほうき] {broom}
(ドミトリ・メンデレーエフ) [] {Mendeleyev;Mendeleev;Dmitri Mendeleyev;Dmitri Mendeleev;Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleyev;Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev}
(食道) [] {esophagus;oesophagus;gorge;gullet}
(商業) [] {commerce;commercialism;mercantilism}
(トラクター) [] {tractor}
(気候学) [きこうがく] {climatology}
(ノースダコタ州) [] {North Dakota;Peace Garden State;ND}
(代名詞) [] {pronoun}
(キュビスム) [] {cubism}
(おじいさん) [] {grandfather;gramps;granddad;grandad;granddaddy;grandpa}
(鰻) [うなぎ] {eel}
(ソーセージ) [] {sausage}
(骨格) [] {skeletal system;skeleton;frame;systema skeletale}
(背骨) [] {spinal column;vertebral column;spine;backbone;back;rachis}
(黄色) [] {yellow;yellowness}
(石灰岩) [] {limestone}
(柔道) [] {judo}
(ウエーター) [] {waiter;server}
(スティーヴン・スピルバーグ) [] {Spielberg;Steven Spielberg}
(職) [] {occupation;business;job;line of work;line}
(バナジウム) [] {vanadium;V;atomic number 23}
(マーシャル諸島) [] {Marshall Islands;Republic of the Marshall Islands}
(ティラナ) [] {Tirana;Albanian capital}
(稲妻) [] {lightning}
(カタール) [] {Qatar;State of Qatar;Katar;State of Katar}
(教義) [] {doctrine;philosophy;philosophical system;school of thought;ism ; dogma;tenet}
(容積) [] {volume}
(蛾) [] {moth}
(ライ麦) [] {rye;Secale cereale}
(助言) [] {advice}
(鮹) [たこ] {octopus;devilfish}
(アウグスティヌス) [] {Augustine;Saint Augustine;St. Augustine;Augustine of Hippo}
(リガ) [] {Riga;capital of Latvia}
(ヘロドトス) [] {Herodotus}
(同性愛) [] {homosexuality;homosexualism;homoeroticism;queerness;gayness}
(杏子) [あんず] {apricot}
(子宮) [] {uterus;womb}
(昼食) [] {lunch;luncheon;tiffin;dejeuner}
(ライフル銃) [] {rifle}
(セントルシア) [] {Saint Lucia;St. Lucia}
(錠剤) [] {pill;lozenge;tablet;tab}
(ポリネシア) [] {Polynesia}
(ベンゼン) [] {benzene;benzine;benzol}
(ジョージ・バーナード・ショー) [] {Shaw;G. B. Shaw;George Bernard Shaw}
(トンネル) [] {tunnel}
(マーティン・ルーサー・キング・ジュニア) [] {King;Martin Luther King;Martin Luther King Jr.}
(去勢牛) [] {ox}
(矢) [] {arrow}
(ストーンヘンジ) [] {Stonehenge}
(ウェルギリウス) [] {Virgil;Vergil;Publius Vergilius Maro}
(ブルターニュ) [] {Bretagne;Brittany;Breiz}
(ジュゼッペ・ヴェルディ) [] {Verdi;Giuseppe Verdi;Guiseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi}
(玩具) [がんぐ] {plaything;toy}
(塔) [] {tower}
(化石) [] {fossil}
(指導) [] {management;direction}
(映画) [] {movie;film;picture;moving picture;moving-picture show;motion picture;motion-picture show;picture show;pic;flick ; cinema;movie theater;movie theatre;movie house;picture palace}
(エウクレイデス) [] {Euclid}
(ノバスコシア州) [] {Nova Scotia}
(パレスチナ) [] {Palestine;Canaan;Holy Land;Promised Land}
(蝸牛) [かたつむり] {snail}
(花崗岩) [かこうがん] {granite}
(空腹) [] {hunger;hungriness}
(棺) [] {coffin;casket}
(皇帝) [] {emperor}
(ASCII) [] {American Standard Code for Information Interchange;ASCII}
(抗生物質) [] {antibiotic;antibiotic drug}
(モデム) [] {modem}
(オーケストラ) [] {orchestra}
(ハードウェア) [] {hardware;computer hardware}
(アルバータ州) [] {Alberta}
(レフ・トルストイ) [] {Tolstoy;Leo Tolstoy;Count Lev Nikolayevitch Tolstoy}
(ヘクタール) [] {hectare}
(鰕) [えび] {lobster}
(1980年代) [] {eighties;1980s}
(乗り物) [] {vehicle}
(ジャック・カルティエ) [] {Cartier;Jacques Cartier}
(エドガー・アラン・ポー) [] {Poe;Edgar Allan Poe}
(外交) [] {diplomacy;diplomatic negotiations}
(客) [] {guest;invitee}
(諺) [ことわざ] {proverb;adage;saw;byword}
(市民) [] {citizen}
(ベトナム戦争) [] {Vietnam War;Vietnam}
(ダカール) [] {Dakar;capital of Senegal}
(アーネスト・ラザフォード) [] {Rutherford;Ernest Rutherford;First Baron Rutherford;First Baron Rutherford of Nelson}
(正午) [] {noon;twelve noon;high noon;midday;noonday;noontide}
(未亡人) [] {widow;widow woman}
(旧約聖書) [] {Old Testament}
(楽音) [] {tone;tone of voice}
(大使) [] {ambassador;embassador}
(ヘーラー) [] {Hera;Here}
(住人) [] {inhabitant;habitant;dweller;denizen;indweller}
(膵臓) [] {pancreas}
(習慣) [] {habit;use ; custom;usage;usance}
(北欧神話) [] {Norse mythology}
(文) [] {sentence}
(珊瑚) [さんご] {coral}
(ルビー) [] {ruby}
(音楽会) [] {concert}
(スカンジウム) [] {scandium;Sc;atomic number 21}
(ユーリイ・ガガーリン) [] {Gagarin;Yuri Gagarin;Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin}
(仮説) [] {hypothesis;possibility;theory}
(セルロース) [] {cellulose}
(年月日) [] {date;day of the month}
(岸) [] {shore}
(精神) [] {spirit}
(プロメチウム) [] {promethium;Pm;atomic number 61}
(フォークランド諸島) [] {Falkland Islands}
(ヨハネス・ブラームス) [] {Brahms;Johannes Brahms}
(空手) [] {karate}
(郵便) [] {mail;mail service;postal service;post}
(アメリカ中央情報局) [] {Central Intelligence Agency;CIA}
(母音) [] {vowel}
(マルチニーク島) [] {Martinique}
(ボルドー) [] {Bordeaux}
(キャンベラ) [] {Canberra;Australian capital;capital of Australia}
(彫刻) [] {sculpture ; sculpture;carving}
(景色) [] {landscape}
(癲癇) [てんかん] {epilepsy}
(マカオ) [] {Macao;Macau}
(米領サモア) [] {American Samoa;Eastern Samoa;AS}
(戦車) [] {tank;army tank;armored combat vehicle;armoured combat vehicle}
(アウグストゥス) [] {Augustus;Gaius Octavianus;Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus;Octavian}
(翻訳) [] {translation;interlingual rendition;rendering;version}
(感情) [] {emotion}
(文書) [] {document;written document;papers}
(愛液) [あいえき] {semen;seed;seminal fluid;ejaculate;cum;come}
(スコピエ) [] {Skopje;Skoplje;Uskub}
(ナシ属) [] {pear}
(フランツ・ヨーゼフ・ハイドン) [] {Haydn;Joseph Haydn;Franz Joseph Haydn}
(喘息) [ぜんそく] {asthma;asthma attack;bronchial asthma}
(式) [] {formula;chemical formula ; ceremony;ceremonial;ceremonial occasion;observance}
(ゲオルク・ヴィルヘルム・フリードリヒ・ヘーゲル) [] {Hegel;Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel}
(フランシス・ドレーク) [] {Drake;Francis Drake;Sir Francis Drake}
(バミューダ諸島) [] {Bermuda;Bermudas}
(オデュッセイア) [] {Odyssey}
(ポセイドーン) [] {Poseidon}
(力学) [りきがく] {mechanics}
(十八) [じゅうはち] {eighteen;18;xviii}
(十三) [じゅうさん] {thirteen;13;xiii}
(ニュルンベルク) [] {Nuremberg;Nurnberg}
(四十) [よんじゅう] {forty;40;xl;twoscore}
(ブランデンブルク) [] {Brandenburg}
(ロンバルディア州) [] {Lombardy;Lombardia}
(アナーキズム) [] {anarchism}
(十一) [じゅういち] {eleven;11;xi}
(ビスマス) [] {bismuth;Bi;atomic number 83}
(ミクロネシア) [] {Micronesia;Federated States of Micronesia;TT}
(そろばん) [] {abacus}
(作物) [] {crop;harvest}
(チューリップ) [] {tulip}
(アミノ酸) [] {amino acid;aminoalkanoic acid}
(六十) [ろくじゅう] {sixty;60;lx;threescore}
(音響効果) [おんきょうこうか] {acoustics}
(パレルモ) [] {Palermo}
(周波数) [] {frequency;relative frequency}
(タスマニア州) [] {Tasmania}
(ジェームズ・クラーク・マクスウェル) [] {Maxwell;J. C. Maxwell;James Clerk Maxwell}
(グラスゴー) [] {Glasgow}
(セシウム) [] {cesium;caesium;Cs;atomic number 55}
(マットレス) [] {mattress}
(ルーヴル美術館) [] {Louvre;Louvre Museum}
(ヨーグルト) [] {yogurt;yoghurt;yoghourt}
(ホルミウム) [] {holmium;Ho;atomic number 67}
(ハノーファー) [] {Hannover;Hanover}
(季節) [] {season}
(グラーツ) [] {Graz}
(カナリア) [] {canary;canary bird}
(ローザ・パークス) [] {Parks;Rosa Parks}
(ラツィオ州) [] {Latium;Lazio}
(荒荒しい) [あらあらしい] {wild}
(オゾン) [] {ozone}
(マーガレット・サッチャー) [] {Thatcher;Margaret Thatcher;Margaret Hilda Thatcher;Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven;Iron Lady}
(ダフィット・ヒルベルト) [] {Hilbert;David Hilbert}
(アブラハム) [] {Abraham;Ibrahim}
(タオル) [] {towel}
(冶金) [やきん] {metallurgy}
(反乱) [] {rebellion;insurrection;revolt;rising;uprising}
(底) [] {bed;bottom}
(ロック) [] {rock 'n' roll;rock'n'roll;rock-and-roll;rock and roll;rock;rock music}
(弁護士) [] {lawyer;attorney ; advocate;counsel;counselor;counsellor;counselor-at-law;pleader}
(奴隷) [] {slave ; slavery;slaveholding}
(気圧計) [] {barometer}
(五大湖) [] {Great Lakes}
(ゼロ) [] {zero;0;nought;cipher;cypher}
(剣) [] {sword;blade;brand;steel}
(葉巻) [はまき] {cigar}
(インシュリン) [] {insulin}
(地衣類) [] {lichen}
(二酸化炭素) [] {carbon dioxide;CO2;carbonic acid gas}
(モーセの十戒) [] {Decalogue;Ten Commandments}
(国家) [] {state}
(露) [] {dew}
(仮面) [] {mask}
(産業革命) [] {Industrial Revolution;technological revolution}
(ウイスキー) [] {whiskey;whisky}
(クロード・モネ) [] {Monet;Claude Monet}
(電報) [] {telegram;wire}
(ヴォルガ川) [] {Volga;Volga River}
(ロボット) [] {automaton;robot;golem}
(花粉) [] {pollen}
(ピザ) [] {pizza;pizza pie}
(大臣) [] {minister;government minister}
(ヒズボラ) [] {Hizballah;Hezbollah;Hizbollah;Hizbullah;Lebanese Hizballah;Party of God;Islamic Jihad;Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine;Revolutionary Justice Organization;Organization of the Oppressed on Earth}
(枕) [] {pillow}
(水星) [] {Mercury}
(案) [] {plan;program;programme}
(分派) [] {sect;religious sect;religious order}
(ペルシア湾) [] {Persian Gulf;Arabian Gulf}
(セオドア・ルーズベルト) [] {Roosevelt;Theodore Roosevelt;President Roosevelt;President Theodore Roosevelt}
(RAM) [] {random-access memory;random access memory;random memory;RAM;read/write memory}
(フランツ・カフカ) [] {Kafka;Franz Kafka}
(帝国主義) [] {imperialism}
(マルクス・アウレリウス・アントニヌス) [] {Antoninus;Aurelius;Marcus Aurelius;Marcus Aurelius Antoninus;Marcus Annius Verus}
(チベット) [] {Tibet;Thibet;Xizang;Sitsang}
(タクシー) [] {cab;hack;taxi;taxicab}
(宝石) [] {gem;gemstone;stone}
(ラテンアメリカ) [] {Latin America}
(自由) [] {freedom}
(貧困) [] {poverty;poorness;impoverishment}
(ニール・アームストロング) [] {Armstrong;Neil Armstrong}
(レーダー) [] {radar;microwave radar;radio detection and ranging;radiolocation}
(象徴) [] {symbol;symbolization;symbolisation;symbolic representation}
(腸) [] {intestine;bowel;gut}
(エルベ川) [] {Elbe;Elbe River}
(書く) [] {write}
(ワット) [] {watt;W}
(ラビンドラナート・タゴール) [] {Tagore;Rabindranath Tagore;Sir Rabindranath Tagore}
(温度計) [] {thermometer}
(レンブラント・ファン・レイン) [] {Rembrandt;Rembrandt van Rijn;Rembrandt van Ryn;Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn}
(芥子) [けし] {poppy}
(ハリケーン) [] {hurricane}
(ヨーゼフ・ゲッベルス) [] {Goebbels;Joseph Goebbels;Paul Joseph Goebbels}
(教授) [] {professor;prof}
(オーボエ) [] {oboe;hautboy;hautbois}
(黒澤明) [] {Kurosawa;Akira Kurosawa}
(オリーブ) [] {olive ; olive;European olive tree;Olea europaea}
(デイヴィッド・ヒューム) [] {Hume;David Hume}
(ジェーン・オースティン) [] {Austen;Jane Austen}
(冷蔵庫) [] {refrigerator;icebox}
(罪) [] {sin;sinning}
(園芸) [] {gardening;horticulture}
(隠喩) [いんゆ] {metaphor}
(四角形) [しかっけい] {quadrilateral;quadrangle;tetragon}
(いつも) [] {always;ever;e'er}
(砂利) [] {gravel;crushed rock}
(アディスアベバ) [] {Addis Ababa;New Flower;capital of Ethiopia}
(ネクタイ) [] {necktie;tie}
(ネロ) [] {Nero;Nero Claudius Caesar Drusus Germanicus;Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus}
(マイクロコンピューター) [] {personal computer;PC;microcomputer}
(グレアム・ベル) [] {Bell;Alexander Bell;Alexander Graham Bell}
(ほうれん草) [] {spinach;spinach plant;prickly-seeded spinach;Spinacia oleracea}
(ルビジウム) [] {rubidium;Rb;atomic number 37}
(シナゴーグ) [] {synagogue;temple;tabernacle}
(モンテビデオ) [] {Montevideo;capital of Uruguay}
(トラック) [] {truck;motortruck}
(ジェームズ・マディスン) [] {Madison;James Madison;President Madison}
(エレバン) [] {Yerevan;Jerevan;Erivan;capital of Armenia}
(バビロンの空中庭園) [] {Hanging Gardens of Babylon}
(四つ) [よっつ] {four;4;iv}
(代理人) [] {agent}
(ティコ・ブラーエ) [] {Brahe;Tycho Brahe}
(緯度) [] {latitude}
(マイケル・ファラデー) [] {Faraday;Michael Faraday}
(ラジオ) [] {radio receiver;receiving set;radio set;radio;tuner;wireless}
(腺) [] {gland;secretory organ;secretor;secreter}
(運河) [] {canal}
(小牛) [こうし] {calf}
(麻) [] {cannabis;hemp}
(コルカタ) [] {Kolkata;Calcutta}
(南極点) [] {South Pole}
(案内) [あんない] {information;info}
(1950年代) [] {fifties;1950s}
(ハフニウム) [] {hafnium;Hf;atomic number 72}
(ストライキ) [] {strike;work stoppage}
(神経細胞) [しんけいさいぼう] {nerve cell;neuron}
(ヘンリー・フォード) [] {Ford;Henry Ford}
(ハンムラビ) [] {Hammurabi;Hammurapi}
(ナイアガラの滝) [] {Niagara;Niagara Falls}
(グラム) [] {gram;gramme;gm;g}
(からす) [] {crow}
(北極点) [] {North Pole}
(ヨルダン川西岸地区) [] {West Bank}
(従業員) [] {worker}
(アンペア) [] {ampere;amp;A}
(バイト) [] {byte}
(リヴァプール) [] {Liverpool}
(中東) [] {Middle East;Mideast;Near East}
(CD) [] {compact disk;compact disc;CD}
(イギリス海峡) [] {English Channel}
(コンドーム) [] {condom;rubber;safety;safe;prophylactic}
(アスピリン) [] {aspirin;acetylsalicylic acid;Bayer;Empirin;St. Joseph}
(葉緑素) [] {chlorophyll;chlorophyl}
(糖尿病) [] {diabetes mellitus;DM ; diabetes}
(発明) [] {invention;innovation}
(ローレンシウム) [] {lawrencium;Lr;atomic number 103}
(迷信) [] {superstition;superstitious notion}
(懐胎) [かいたい] {pregnancy;gestation;maternity}
(処女) [] {virgin}
(オランダ領アンティル) [] {Netherlands Antilles}
(洋芥子) [ようがらし] {mustard;table mustard}
(法廷) [] {court;tribunal;judicature}
(八十) [やそじ] {eighty;80;lxxx;fourscore}
(ゴリラ) [] {gorilla;Gorilla gorilla}
(微生物) [] {microorganism;micro-organism ; microbe;bug;germ}
(ウランバートル) [] {Ulan Bator;Ulaanbaatar;Urga;Kulun;capital of Mongolia}
(穴熊) [あなぐま] {badger}
(読む) [] {read}
(額) [] {brow;forehead}
(半導体) [はんどうたい] {semiconductor;semiconducting material}
(実存主義) [] {existentialism;existential philosophy;existentialist philosophy}
(カワウソ) [] {otter}
(フィラデルフィア) [] {Philadelphia;City of Brotherly Love}
(天井) [] {ceiling}
(メキシコシティ) [] {Mexico City;Ciudad de Mexico;Mexican capital;capital of Mexico}
(ダラス) [] {Dallas}
(グリエルモ・マルコーニ) [] {Marconi;Guglielmo Marconi}
(南北戦争) [] {American Civil War;United States Civil War;War between the States}
(封建主義) [ほうけんしゅぎ] {feudalism;feudal system}
(アラゴン州) [] {Aragon}
(鱒) [ます] {trout}
(ヘルツ) [] {hertz;Hz;cycle per second;cycles/second;cps;cycle}
(国民投票) [] {referendum}
(ナイロビ) [] {Nairobi;capital of Kenya}
(国内総生産) [] {gross domestic product;GDP}
(顧客) [] {customer;client}
(本日) [ほんじつ] {today}
(相対性理論) [] {relativity;theory of relativity;relativity theory;Einstein's theory of relativity ; principle of relativity}
(混成物) [こんせいぶつ] {compound;chemical compound}
(天頂) [] {zenith}
(必要物) [] {wish;wishing;want}
(事例) [] {case;instance;example}
(ゲルマニウム) [] {germanium;Ge;atomic number 32}
(ウディ・アレン) [] {Allen;Woody Allen;Allen Stewart Konigsberg}
(アクチニウム) [] {actinium;Ac;atomic number 89}
(死海) [] {Dead Sea}
(ヘルメース) [] {Hermes}
(千年紀) [せんねんき] {millennium;millenary}
(アルザス) [] {Alsace;Alsatia;Elsass}
(マニトバ州) [] {Manitoba}
(水文学) [] {hydrology}
(面接) [] {interview}
(封筒) [] {envelope}
(グルコース) [] {glucose}
(鉱物学) [こうぶつがく] {mineralogy}
(車庫) [] {garage}
(1940年代) [] {forties;1940s}
(柳) [] {willow;willow tree}
(パセリ) [] {parsley;Petroselinum crispum}
(アガサ・クリスティ) [] {Christie;Agatha Christie;Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie}
(樺) [かば] {birch;birch tree}
(対数) [] {logarithm;log}
(トマト) [] {tomato;love apple;tomato plant;Lycopersicon esculentum}
(服従) [] {obedience}
(不可知論) [] {agnosticism}
(大気) [] {atmosphere;air}
(デンプン) [] {starch;amylum}
(宇宙論・宇宙物理学) [] {cosmology;cosmogony;cosmogeny}
(ヘルマン・ヘッセ) [] {Hesse;Hermann Hesse}
(エタノール) [] {ethyl alcohol;ethanol;fermentation alcohol;grain alcohol}
(アキレウス) [] {Achilles}
(公害) [] {pollution}
(白) [] {white;whiteness}
(牡蠣) [かき] {oyster}
(水夫) [] {sailor;crewman}
(ジブラルタル海峡) [] {Strait of Gibraltar}
(インジウム) [] {indium;In;atomic number 49}
(農民) [] {farmer;husbandman;granger;sodbuster}
(超現実主義) [ちょうげんじつしゅぎ] {surrealism}
(丘) [] {hill}
(列) [] {row}
(アレース) [] {Ares}
(十四) [じゅうよん] {fourteen;14;xiv}
(ベネルクス) [] {Benelux}
(細胞) [] {cell}
(アナクシマンドロス) [] {Anaximander}
(薬剤師) [] {pharmacist;druggist;chemist;apothecary;pill pusher;pill roller}
(精液) [] {sperm;sperm cell;spermatozoon;spermatozoan}
(お祭り騒ぎ) [] {orgy;debauch;debauchery;saturnalia;riot;bacchanal;bacchanalia;drunken revelry}
(国際連盟) [] {League of Nations}
(ネオジム) [] {neodymium;Nd;atomic number 60}
(バドミントン) [] {badminton}
(ボルツァーノ) [] {Bolzano}
(美学) [] {aesthetics;esthetics}
(統語論) [] {syntax;sentence structure;phrase structure}
(冬季オリンピック) [] {Winter Olympic Games;Winter Olympics}
(フランシスコ・フランコ) [] {Franco;Francisco Franco;El Caudillo;General Franco}
(サルデーニャ州) [] {Sardinia;Sardegna}
(アスタチン) [] {astatine;At;atomic number 85}
(盾) [] {shield;buckler}
(クレタ島) [] {Crete;Kriti}
(プロイセン) [] {Prussia;Preussen}
(ヴェネト州) [] {Veneto;Venezia-Euganea;Venetia}
(早く) [] {soon;shortly;presently;before long}
(尋ねる) [] {ask;inquire;enquire}
(イリジウム) [] {iridium;Ir;atomic number 77}
(石榴) [ざくろ] {pomegranate}
(ハイパーテキスト) [] {hypertext}
(結婚) [] {marriage;matrimony;union;spousal relationship;wedlock}
(ニコチン) [] {nicotine}
(宗教改革) [] {Reformation;Protestant Reformation}
(誓い) [] {oath;swearing}
(ダム) [] {dam;dike;dyke}
(プロトコル) [] {protocol;communications protocol}
(犀) [さい] {rhinoceros;rhino}
(前史) [ぜんし] {prehistory;prehistoric culture}
(郊外) [] {suburb;suburbia;suburban area}
(世代) [] {generation}
(シオニズム) [] {Zionism;Zionist movement}
(ハロルド・ピンター) [] {Pinter;Harold Pinter}
(コンピュータウイルス) [] {virus;computer virus}
(ル・コルビュジエ) [] {Le Corbusier;Charles Edouard Jeanneret}
(粘土) [] {clay}
(ヴェルサイユ条約) [] {Treaty of Versailles}
(シンフォニー) [] {symphony orchestra;symphony;philharmonic}
(石油輸出国機構) [] {Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries;OPEC}
(ティベリウス) [] {Tiberius;Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar Augustus}
(ロッテルダム) [] {Rotterdam}
(ラドヤード・キップリング) [] {Kipling;Rudyard Kipling;Joseph Rudyard Kipling}
(メダル) [] {decoration;laurel wreath;medal;medallion;palm;ribbon}
(エーゲ海) [] {Aegean;Aegean Sea}
(エコシステム) [] {ecosystem}
(専門学校) [] {academy}
(尻) [] {buttocks;nates;arse;butt;backside;bum;buns;can;fundament;hindquarters;hind end;keister;posterior;prat;rear;rear end;rump;stern;seat;tail;tail end;tooshie;tush;bottom;behind;derriere;fanny;ass}
(ハーフライフ) [] {half life;half-life}
(検索エンジン) [] {search engine}
(台北市) [] {Taipei;Taipeh;capital of Taiwan}
(水族館) [] {aquarium;fish tank;marine museum}
(教化) [] {civilization;civilisation}
(マザー・テレサ) [] {Teresa;Mother Teresa;Theresa;Mother Theresa;Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu}
(スティーヴン・ホーキング) [] {Hawking;Stephen Hawking;Stephen William Hawking}
(研究) [] {research}
(ゲオルク・フリードリヒ・ヘンデル) [] {Handel;George Frideric Handel;George Frederick Handel;Georg Friedrich Handel}
(ボローニャ) [] {Bologna}
(午後) [] {afternoon}
(ボヘミア) [] {Bohemia}
(ローマ神話) [] {Roman mythology}
(所有格) [] {genitive;genitive case;possessive;possessive case}
(山荒らし) [やまあらし] {porcupine;hedgehog}
(マルマラ海) [] {Marmara;Sea of Marmara;Marmara Denizi;Marmora;Sea of Marmora}
(方法) [] {method}
(エドモンド・ヒラリー) [] {Hillary;Edmund Hillary;Sir Edmund Hillary;Sir Edmund Percival Hillary}
(抵抗器) [] {resistor;resistance}
(契約) [] {contract}
(牧草地) [] {hayfield;meadow}
(陰) [] {shade;shadiness;shadowiness}
(地平線) [] {horizon;apparent horizon;visible horizon;sensible horizon;skyline}
(アナトリア半島) [] {Asia Minor;Anatolia}
(タングステン) [] {tungsten;wolfram;W;atomic number 74}
(ゾロアスター教) [] {Zoroastrianism;Mazdaism}
(丸屋根) [] {dome}
(デトロイト) [] {Detroit;Motor City;Motown}
(ダマスカス) [] {Dimash;Damascus;capital of Syria}
(索引) [] {index}
(テルル) [] {tellurium;Te;atomic number 52}
(蟹) [かに] {crab}
(三位一体) [] {Trinity;Holy Trinity;Blessed Trinity;Sacred Trinity}
(おそらく) [] {possibly;perchance;perhaps;maybe;mayhap;peradventure}
(半径) [] {radius;r}
(肥満) [] {fleshiness;obesity;corpulency}
(カリフラワー) [] {cauliflower;Brassica oleracea botrytis}
(ヒジュラ暦) [] {Islamic calendar;Muhammadan calendar;Mohammedan calendar;Moslem calendar;Muslim calendar}
(広島市) [] {Hiroshima}
(淫売) [いんばい] {prostitution;harlotry;whoredom}
(ピエモンテ州) [] {Piedmont;Piemonte}
(オーディン) [] {Odin}
(アンタナナリボ) [] {Antananarivo;capital of Madagascar}
(腿) [もも] {thigh}
(小川) [] {brook;creek}
(割合) [] {percentage;percent;per centum;pct}
(シダ植物門) [] {fern}
(アンマン) [] {Amman;capital of Jordan}
(涙) [] {tear;teardrop}
(平壌) [] {Pyongyang;capital of North Korea}
(勇ましい) [いさましい] {brave;courageous ; valiant;valorous}
(歌う) [] {sing}
(のこぎり) [] {saw}
(メタノール) [] {methanol;methyl alcohol;wood alcohol;wood spirit}
(マルセル・プルースト) [] {Proust;Marcel Proust}
(眼瞼) [がんけん] {eyelid;lid;palpebra}
(角) [] {horn}
(モットー) [] {motto;slogan;catchword;shibboleth}
(乗客) [] {passenger;rider}
(ジャーナリスト) [] {journalist}
(販売) [] {sale}
(ペトロ) [] {Peter;Simon Peter;Saint Peter;St. Peter;Saint Peter the Apostle;St. Peter the Apostle}
(バロック) [] {baroque;baroqueness}
(王女) [] {princess}
(樹皮) [] {bark}
(ワールドトレードセンター) [] {World Trade Center;WTC;twin towers}
(オックスフォード) [] {Oxford}
(門) [] {gate}
(市販) [しはん] {marketing}
(美) [] {beauty}
(マックス・プランク) [] {Planck;Max Planck;Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck}
(遊牧民) [] {nomad}
(疣) [いぼ] {wart;verruca}
(じょうご) [] {funnel}
(烏) [からす] {raven;Corvus corax}
(英領バージン諸島) [] {British Virgin Islands}
(薬舗) [やくほ] {drugstore;apothecary's shop;chemist's;chemist's shop;pharmacy}
(稲) [] {rice}
(趣味) [] {avocation;by-line;hobby;pursuit;sideline;spare-time activity}
(修道院長) [] {abbot;archimandrite}
(アイルランドの人物) [] {Irish;Irish people}
(電解) [でんかい] {electrolysis}
(ヌード) [] {bare;au naturel;naked;nude}
(暗がり) [] {dark;darkness}
(賊) [ぞく] {thief;stealer}
(修道士) [] {monk;monastic}
(無政府) [] {anarchy;lawlessness}
(食欲) [] {appetite;appetency;appetence}
(潮) [] {tide}
(ホッケー) [] {ice hockey;hockey;hockey game}
(反ユダヤ主義) [] {anti-Semitism;antisemitism}
(スマトラ島) [] {Sumatra}
(ウォッカ) [] {vodka}
(敗北) [] {defeat;licking}
(ジョン・メイナード・ケインズ) [] {Keynes;John Maynard Keynes}
(B) [] {B;b}
(ニューデリー) [] {New Delhi;Indian capital;capital of India}
(自閉症) [] {autism}
(狂犬病) [] {rabies;hydrophobia;lyssa;madness}
(ミクロ経済学) [] {microeconomics}
(未確認飛行物体) [] {unidentified flying object;UFO;flying saucer}
(酸化物) [さんかぶつ] {oxide}
(ハロゲン) [] {halogen}
(結婚式) [] {marriage;wedding;marriage ceremony}
(ソース) [] {sauce}
(十六) [じゅうろく] {sixteen;16;xvi}
(デモクリトス) [] {Democritus}
(ブリスベン) [] {Brisbane}
(アクチノイド) [] {actinoid;actinide;actinon}
(七十) [ななじゅう] {seventy;70;lxx}
(第18族元素) [] {noble gas;inert gas;argonon}
(プリンスエドワードアイランド州) [] {Prince Edward Island}
(アルカーイダ) [] {al-Qaeda;Qaeda;al-Qa'ida;al-Qaida;Base}
(ベルファスト) [] {Belfast;capital of Northern Ireland}
(真空) [] {vacuum;vacuity}
(マルクス・トゥッリウス・キケロ) [] {Cicero;Marcus Tullius Cicero;Tully}
(ボルネオ島) [] {Borneo;Kalimantan}
(アントン・チェーホフ) [] {Chekhov;Chekov;Anton Chekhov;Anton Chekov;Anton Pavlovich Chekhov;Anton Pavlovich Chekov}
(孔雀) [くじゃく] {peacock}
(スタンリー・キューブリック) [] {Kubrick;Stanley Kubrick}
(ザルツブルク) [] {Salzburg}
(ハリウッド) [] {Hollywood}
(神殿) [] {temple}
(バレアレス諸島) [] {Balearic Islands}
(人種) [] {subspecies;race}
(ハムスター) [] {hamster}
(磁気) [じき] {magnetism;magnetic attraction;magnetic force}
(ひばり) [] {lark}
(サラダ) [] {salad}
(値段) [] {price;terms;damage}
(無花果) [いちじく] {fig}
(メロン) [] {melon}
(組織学) [そしきがく] {histology}
(マンハッタン) [] {Manhattan}
(岩) [] {rock;stone}
(友情) [] {friendship;friendly relationship}
(1930年代) [] {thirties;1930s}
(分析) [] {analysis;analytic thinking}
(要素) [] {component;constituent;element;factor;ingredient}
(フランス領ポリネシア) [] {French Polynesia;French Oceania}
(ファドゥーツ) [] {Vaduz;capital of Liechtenstein}
(トーマス・マン) [] {Mann;Thomas Mann}
(スタイル) [] {style}
(スペイン内戦) [] {Spanish Civil War}
(リヤド) [] {Riyadh;capital of Saudi Arabia}
(敷居) [] {threshold;limen}
(湾) [] {bay;embayment ; gulf}
(1960年代) [] {sixties;1960s}
(1970年代) [] {seventies;1970s}
(シャワー) [] {shower}
(1920年代) [] {twenties;1920s}
(芽) [] {bud}
(ジャガー) [] {jaguar;panther;Panthera onca;Felis onca}
(樹脂) [] {resin;rosin}
(行政) [ぎょうせい] {administration;disposal}
(物質代謝) [ぶっしつたいしゃ] {metabolism;metabolic process}
(風車) [] {windmill;aerogenerator;wind generator}
(センチメートル) [] {centimeter;centimetre;cm}
(住居) [] {dwelling;home;domicile;abode;habitation;dwelling house}
(タンポポ) [] {dandelion;blowball}
(人形) [] {doll;dolly}
(ジュール) [] {joule;J;watt second}
(コロッセオ) [] {Colosseum;Amphitheatrum Flavium}
(卓球) [] {table tennis;Ping-Pong}
(鰊) [にしん] {herring;Clupea harangus}
(軟体動物) [] {Mollusca;phylum Mollusca}
(エッジワース・カイパーベルト) [] {Kuiper belt;Edgeworth-Kuiper belt}
(地域) [] {one-fourth;fourth;one-quarter;quarter;fourth part;twenty-five percent;quartern}
(アスタナ) [] {Astana;Akmola;capital of Kazakhstan}
(噴水) [] {fountain}
(大工) [] {carpenter}
(トビリシ) [] {Tbilisi;Tiflis;capital of Georgia}
(投げる) [] {throw}
(グローバル・ポジショニング・システム) [] {Global Positioning System;GPS}
(葦) [あし] {reed}
(鉤十字) [かぎじゅうじ] {swastika;Hakenkreuz}
(ラゴス) [] {Lagos}
(プログラミング) [] {programming;programing;computer programming;computer programing}
(座る) [すわる] {sit;sit down}
(罰金) [] {fine;mulct;amercement}
(ルテニウム) [] {ruthenium;Ru;atomic number 44}
(タンタル) [] {tantalum;Ta;atomic number 73}
(沸点) [] {boiling point;boil}
(マックス・ヴェーバー) [] {Weber;Max Weber}
(オスミウム) [] {osmium;Os;atomic number 76}
(直す) [] {repair;mend;fix;bushel;doctor;furbish up;restore;touch on ; bring around;cure;heal}
(イベリア半島) [] {Iberian Peninsula;Iberia}
(ハサミムシ) [] {earwig}
(コブラ) [] {cobra}
(市長) [] {mayor;city manager}
(瞬間) [しゅんかん] {moment;mo;minute;second;bit ; moment;minute;second;instant}
(モールス符号) [] {Morse;Morse code;international Morse code}
(弾丸) [] {bullet;slug}
(貧血) [] {anemia;anaemia}
(洗礼) [] {baptism}
(鷓鴣) [しゃこ] {partridge}
(薄明) [] {twilight;dusk;gloaming;gloam;nightfall;evenfall;fall;crepuscule;crepuscle}
(発音) [] {pronunciation}
(高度) [] {altitude;height}
(ココア) [] {cocoa}
(台所) [] {kitchen}
(サイクロン) [] {cyclone}
(ヘリコプター) [] {helicopter;chopper;whirlybird;eggbeater}
(手順) [] {procedure;process}
(染色体) [せんしょくたい] {chromosome}
(鶉) [うずら] {quail}
(ボスポラス海峡) [] {Bosporus}
(パラジウム) [] {palladium;Pd;atomic number 46}
(ハノイ) [] {Hanoi;capital of Vietnam}
(ラム酒) [] {rum}
(フジ') [] {Fuji;Mount Fuji;Fujiyama;Fujinoyama;Fuji-san}
(キリマンジャロ) [] {Kilimanjaro;Mount Kilimanjaro}
(ミイラ) [] {mummy}
(墓) [] {grave;tomb}
(シアトル) [] {Seattle}
(鼻髭) [はなひげ] {mustache;moustache}
(ユーフラテス川) [] {Euphrates;Euphrates River}
(提督) [ていとく] {admiral;full admiral}
(印象) [] {impression;feeling;belief;notion;opinion}
(買う) [] {buy;purchase}
(小切手) [] {check;bank check;cheque}
(フランツ・リスト) [] {Liszt;Franz Liszt}
(トゥールーズ) [] {Toulouse}
(企画) [] {project;projection}
(許可) [] {permission}
(コルシカ島) [] {Corse;Corsica}
(願事) [ねがいごと] {prayer;supplication}
(ハルツーム) [] {Khartoum;capital of Sudan}
(クラシック音楽) [] {classical music;classical;serious music}
(突然変異) [とつぜんへんい] {mutation;genetic mutation;chromosomal mutation}
(ヴォルゴグラード) [] {Volgograd;Stalingrad;Tsaritsyn}
(長崎市) [] {Nagasaki}
(オーガズム) [] {orgasm;climax;sexual climax;coming}
(忍耐) [] {patience;forbearance;longanimity}
(ジャーナリズム) [] {journalism}
(未開人) [] {savage;barbarian}
(労働) [] {labor;labour;toil}
(違い) [] {difference}
(ピッチ) [] {pitch;tar}
(通訳) [] {interpreter;translator}
(目撃者) [] {witness;witnesser;informant}
(大司教) [] {archbishop}
(王子) [] {prince}
(王座) [] {throne}
(喜劇) [] {comedy}
(広漠たる) [こうばくたる] {huge;immense;vast;Brobdingnagian}
(タイプライター) [] {typewriter}
(本文) [] {text;textual matter}
(ヘーパイストス) [] {Hephaestus;Hephaistos}
(融点) [] {freezing point;melting point}
(ボクシング) [] {boxing;pugilism;fisticuffs}
(トール) [] {Thor}
(対流圏) [] {troposphere}
(地方) [] {region}
(怪物) [] {monster}
(大砲) [] {artillery;artillery unit ; cannon}
(依頼人) [] {client}
(著作権) [] {copyright;right of first publication}
(クリスチャン) [] {Christian}
(ジェームズ・ボンド) [] {Bond;James Bond}
(作曲家) [] {composer}
(水素イオン指数) [] {pH;pH scale}
(幼虫) [] {larva}
(ニキータ・フルシチョフ) [] {Khrushchev;Nikita Khrushchev;Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev}
(収入) [] {income}
(戸棚) [とだな] {cupboard;closet}
(祭壇) [] {altar;communion table;Lord's table}
(オアシス) [] {oasis}
(禁止) [] {prohibition;ban;proscription}
(アメリシウム) [] {americium;Am;atomic number 95}
(合図) [] {signal;signaling;sign}
(推薦) [] {recommendation;testimonial;good word}
(ホッキョクグマ) [] {ice bear;polar bear;Ursus Maritimus;Thalarctos maritimus}
(石英) [せきえい] {quartz}
(ヘラジカ) [] {elk;European elk;moose;Alces alces}
(成功) [] {success}
(運命) [] {destiny;fate}
(パイナップル) [] {pineapple;ananas}
(カフェイン) [] {caffeine;caffein}
(サクランボ) [] {cherry}
(デザート) [] {dessert;sweet;afters}
(朝食) [] {breakfast}
(子音) [] {consonant}
(地形学) [] {morphology;geomorphology}
(地震学) [] {seismology}
(エミリア=ロマーニャ州) [] {Emilia-Romagna}
(虚数単位) [] {complex number;complex quantity;imaginary number;imaginary}
(パンゲア大陸) [] {Pangaea;Pangea}
(カトマンズ) [] {Kathmandu;Katmandu;capital of Nepal}
(原形) [] {prototype;paradigm;epitome;image}
(九十) [きゅうじゅう] {ninety;90;xc}
(サスカチュワン州) [] {Saskatchewan}
(自然科学) [] {natural science}
(ケイマン諸島) [] {Cayman Islands}
(電池) [] {battery;electric battery}
(ブルノ) [] {Brno;Brunn}
(ヘンリック・イプセン) [] {Ibsen;Henrik Ibsen;Henrik Johan Ibsen}
(パスポート) [] {passport}
(アルジェ) [] {Algiers;Algerian capital}
(キト) [] {Quito;capital of Ecuador}
(イデオロギー) [] {political orientation;ideology;political theory}
(イリオス) [] {Troy;Ilion;Ilium}
(偏見) [] {bias;prejudice;preconception}
(カンパニア州) [] {Campania}
(自由主義) [じゆうしゅぎ] {liberalism}
(リグーリア州) [] {Liguria}
(ロバート・デ・ニーロ) [] {De Niro;Robert De Niro}
(ソファー) [] {sofa;couch;lounge}
(ハインリヒ・ヒムラー) [] {Himmler;Heinrich Himmler}
(テコンドー) [] {tae kwon do;taekwondo}
(ホルモン) [] {hormone;endocrine;internal secretion}
(睾丸) [] {testis;testicle;orchis;ball;ballock;bollock;nut;egg}
(ジェームズ・モンロー) [] {Monroe;James Monroe;President Monroe}
(コカイン) [] {cocaine;cocain}
(自涜) [じとく] {masturbation;onanism}
(亡命) [] {refuge;sanctuary;asylum}
(クリスティアーン・ホイヘンス) [] {Huygens;Christiaan Huygens;Christian Huygens}
(衛星) [] {satellite;artificial satellite;orbiter}
(カリグラ) [] {Caligula;Gaius;Gaius Caesar}
(特許) [] {patent;patent of invention}
(トマス・ホッブズ) [] {Hobbes;Thomas Hobbes}
(非人) [ひにん] {beggar;mendicant}
(生生しい) [なまなましい] {fresh}
(アレクサンドル・デュマ・フィス) [] {Dumas;Alexandre Dumas}
(折り紙) [] {origami}
(オウィディウス) [] {Ovid;Publius Ovidius Naso}
(脂質) [] {lipid;lipide;lipoid}
(アレルギー) [] {allergy;allergic reaction}
(ランタン) [] {lanthanum;La;atomic number 57 ; lantern}
(創世記) [] {Genesis;Book of Genesis}
(トロイア戦争) [] {Trojan War}
(ザンジバル) [] {Zanzibar}
(原子量) [] {atomic mass;atomic weight;relative atomic mass}
(ユリシーズ・グラント) [] {Grant;Ulysses Grant;Ulysses S. Grant;Ulysses Simpson Grant;Hiram Ulysses Grant;President Grant}
(馬鹿馬鹿しい) [ばかばかしい] {stupid}
(連合会) [れんごうかい] {association}
(凧) [いかのぼり] {kite}
(北アフリカ) [] {North Africa}
(足首) [] {ankle;ankle joint;mortise joint;articulatio talocruralis}
(神経科) [しんけいか] {neurology;clinical neurology}
(性格) [] {quality;character;lineament}
(トラヤヌス) [] {Trajan;Marcus Ulpius Traianus}
(ケープタウン) [] {Cape Town}
(マルティン・ハイデッガー) [] {Heidegger;Martin Heidegger}
(選択) [] {choice;selection;option;pick}
(スパルタ) [] {Sparta}
(モガディシュ) [] {Mogadishu;Mogadiscio;capital of Somalia}
(早くも) [はやくも] {already}
(フランツ・シューベルト) [] {Schubert;Franz Schubert;Franz Peter Schubert;Franz Seraph Peter Schubert}
(ニコラ・テスラ) [] {Tesla;Nikola Tesla}
(七) [しち] {seven;7;vii}
(鯉) [] {carp}
(教える) [] {teach;learn;instruct}
(紋章学) [] {heraldry}
(芸術家) [] {artist;creative person}
(カラチ) [] {Karachi}
(アブハジア) [] {Abkhaz;Abkhazia}
(アビジャン) [] {Abidjan}
(奴隷制度) [どれいせいど] {bondage;slavery;thrall;thralldom;thraldom}
(ルアンダ) [] {Luanda;Angolan capital}
(迷路) [] {maze;labyrinth}
(受取る) [] {accept;take;have ; receive;have}
(保護) [] {protection}
(部署) [] {department;section}
(生物圏) [] {biosphere}
(ビラ) [] {poster;posting;placard;notice;bill;card}
(丈夫) [じょうぶ] {solid;strong;substantial}
(種馬) [] {stallion;entire}
(家具) [] {furniture;piece of furniture;article of furniture}
(半分) [] {one-half;half}
(離婚) [] {divorce;divorcement}
(検査) [] {test;trial;run}
(利点) [] {advantage;vantage}
(ヴィクトリア湖) [] {Lake Victoria;Victoria Nyanza}
(郵趣) [] {philately;stamp collecting;stamp collection}
(黒) [] {black;blackness;inkiness}
(オリバー・クロムウェル) [] {Cromwell;Oliver Cromwell;Ironsides}
(グレート・バリア・リーフ) [] {Great Barrier Reef}
(ケンタウロス) [] {centaur}
(火花) [] {spark}
(航行) [] {navigation;pilotage;piloting}
(ヴァンダリズム) [] {vandalism;hooliganism;malicious mischief}
(テムズ川) [] {Thames;River Thames;Thames River}
(エドヴァルド・ムンク) [] {Munch;Edvard Munch}
(ゲオルギウス) [] {George;Saint George;St. George}
(チャンネル) [] {channel}
(良心) [] {conscience;scruples;moral sense;sense of right and wrong}
(人口学) [じんこうがく] {demography;human ecology}
(サキソフォン) [] {sax;saxophone}
(氷山) [] {iceberg;berg}
(中央処理装置) [] {central processing unit;CPU;C.P.U.;central processor;processor;mainframe}
(卵巣) [] {ovary}
(婦人科) [] {gynecology;gynaecology}
(ウィリアム・フォークナー) [] {Faulkner;William Faulkner;William Cuthbert Faulkner;Falkner;William Falkner}
(合気道) [] {aikido}
(フィンランド湾) [] {Gulf of Finland}
(機関車) [] {locomotive;engine;locomotive engine;railway locomotive}
(スパイス) [] {spice}
(アラビア海) [] {Arabian Sea}
(水理学) [すいりがく] {fluid mechanics;hydraulics}
(ロードス島の巨像) [] {Colossus of Rhodes}
(石灰) [] {calcium hydroxide;lime;slaked lime;hydrated lime;calcium hydrate;caustic lime;lime hydrate}
(セイウチ) [] {walrus;seahorse;sea horse}
(独立国家共同体) [] {Commonwealth of Independent States;CIS}
(禿鷹) [はげたか] {vulture}
(原稿) [] {manuscript;holograph}
(トリウム) [] {thorium;Th;atomic number 90}
(いたち) [] {weasel}
(ラングドック=ルシヨン地域圏) [] {Languedoc-Roussillon}
(定理) [] {theorem}
(毛皮) [] {fur;pelt}
(断頭台) [] {guillotine}
(モントセラト) [] {Montserrat}
(ポール・マッカートニー) [] {McCartney;Paul McCartney;Sir James Paul McCartney}
(アンドリュー・ジャクソン) [] {Jackson;Andrew Jackson;Old Hickory}
(ニオブ) [] {niobium;Nb;atomic number 41}
(数字) [] {numeral;number}
(ニコシア) [] {Nicosia;capital of Cyprus}
(ドルトムント) [] {Dortmund}
(十字) [] {cross}
(烈烈) [れつれつ] {ferocious;fierce;furious;savage}
(綴り) [つづり] {orthography;writing system}
(アボガドロ定数) [] {Avogadro's number;Avogadro number}
(燕) [つばめ] {swallow}
(従容たる) [しょうようたる] {calm;unagitated;serene;tranquil}
(疑似科学) [] {pseudoscience}
(アレクサンダー・フレミング) [] {Fleming;Alexander Fleming;Sir Alexander Fleming}
(もぐら) [] {mole}
(ミトコンドリア) [] {mitochondrion;chondriosome}
(楽しい) [] {pleasant}
(マクスウェルの方程式) [] {Maxwell's equations}
(ネックレス) [] {necklace}
(石綿) [] {asbestos}
(国際法) [] {international law;law of nations}
(方針) [] {policy}
(カモフラージュ) [] {disguise;camouflage}
(サミュエル・ベケット) [] {Beckett;Samuel Beckett}
(泥炭) [でいたん] {peat}
(素速い) [] {rapid;speedy ; fleet;swift}
(アントワーヌ・ラヴォアジエ) [] {Lavoisier;Antoine Lavoisier;Antoine Laurent Lavoisier}
(公園) [] {park;commons;common;green}
(アルトゥル・ショーペンハウアー) [] {Schopenhauer;Arthur Schopenhauer}
(国境) [] {boundary line;border;borderline;delimitation;mete ; frontier}
(事務所) [] {agency;federal agency;government agency;bureau;office;authority}
(ヴィースバーデン) [] {Wiesbaden}
(イットリウム) [] {yttrium;Y;atomic number 39}
(モーター) [] {motor}
(儒教) [] {Confucianism}
(ジョージ・ルーカス) [] {Lucas;George Lucas}
(金錆) [かなさび] {rust}
(エホバの証人) [] {Jehovah's Witnesses}
(ウルドゥ語) [] {Urdu}
(ニューカレドニア) [] {New Caledonia}
(無機化学) [] {inorganic chemistry}
(コンマ) [] {comma}
(薬理学) [やくりがく] {pharmacology;pharmacological medicine;materia medica}
(分子生物学) [] {molecular biology}
(白血病) [] {leukemia;leukaemia;leucaemia;cancer of the blood}
(玄武岩) [] {basalt}
(地下室) [] {basement;cellar}
(野営地) [] {camp;encampment;cantonment;bivouac}
(リール) [] {Lille}
(音楽隊) [おんがくたい] {band}
(幅) [] {width;breadth}
(ホー・チ・ミン) [] {Ho Chi Minh;Nguyen Tat Thanh}
(栄養) [] {nutriment;nourishment;nutrition;sustenance;aliment;alimentation;victuals}
(バジリカータ州) [] {Basilicata;Lucania}
(ガーンジー島) [] {Guernsey;island of Guernsey}
(イルカ) [] {dolphinfish;dolphin;mahimahi}
(ロマン主義) [] {Romanticism;Romantic Movement}
(H) [] {H;h}
(ヨット) [] {yacht;racing yacht}
(ホラティウス) [] {Horace}
(傾斜) [] {slope;incline;side}
(D) [] {D;d}
(ヘロイン) [] {heroin;diacetylmorphine}
(魔法) [] {magic;thaumaturgy}
(素粒子物理学) [] {particle physics;high-energy physics;high energy physics}
(空気力学) [] {aeromechanics;aerodynamics}
(Y) [] {Y;y;wye}
(泥) [] {mud;clay}
(倍) [ばい] {double;dual;duple}
(ニューファンドランド・ラブラドール州) [] {Newfoundland and Labrador}
(西瓜) [すいか] {watermelon}
(アセチレン) [] {acetylene;ethyne;alkyne}
(歩道) [] {sidewalk;pavement}
(人口調査) [] {census;nose count;nosecount}
(花瓶) [] {vase}
(旅行者) [] {tourist;tourer;holidaymaker}
(ロケット) [] {rocket;projectile}
(飛行家) [] {aviator;aeronaut;airman;flier;flyer}
(アルメニア語) [] {Armenian;Armenian language}
(ラバト) [] {Rabat;capital of Morocco}
(エントロピー) [] {information;selective information;entropy}
(船乗り) [] {mariner;seaman;tar;Jack-tar;Jack;old salt;seafarer;gob;sea dog}
(パブロ・ネルーダ) [] {Neruda;Pablo Neruda;Reyes;Neftali Ricardo Reyes}
(ヨガ) [] {yoga}
(圧力) [] {pressure;pressure level;force per unit area}
(球戯) [きゅうぎ] {billiards}
(被子植物門) [] {angiosperm;flowering plant}
(鰥夫) [やもめ] {widower;widowman}
(寒波) [] {freeze;frost}
(ずるい) [] {crafty;cunning;dodgy;foxy;guileful;knavish;slick;sly;tricksy;tricky;wily}
(おじさん) [] {uncle}
(パンダ) [] {giant panda;panda;panda bear;coon bear;Ailuropoda melanoleuca}
(ピレネー山脈) [] {Pyrenees}
(人質) [] {hostage;surety}
(フランシスコ・デ・ゴヤ) [] {Goya;Goya y Lucientes;Francisco Goya;Francisco de Goya;Francisco Jose de Goya;Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes}
(伯爵) [] {count}
(重い) [] {heavy}
(碗) [わん] {bowl}
(手仕事) [てしごと] {handicraft;handcraft;handiwork;handwork}
(バックギャモン) [] {backgammon}
(詳しい) [くわしい] {accurate;exact;precise}
(菌) [] {fungus}
(変化) [] {change;alteration;modification}
(ジョヴァンニ・ボッカッチョ) [] {Boccaccio;Giovanni Boccaccio}
(サギ科) [] {heron}
(触媒) [] {catalysis;contact action}
(歯科医) [] {dentist;tooth doctor;dental practitioner}
(ヘルメット) [] {helmet}
(ジミ・ヘンドリックス) [] {Hendrix;Jimi Hendrix;James Marshall Hendrix}
(職業) [] {career;calling;vocation}
(花嫁) [] {bride}
(アンデレ) [] {Andrew;Saint Andrew;St. Andrew;Saint Andrew the Apostle}
(気分) [] {temper;mood;humor;humour}
(反響) [] {echo;reverberation;sound reflection;replication}
(データ) [] {data;information}
(洋服屋) [] {tailor;seamster;sartor}
(オングストローム) [] {angstrom;angstrom unit;A}
(ディオニューソス) [] {Dionysus}
(畝間) [うねま] {wrinkle;furrow;crease;crinkle;seam;line}
(画家) [] {painter}
(ジャン・カルヴァン) [] {Calvin;John Calvin;Jean Cauvin;Jean Caulvin;Jean Chauvin}
(真夜中) [] {midnight}
(クーロン) [] {coulomb;C;ampere-second}
(ルイ・パスツール) [] {Pasteur;Louis Pasteur}
(ディオクレティアヌス) [] {Diocletian;Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletian}
(尼) [] {nun}
(冒険) [] {adventure;escapade;risky venture;dangerous undertaking}
(ユリウス暦) [] {Julian calendar;Old Style calendar}
(大天使) [だいてんし] {archangel}
(グレゴール・ヨハン・メンデル) [] {Mendel;Gregor Mendel;Johann Mendel}
(摩擦) [] {friction;rubbing}
(漁夫) [] {fisherman;fisher}
(苦痛) [] {torture;torturing ; agony;torment;torture}
(モンブラン) [] {Mont Blanc;Monte Bianco}
(制服) [] {uniform}
(オーム) [] {ohm}
(実験室) [] {lab;laboratory;research lab;research laboratory;science lab;science laboratory}
(フロッピー ディスク) [] {diskette;floppy;floppy disk}
(外見) [] {appearance;visual aspect}
(電気抵抗) [] {electric resistance;electrical resistance;impedance;resistance;resistivity;ohmic resistance}
(混沌) [] {chaos;pandemonium;bedlam;topsy-turvydom;topsy-turvyness}
(ドゥニ・ディドロ) [] {Diderot;Denis Diderot}
(精神分裂症) [] {schizophrenia;schizophrenic disorder;schizophrenic psychosis;dementia praecox}
(印象派) [] {Impressionism}
(アッティラ) [] {Attila;Attila the Hun;Scourge of God;Scourge of the Gods}
(商人) [] {merchant;merchandiser}
(ソポクレス) [] {Sophocles}
(王冠) [] {crown;diadem}
(ヘラクレイトス) [] {Heraclitus}
(ドミートリイ・ショスタコーヴィチ) [] {Shostakovich;Dmitri Shostakovich;Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich}
(X線) [] {X ray;X-ray;X-radiation;roentgen ray}
(ルートヴィヒ・ウィトゲンシュタイン) [] {Wittgenstein;Ludwig Wittgenstein;Ludwig Josef Johan Wittgenstein}
(ジョン・クィンシー・アダムズ) [] {Adams;John Quincy Adams;President Adams;President John Quincy Adams}
(かもめ) [] {gull;seagull;sea gull}
(ポルノ) [] {pornography;porno;porn;erotica;smut}
(ジョン・スタインベック) [] {Steinbeck;John Steinbeck;John Ernst Steinbeck}
(シャルル・ボードレール) [] {Baudelaire;Charles Baudelaire;Charles Pierre Baudelaire}
(ジャム) [] {jam}
(ダイオード) [] {diode;semiconductor diode;junction rectifier;crystal rectifier}
(ニュートリノ) [] {neutrino}
(欠乏) [] {lack;deficiency;want}
(東南アジア) [] {Southeast Asia}
(ブルース) [] {blues}
(鯖) [さば] {mackerel}
(訪れる) [おとずれる] {visit;see}
(電圧) [] {electric potential;potential;potential difference;potential drop;voltage}
(ウンブリア州) [] {Umbria}
(詩人) [] {poet}
(星印) [] {asterisk;star}
(ルイ・アームストロング) [] {Armstrong;Louis Armstrong;Satchmo}
(P) [] {P;p}
(生産物) [] {product;production}
(ベンチ) [] {bench}
(患者) [] {patient}
(サフラン) [] {saffron;saffron crocus;Crocus sativus}
(オーストリア=ハンガリー帝国) [] {Austria-Hungary}
(シルクロード) [] {Silk Road}
(東南アジア諸国連合) [] {Association of Southeast Asian Nations;ASEAN}
(ヘレン・ケラー) [] {Keller;Helen Keller;Helen Adams Keller}
(北マリアナ諸島) [] {Northern Marianas;Northern Mariana Islands}
(姦通) [] {adultery;criminal conversation;fornication}
(和音) [] {chord}
(旧石器時代) [] {Paleolithic Age;Paleolithic;Palaeolithic}
(精神医学) [] {psychiatry;psychopathology;psychological medicine}
(孤児) [] {orphan}
(昆虫学) [] {entomology;bugology}
(葡萄畑) [ぶどうばたけ] {vineyard;vinery}
(対話) [] {dialogue;dialog;duologue}
(三十年戦争) [] {Thirty Years' War}
(結晶学) [] {crystallography}
(犠牲者) [] {victim}
(上) [うえ] {above;higher up;in a higher place;to a higher place}
(G) [] {G;g}
(寡頭制) [] {oligarchy}
(エース) [] {ace}
(プレートテクトニクス) [] {tectonics;plate tectonics;plate tectonic theory}
(鴨の嘴) [かものはし] {platypus;duckbill;duckbilled platypus;duck-billed platypus;Ornithorhynchus anatinus}
(地球儀) [] {globe}
(パーセク) [] {parsec;secpar}
(接着剤) [] {glue;gum;mucilage}
(驚異) [] {wonder;marvel}
(サラーフッディーン) [] {Saladin;Salah-ad-Din Yusuf ibn-Ayyub}
(合唱団) [] {choir ; chorus}
(電気工学) [] {electrical engineering;EE}
(計算機) [] {calculator;calculating machine}
(オールトの雲) [] {Oort cloud}
(キャビア) [] {caviar;caviare}
(ロゼッタ・ストーン) [] {Rosetta Stone}
(カアバ) [] {Kaaba;Caaba}
(俳句) [] {haiku}
(イーリアス) [] {Iliad}
(E) [] {E;e}
(犯罪学) [はんざいがく] {criminology}
(主格) [] {nominative;nominative case;subject case}
(途方もない) [] {absurd;cockeyed;derisory;idiotic;laughable;ludicrous;nonsensical;preposterous;ridiculous}
(ウェスパシアヌス) [] {Vespasian;Titus Flavius Sabinus Vespasianus}
(息をする) [いきをする] {breathe;take a breath;respire;suspire}
(ボリス・パステルナーク) [] {Pasternak;Boris Pasternak;Boris Leonidovich Pasternak}
(対格) [] {accusative;accusative case;objective case}
(マフィア) [] {Mafia;Maffia;Cosa Nostra}
(アイソーポス) [] {Aesop}
(国際原子力機関) [] {International Atomic Energy Agency;IAEA}
(書誌学) [しょしがく] {bibliography}
(ナンシー) [] {Nancy}
(クラゲ) [] {jellyfish}
(1790年代) [] {1790s}
(パイロット) [] {pilot;airplane pilot}
(メラネシア) [] {Melanesia}
(ジルコニウム) [] {zirconium;Zr;atomic number 40}
(松) [] {pine}
(イッテルビウム) [] {ytterbium;Yb;atomic number 70}
(たいまつ) [] {torch}
(ブーベ島) [] {Bouvet Island}
(消防士) [] {fireman;firefighter;fire fighter;fire-eater}
(肛門) [こうもん] {anus}
(アインスタイニウム) [] {einsteinium;Es;E;atomic number 99}
(パルメニデス) [] {Parmenides}
(エルビウム) [] {erbium;Er;atomic number 68}
(ハーバート・フーヴァー) [] {Hoover;Herbert Hoover;Herbert Clark Hoover;President Hoover}
(コンパイラ) [] {compiler;compiling program}
(ユウロピウム) [] {europium;Eu;atomic number 63}
(ワクチン) [] {vaccine;vaccinum}
(マルケ州) [] {Marche;Marches}
(沈香) [じんこう] {aloe}
(J) [] {J;j}
(民族学) [] {ethnology}
(カラブリア州) [] {Calabria}
(基準) [] {standard;criterion;measure;touchstone}
(ベルゲン) [] {Bergen}
(階級) [] {class;form;grade;course ; grade;level;tier}
(外科医) [] {surgeon;operating surgeon;sawbones}
(アカシア) [] {acacia}
(クローバー) [] {clover;trefoil}
(ツァーリ) [] {czar;tsar;tzar}
(アメリカ領ヴァージン諸島) [] {United States Virgin Islands;American Virgin Islands;VI}
(マッサージ) [] {massage}
(電磁波) [] {electromagnetic radiation;electromagnetic wave;nonparticulate radiation}
(スパイ) [] {spy;undercover agent}
(毒毒しい) [どくどくしい] {poisonous;toxicant}
(エッセン) [] {Essen}
(ルテチウム) [] {lutetium;lutecium;Lu;atomic number 71}
(シク教) [] {Sikhism}
(栗) [くり] {chestnut}
(ゲシュタポ) [] {Gestapo}
(ジェノサイド) [] {genocide;race murder;racial extermination}
(ミルトン・フリードマン) [] {Friedman;Milton Friedman}
(煙突) [] {chimney}
(オランダの人物) [] {Dutch;Dutch people}
(美徳) [] {virtue;virtuousness;moral excellence}
(X) [] {X;x;ex}
(欄外) [] {margin;border;perimeter}
(なぞ) [] {riddle;conundrum;enigma;brain-teaser}
(硫酸) [] {vitriol;oil of vitriol;sulfuric acid;sulphuric acid}
(おばさん) [] {aunt;auntie;aunty}
(夜明け) [] {dawn;dawning;morning;aurora;first light;daybreak;break of day;break of the day;dayspring;sunrise;sunup;cockcrow}
(度度) [たびたび] {frequently;often;oftentimes;oft;ofttimes}
(ヴェスヴィオ) [] {Vesuvius;Mount Vesuvius;Mt. Vesuvius}
(ピストル) [] {pistol;handgun;side arm;shooting iron}
(ガス) [] {natural gas;gas}
(フェンシング) [] {fencing}
(富) [] {wealth;riches}
(本能) [] {instinct;inherent aptitude}
(ガリア) [] {Gaul;Gallia}
(いとこ) [] {cousin;first cousin;cousin-german;full cousin}
(陰核) [いんかく] {clitoris;clit;button}
(青銅器時代) [] {Bronze Age}
(手首) [] {wrist;carpus;wrist joint;radiocarpal joint;articulatio radiocarpea}
(ローザンヌ) [] {Lausanne}
(ブタン) [] {butane}
(板) [] {board;plank}
(波動) [] {wave;undulation}
(ナント) [] {Nantes}
(銀河系) [] {Milky Way;Milky Way Galaxy;Milky Way System}
(踵) [] {heel}
(藁) [わら] {straw}
(朝鮮戦争) [] {Korean War}
(言い出す) [いいだす] {propose;suggest;advise}
(大佐) [] {colonel}
(ラー) [] {Ra;Re}
(シロアリ) [] {termite;white ant}
(魚雷) [] {torpedo}
(原子核物理学) [] {nuclear physics;atomic physics;nucleonics}
(アエネアス) [] {Aeneas}
(アッラーフ) [] {Allah}
(厳しい) [] {rigorous;strict}
(ヴァイマル) [] {Weimar}
(イオニア海) [] {Ionian Sea}
(池) [] {pond;pool}
(口蓋) [] {palate;roof of the mouth}
(宣伝) [] {propaganda}
(集積回路) [] {integrated circuit;microcircuit}
(ヴィルヘルム2世) [] {William II;William Rufus}
(音韻論) [] {phonology;phonemics}
(聖霊) [] {Holy Ghost;Holy Spirit;Paraclete}
(アルテミス) [] {Artemis;Cynthia}
(無理数) [] {irrational number;irrational}
(十年) [じゅうねん] {decade;decennary;decennium}
(エンペドクレス) [] {Empedocles}
(核分裂) [] {fission;nuclear fission}
(被服) [] {clothing;article of clothing;vesture;wear;wearable;habiliment}
(光子) [] {photon}
(バイオテクノロジー) [] {biotechnology;biotech}
(インスブルック) [] {Innsbruck}
(新疆ウイグル自治区) [] {Xinjiang;Sinkiang;Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region}
(円柱) [] {cylinder}
(酷しい) [きびしい] {severe;spartan}
(アブジャ) [] {Abuja;capital of Nigeria;Nigerian capital}
(ボース粒子) [] {boson}
(見上げる) [みあげる] {admire;look up to}
(肋骨) [] {rib;costa}
(シャーロック・ホームズ) [] {Sherlock Holmes;Holmes}
(キーボード) [] {computer keyboard;keypad}
(表情) [] {expression;verbal expression;verbalism}
(結晶) [] {crystal;crystallization}
(ボーデン湖) [] {Constance;Lake Constance;Bodensee}
(フェルミ粒子) [] {fermion}
(白痴) [] {idiot;imbecile;cretin;moron;changeling;half-wit;retard}
(笑い) [] {laughter}
(フリーメイソン) [] {Freemasonry;Masonry}
(時代) [] {era;epoch ; historic period;age}
(アヤソフィア) [] {Hagia Sophia;Hagia Sofia;Santa Sophia;Santa Sofia}
(動物園) [] {menagerie;zoo;zoological garden}
(マイクロフォン) [] {microphone;mike}
(ベルト) [] {belt}
(双生児) [] {twin}
(鰯) [いわし] {pilchard;sardine;Sardina pilchardus}
(ガボン) [] {Gabon;Gabonese Republic;Gabun}
(正教会) [] {Orthodox Church;Orthodox Catholic Church;Eastern Orthodox Church;Eastern Church;Eastern Orthodox}
(重合体) [] {polymer}
(トリポリ) [] {Tarabulus;Tripoli;Tarabulus Ash-Sham;Trablous}
(肺炎) [] {pneumonia}
(貝) [] {mollusk;mollusc;shellfish}
(購入) [] {purchase}
(鞍) [くら] {saddle}
(アキテーヌ地域圏) [] {Aquitaine;Aquitania}
(ゴールキーパー) [] {goalkeeper;goalie;goaltender;netkeeper;netminder}
(免疫学) [] {immunology}
(カメ) [] {turtle}
(バリ島) [] {Bali}
(甥) [] {nephew}
(ベーリング海峡) [] {Bering Strait}
(尊敬) [] {esteem;regard;respect}
(ツール・ド・フランス) [] {Tour de France}
(天性) [] {nature}
(人道主義) [じんどうしゅぎ] {humanitarianism;humanism}
(札幌市) [] {Sapporo}
(地球温暖化) [] {global warming}
(ピューマ) [] {cougar;puma;catamount;mountain lion;painter;panther;Felis concolor}
(運転手) [] {driver}
(神秘) [] {mystery;enigma;secret;closed book}
(喜び) [] {joy;joyousness;joyfulness}
(イーサネット) [] {ethernet}
(仕事) [] {job;task;chore}
(襤褸) [らんる] {rag;shred;tag;tag end;tatter}
(チェチェン) [] {Chechnya;Chechenia;Chechen Republic}
(慰め) [] {ointment;unction;unguent;balm;salve}
(ゴルダ・メイア) [] {Meir;Golda Meir}
(アンドリュー・ジョンソン) [] {Johnson;Andrew Johnson;President Johnson;President Andrew Johnson}
(ハロウィン) [] {Halloween;Hallowe'en;Allhallows Eve}
(抵当) [] {mortgage}
(オームの法則) [] {Ohm's law}
(中庭) [] {yard;grounds;curtilage ; court;courtyard}
(ハマース) [] {Hamas;Islamic Resistance Movement}
(技術) [] {technique}
(イブン=ルシュド) [] {Averroes;ibn-Roshd;Abul-Walid Mohammed ibn-Ahmad Ibn-Mohammed ibn-Roshd}
(独裁者) [] {dictator;potentate}
(アゾレス諸島) [] {Azores;Acores}
(C・S・ルイス) [] {Lewis;C. S. Lewis;Clive Staples Lewis}
(地球科学) [] {earth science}
(ロジウム) [] {rhodium;Rh;atomic number 45}
(ノーベリウム) [] {nobelium;No;atomic number 102}
(ラザホージウム) [] {rutherfordium;Rf;unnilquadium;Unq;element 104;atomic number 104}
(祈る) [] {pray}
(みなみじゅうじ座) [] {Southern Cross;Crux;Crux Australis}
(イスラマバード) [] {Islamabad;capital of Pakistan}
(バマコ) [] {Bamako}
(キャブレター) [] {carburetor;carburettor}
(動物行動学) [] {ethology}
(百年戦争) [] {Hundred Years' War}
(高速道路) [] {expressway;freeway;motorway;pike;state highway;superhighway;throughway;thruway}
(寄付) [] {contribution;donation}
(積み重ね) [] {pile;heap;mound;agglomerate;cumulation;cumulus}
(タリウム) [] {thallium;Tl;atomic number 81}
(恐怖) [] {panic;terror;affright}
(テルアビブ) [] {Tel Aviv;Tel Aviv-Yalo;Tel Aviv-Jaffa}
(到着) [] {arrival}
(磁器) [] {porcelain}
(イングマール・ベルイマン) [] {Bergman;Ingmar Bergman}
(種族) [] {tribe;folk}
(1830年代) [] {1830s}
(1840年代) [] {1840s}
(点字) [] {braille}
(ジャッカル) [] {jackal;Canis aureus}
(マグマ) [] {magma}
(退屈) [] {boredom;ennui;tedium}
(梁) [] {beam}
(マラソン) [] {marathon}
(パルテノン神殿) [] {Parthenon}
(内) [うち] {inside;within}
(ナス) [] {eggplant;aubergine;mad apple}
(ネフェルティティ) [] {Nefertiti}
(訪問) [] {visit}
(オーロックス) [] {wisent;aurochs;Bison bonasus}
(リキュール) [] {liqueur;cordial}
(賛歌) [] {hymn;anthem}
(民間伝承) [] {folklore}
(旅団) [] {brigade}
(C) [] {C;c}
(爆発) [] {explosion;detonation;blowup}
(I) [] {I;i}
(アスファルト) [] {asphalt}
(国際司法裁判所) [] {International Court of Justice;World Court}
(スス) [] {carbon black;lampblack;soot;smut;crock}
(両生類) [] {amphibian}
(廃棄) [] {rubbish;trash;scrap}
(ヴァイマル共和政) [] {Weimar Republic}
(売る) [] {sell}
(L) [] {L;l}
(治療) [] {therapy}
(尿) [] {urine;piss;pee;piddle;weewee;water}
(アラブ連盟) [] {Arab League}
(ミリメートル) [] {millimeter;millimetre;mm}
(鎌) [かま] {sickle;reaping hook;reap hook}
(成層圏) [] {stratosphere}
(弾薬) [] {ammunition;ammo}
(波長) [] {wavelength}
(米国) [べいこく] {America}
(クレーン) [] {crane}
(弁) [] {valve}
(プランク定数) [] {Planck's constant;h}
(相手) [] {spouse;partner;married person;mate;better half}
(ザラスシュトラ) [] {Zoroaster;Zarathustra}
(1860年代) [] {1860s}
(同僚) [] {colleague;co-worker;fellow worker;workfellow}
(相続人) [] {heir;inheritor;heritor}
(溝渠) [こうきょ] {ditch}
(感染) [] {infection}
(カサブランカ) [] {Casablanca}
(スイスの人物) [] {Swiss;Swiss people}
(マルクス・アントニウス) [] {Antony;Anthony;Mark Antony;Mark Anthony;Antonius;Marcus Antonius}
(白血球) [] {leukocyte;leucocyte;white blood cell;white cell;white blood corpuscle;white corpuscle;WBC}
(狒狒) [ひひ] {baboon}
(マスト) [] {mast}
(堤防) [] {bank}
(ジョン・フォン・ノイマン) [] {von Neumann;Neumann;John von Neumann}
(併せて) [あわせて] {jointly;collectively;conjointly;together with}
(テッサロニキ) [] {Thessaloniki;Salonika;Salonica;Thessalonica}
(強調) [] {emphasis;accent}
(循環器) [] {circulatory system;cardiovascular system}
(事件) [] {affair;affaire;intimacy;liaison;involvement;amour}
(アラビア数字) [] {digit;figure}
(おおぐま座) [] {Great Bear;Ursa Major}
(セロリ) [] {celery;cultivated celery;Apium graveolens dulce}
(ロッキー山脈) [] {Rockies;Rocky Mountains}
(赤字) [] {deficit;shortage;shortfall}
(荷) [] {load;loading;burden}
(エトナ火山) [] {Etna;Mount Etna;Mt Etna}
(汗) [] {perspiration;sweat;sudor}
(飲み込む) [のみこむ] {understand}
(ドニエプル川) [] {Dnieper;Dnieper River}
(ケンタウルス座) [] {Centaurus;Centaur}
(ベルトルト・ブレヒト) [] {Brecht;Bertolt Brecht}
(ビオラ) [] {viola}
(トイレ) [] {toilet;lavatory;lav;can;john;privy;bathroom}
(ヴァージニア・ウルフ) [] {Woolf;Virginia Woolf;Adeline Virginia Stephen Woolf}
(ヴィリー・ブラント) [] {Brandt;Willy Brandt}
(かつら) [] {wig}
(ハープシコード) [] {harpsichord;cembalo}
(鍼術) [しんじゅつ] {acupuncture;stylostixis}
(ベンジャミン・ハリソン) [] {Harrison;Benjamin Harrison;President Harrison;President Benjamin Harrison}
(アンリ・ベクレル) [] {Becquerel;Henri Becquerel;Antoine Henri Becquerel}
(シモーヌ・ド・ボーヴォワール) [] {Beauvoir;Simone de Beauvoir}
(ドップラー効果) [] {Doppler effect;Doppler shift}
(紐) [ひも] {string;twine}
(休戦) [] {armistice;cease-fire;truce}
(ハンナ・アーレント) [] {Arendt;Hannah Arendt}
(コンラート・アデナウアー) [] {Adenauer;Konrad Adenauer}
(温室効果) [] {greenhouse effect;greenhouse warming}
(アルテミス神殿) [] {Temple of Artemis}
(牛肉) [] {beef;boeuf}
(大望) [] {ambition;aspiration;dream}
(ノストラダムス) [] {Nostradamus;Michel de Notredame}
(猟師) [] {hunter;huntsman}
(ボス) [] {foreman;chief;gaffer;honcho;boss}
(グライダー) [] {glider;sailplane}
(予算) [] {budget}
(ピエール・キュリー) [] {Curie;Pierre Curie}
(ジョン・タイラー) [] {Tyler;John Tyler;President Tyler}
(ハーデース) [] {Pluto;Hades;Aides;Aidoneus}
(牧場) [] {pasture;pastureland;grazing land;lea;ley}
(キンシャサ) [] {Kinshasa;Leopoldville}
(フラクタル) [] {fractal}
(ランタノイド) [] {rare earth;rare-earth element;lanthanoid;lanthanide;lanthanon}
(窯) [かま] {furnace}
(使者) [] {messenger;courier}
(一刻) [いっこく] {stubborn;obstinate;unregenerate}
(化学結合) [] {chemical bond;bond}
(クラウディウス) [] {Claudius;Claudius I;Tiberius Claudius Drusus Nero Germanicus}
(鱈) [たら] {cod;codfish}
(棘皮動物) [] {echinoderm}
(カリホルニウム) [] {californium;Cf;atomic number 98}
(認識論) [] {epistemology}
(エドワード・ジェンナー) [] {Jenner;Edward Jenner}
(T・S・エリオット) [] {Eliot;T. S. Eliot;Thomas Stearns Eliot}
(告発) [] {charge;complaint}
(禅) [] {Zen;Zen Buddhism}
(スヴァールバル諸島) [] {Svalbard}
(ウィリアム・ハーシェル) [] {Herschel;William Herschel;Sir William Herschel;Sir Frederick William Herschel}
(古典力学) [] {classical mechanics;Newtonian mechanics}
(サイバネティックス) [] {cybernetics}
(ハドリアヌス) [] {Hadrian;Publius Aelius Hadrianus;Adrian}
(ハーバード大学) [] {Harvard University;Harvard}
(一般相対性理論) [] {general relativity;general theory of relativity;general relativity theory;Einstein's general theory of relativity}
(プッリャ州) [] {Puglia;Apulia}
(存在論) [] {ontology}
(短銃) [たんじゅう] {revolver;six-gun;six-shooter}
(電気通信) [] {telecommunication}
(アントウェルペン) [] {Antwerpen;Antwerp;Anvers}
(MS-DOS) [] {MS-DOS;Microsoft disk operating system}
(アルケン) [] {alkene;olefine;olefin}
(ロベルト・コッホ) [] {Koch;Robert Koch}
(領域) [りょういき] {region;part}
(アラビア文字) [] {Arabic alphabet}
(秩序) [] {ordering;order;ordination}
(TCP) [] {transmission control protocol;TCP}
(ラバ) [] {mule}
(ブラウス) [] {blouse}
(製法) [] {recipe;formula}
(民謡) [] {ballad;lay}
(石膏) [] {gypsum}
(放射性崩壊) [] {decay;radioactive decay;disintegration}
(モルヒネ) [] {morphine;morphia}
(テクネチウム) [] {technetium;Tc;atomic number 43}
(モザイク) [] {mosaic}
(証拠) [] {proof;cogent evidence}
(天津市) [] {Tianjin;Tientsin;T'ien-ching}
(署名) [] {signature}
(ヤンゴン) [] {Yangon;Rangoon}
(クヌート・ハムスン) [] {Hamsun;Knut Hamsun;Knut Pedersen}
(戦略) [] {scheme;strategy}
(芳香) [] {aroma;fragrance;perfume;scent}
(アゾフ海) [] {Sea of Azov;Sea of Azof;Sea of Azoff}
(ブローチ) [] {brooch;broach;breastpin}
(トム・ハンクス) [] {Hanks;Tom Hanks;Thomas J. Hanks}
(イギリス帝国) [] {British Empire}
(書店) [] {bookshop;bookstore;bookstall}
(まつ毛) [] {eyelash;lash;cilium}
(ピカルディ地域圏) [] {Picardie;Picardy}
(フィヨルド) [] {fjord;fiord}
(酔い) [よい] {drunkenness;inebriation;inebriety;intoxication;tipsiness;insobriety}
(アヘン) [] {opium}
(喉頭) [こうとう] {larynx;voice box}
(障害) [] {obstacle;obstruction}
(地獄) [] {Hell;perdition;Inferno;infernal region;nether region;pit ; hell;hell on earth;hellhole;snake pit;the pits;inferno}
(マグナ・カルタ) [] {Magna Carta;Magna Charta;The Great Charter}
(アブダビ) [] {Abu Dhabi;United Arab Emirates's capital}
(真菌学) [] {mycology}
(ニューギニア島) [] {New Guinea}
(名声) [] {fame;celebrity;renown}
(タキトゥス) [] {Tacitus;Publius Cornelius Tacitus;Gaius Cornelius Tacitus}
(病理学) [] {pathology}
(生物物理学) [] {biophysics}
(無難) [ぶなん] {safety}
(薬学) [] {pharmacy;pharmaceutics}
(用水路) [] {aqueduct}
(フランドル) [] {Flanders}
(1770年代) [] {1770s}
(京都市) [] {Kyoto}
(物質主義) [ぶっしつしゅぎ] {materialism;physicalism}
(ニース) [] {Nice}
(ペンギン) [] {penguin}
(ファゴット) [] {bassoon}
(ローラー) [] {roller}
(系譜学) [] {genealogy}
(バビロン) [] {Babylon}
(下痢) [] {diarrhea;diarrhoea;looseness of the bowels;looseness}
(発狂) [はっきょう] {insanity}
(乳剤) [] {emulsion}
(大地) [だいち] {reason;ground}
(サッカー) [] {soccer;association football}
(料理) [りょうり] {cooking;cookery;preparation}
(ベール) [] {head covering;veil}
(建てる) [] {construct;build;make}
(虚しい) [むなしい] {bootless;fruitless;futile;sleeveless;vain ; empty}
(誇る) [] {proud}
(気晴らし) [] {diversion;recreation}
(鉄器時代) [] {Iron Age}
(マナーマ) [] {Manama;capital of Bahrain}
(信用) [] {honor;honour}
(至点) [] {solstice}
(山猫) [やまねこ] {lynx;catamount}
(ナノテクノロジー) [] {nanotechnology}
(難民) [] {refugee}
(消費) [] {consumption;using up;expenditure}
(バンガロール) [] {Bangalore}
(十九) [じゅうきゅう] {nineteen;19;xix}
(K) [] {K;k}
(アリストパネス) [] {Aristophanes}
(サービス) [] {service}
(ジャコモ・プッチーニ) [] {Puccini;Giacomo Puccini}
(分光学) [ぶんこうがく] {spectroscopy;spectrometry;spectroscopic analysis;spectrum analysis;spectrographic analysis}
(酸っぱい) [すっぱい] {sour}
(紫水晶) [むらさきすいしょう] {amethyst}
(スピーカー) [] {loudspeaker;speaker;speaker unit;loudspeaker system;speaker system}
(ジャクソン・ポロック) [] {Pollock;Jackson Pollock}
(林業) [] {forestry}
(隅) [すみ] {corner ; corner;nook}
(爬虫類) [] {reptile;reptilian}
(姿を消す) [] {disappear;vanish;go away}
(ロシア革命) [] {Russian Revolution;October Revolution}
(クラブ) [] {club;social club;society;guild;gild;lodge;order}
(原子炉) [] {nuclear reactor;reactor}
(アクティブ) [] {active}
(バーリ) [] {Bari}
(ラマダーン) [] {Ramadan}
(クロウタドリ) [] {blackbird;merl;merle;ouzel;ousel;European blackbird;Turdus merula}
(滑車) [] {pulley;pulley-block;pulley block;block}
(特殊相対性理論) [] {special relativity;special theory of relativity;special relativity theory;Einstein's special theory of relativity}
(鷹) [たか] {falcon ; hawk}
(求める) [] {expect;look;await;wait}
(胎児) [] {embryo;conceptus;fertilized egg}
(真核生物) [] {eukaryote;eucaryote}
(Web ページ) [] {web page;webpage}
(起こす) [] {awaken;wake;waken;rouse;wake up;arouse}
(アクラ) [] {Accra;capital of Ghana}
(商品) [] {commodity;trade good;good}
(奇妙) [きみょう] {curious}
(1760年代) [] {1760s}
(モリーゼ州) [] {Molise}
(粉体) [ふんたい] {powder}
(罠) [わな] {trap;snare}
(教訓) [] {lesson}
(ジョン・ドルトン) [] {Dalton;John Dalton}
(恥) [はじ] {shame}
(灌漑) [] {irrigation}
(隕石) [] {meteorite}
(歩兵) [] {infantry;foot}
(招待する) [] {invite;ask over;ask round}
(練習) [] {training;preparation;grooming}
(金輪際) [こんりんざい] {never;ne'er ; never}
(実際に) [] {actually;really}
(フェリペ2世) [] {Philip II;Philip II of Spain}
(1780年代) [] {1780s}
(1870年代) [] {1870s}
(クリーム) [] {cream}
(壇) [だん] {dais;podium;pulpit;rostrum;ambo;stump;soapbox}
(カンパラ) [] {Kampala;capital of Uganda}
(マーティン・ヴァン・ビューレン) [] {Van Buren;Martin Van Buren;President Van Buren}
(ポストモダニズム) [] {postmodernism}
(1880年代) [] {eighties;1880s}
(ツチブタ) [] {aardvark;ant bear;anteater;Orycteropus afer}
(一片) [] {piece}
(断わる) [] {refuse;reject;pass up;turn down;decline}
(パイプ) [] {pipe;tobacco pipe}
(外国人) [] {foreigner;alien;noncitizen;outlander}
(ジェームズ・プレスコット・ジュール) [] {Joule;James Prescott Joule}
(炭) [] {charcoal;wood coal}
(命令) [] {command;bid;bidding;dictation}
(カール・グスタフ・ユング) [] {Jung;Carl Jung;Carl Gustav Jung}
(グレープフルーツ) [] {grapefruit}
(グスタフ・クリムト) [] {Klimt;Gustav Klimt}
(アメリゴ・ヴェスプッチ) [] {Vespucci;Amerigo Vespucci;Americus Vespucius}
(ユスティニアヌス1世) [] {Justinian;Justinian I;Justinian the Great}
(フェンネル) [] {fennel}
(スプリト) [] {Split}
(ナプキン) [] {napkin;table napkin;serviette}
(危機) [] {crisis}
(サッポー) [] {Sappho}
(再生利用) [さいせいりよう] {recycling}
(アルチュール・ランボー) [] {Rimbaud;Arthur Rimbaud;Jean Nicholas Arthur Rimbaud}
(障壁) [] {barrier}
(トマス・モア) [] {More;Thomas More;Sir Thomas More}
(ステーキ) [] {steak}
(写真) [] {photograph;photo;exposure;picture;pic}
(沼地) [] {swamp;swampland ; marsh;marshland;fen;fenland}
(ネプツニウム) [] {neptunium;Np;atomic number 93}
(ベーコン) [] {bacon}
(イワン・パブロフ) [] {Pavlov;Ivan Pavlov;Ivan Petrovich Pavlov}
(フェルミウム) [] {fermium;Fm;atomic number 100}
(示す) [] {show;demo;exhibit;present;demonstrate}
(フランシス・ベーコン) [] {Bacon;Francis Bacon;Sir Francis Bacon;Baron Verulam;1st Baron Verulam;Viscount St. Albans}
(自由の女神像) [] {Statue of Liberty}
(ネアンデルタール人) [] {Neandertal man;Neanderthal man;Neandertal;Neanderthal;Homo sapiens neanderthalensis}
(チョッキ) [] {vest;waistcoat}
(アナクサゴラス) [] {Anaxagoras}
(強欲) [] {avarice;greed;covetousness;rapacity;avaritia}
(競技場) [] {stadium;bowl;arena;sports stadium ; arena}
(ウィリアム・ブレイク) [] {Blake;William Blake}
(サンドロ・ボッティチェッリ) [] {Botticelli;Sandro Botticelli;Alessandro di Mariano dei Filipepi}
(ルイス・キャロル) [] {Carroll;Lewis Carroll;Dodgson;Reverend Dodgson;Charles Dodgson;Charles Lutwidge Dodgson}
(捕虜) [] {prisoner;captive}
(札入れ) [] {wallet;billfold;notecase;pocketbook}
(J・D・サリンジャー) [] {Salinger;J. D. Salinger;Jerome David Salinger}
(オイディプス) [] {Oedipus;King Oedipus;Oedipus Rex}
(トリニトロトルエン) [] {TNT;trinitrotoluene}
(トロンボーン) [] {trombone}
(一角獣) [] {unicorn}
(ねじ回し) [] {screwdriver}
(エドヴァルド・グリーグ) [] {Grieg;Edvard Grieg;Edvard Hagerup Grieg}
(ウィリアム・ハリソン) [] {Harrison;William Henry Harrison;President Harrison;President William Henry Harrison}
(親衛隊) [] {Schutzstaffel;SS}
(ガーフィールド) [] {Garfield;James Garfield;James A. Garfield;James Abraham Garfield;President Garfield}
(息遣い) [いきづかい] {respiration;internal respiration;cellular respiration}
(ヘーシオドス) [] {Hesiod}
(エドウィン・ハッブル) [] {Hubble;Edwin Hubble;Edwin Powell Hubble}
(サンダル) [] {sandal}
(待つ) [] {wait;hold off;hold back}
(カルビン・クーリッジ) [] {Coolidge;Calvin Coolidge;President Coolidge}
(絶対) [ぜったい] {absolute}
(生涯) [] {life;lifetime;life-time;lifespan}
(催眠) [] {hypnosis}
(グロバー・クリーブランド) [] {Cleveland;Grover Cleveland;Stephen Grover Cleveland;President Cleveland}
(韻) [] {rhyme;rime}
(シロップ) [] {syrup;sirup}
(スリッパ) [] {slipper;carpet slipper}
(レゲエ) [] {reggae}
(ジョン・スチュアート・ミル) [] {Mill;John Mill;John Stuart Mill}
(較べる) [] {compare}
(起こる) [] {happen;hap;go on;pass off;occur;pass;fall out;come about;take place}
(膿瘍) [のうよう] {abscess}
(三重水素) [] {tritium}
(異性体) [いせいたい] {isomer}
(居住地) [] {colony;settlement}
(納屋) [] {barn}
(包帯) [] {bandage;patch}
(積荷) [] {cargo;lading;freight;load;loading;payload;shipment;consignment}
(ミシシッピ川) [] {Mississippi;Mississippi River}
(ジフテリア) [] {diphtheria}
(阿る) [おもねる] {flatter;blandish}
(選手権) [] {championship;title}
(争い) [] {dispute;difference;difference of opinion;conflict}
(抗体) [] {antibody}
(渇望) [] {thirst;thirstiness}
(流刑) [るけい] {exile;deportation;expatriation;transportation}
(スキャナ) [] {scanner;digital scanner;image scanner}
(プラセオジム) [] {praseodymium;Pr;atomic number 59}
(霜) [] {frost;hoar;hoarfrost;rime}
(キュリウム) [] {curium;Cm;atomic number 96}
(ガドリニウム) [] {gadolinium;Gd;atomic number 64}
(ヨーテボリ) [] {Goteborg;Goeteborg;Gothenburg}
(音韻) [おんいん] {phoneme}
(レニウム) [] {rhenium;Re;atomic number 75}
(ヒトコブラクダ) [] {Arabian camel;dromedary;Camelus dromedarius}
(タンガニーカ) [] {Lake Tanganyika;Tanganyika}
(脅威) [] {menace;threat}
(逸話) [] {anecdote}
(水差し) [] {jug}
(分隊) [] {team;squad}
(オデュッセウス) [] {Odysseus}
(心臓の鼓動) [] {pulse;pulsation;heartbeat;beat}
(片口鰯) [かたくちいわし] {anchovy}
(ラベンダー) [] {lavender}
(鉱石) [] {ore ; crystal}
(暴行) [] {rape;violation;assault;ravishment}
(バレンタインデー) [] {Valentine Day;Valentine's Day;Saint Valentine's Day;St Valentine's Day;February 14}
(アイスキュロス) [] {Aeschylus}
(原核生物) [] {prokaryote;procaryote}
(口論) [] {quarrel;wrangle;row;words;run-in;dustup}
(蔦) [つた] {ivy;common ivy;English ivy;Hedera helix}
(ポプラ) [] {poplar;poplar tree}
(コルセット) [] {corset;girdle;stays}
(施し) [] {alms}
(ゆり) [] {lily}
(リーキ) [] {leek;scallion;Allium porrum}
(マルハナバチ属) [] {bumblebee;humblebee}
(ガンマ線) [] {gamma radiation;gamma ray}
(ジェームズ・ワット) [] {Watt;James Watt}
(ハーバート・ジョージ・ウェルズ) [] {Wells;H. G. Wells;Herbert George Wells}
(LED) [] {light-emitting diode;LED}
(大嵐) [] {tempest}
(台風) [] {typhoon}
(幸運) [] {luck;fortune;chance;hazard}
(スペクトル) [] {spectrum}
(はしご) [] {ladder}
(復しゅう) [] {retaliation;revenge}
(ゴルフ) [] {golf;golf game}
(超音波) [] {ultrasound}
(鳴く) [なく] {bark}
(チェロ) [] {cello;violoncello}
(型) [] {type}
(プロトアクチニウム) [] {protactinium;protoactinium;Pa;atomic number 91}
(御互い) [おたがい] {reciprocal;mutual}
(ブドウ) [] {grape;grapevine;grape vine}
(ツリウム) [] {thulium;Tm;atomic number 69}
(崖) [がけ] {cliff;drop;drop-off}
(夕食) [] {supper}
(遺産) [] {inheritance;heritage}
(短刀) [] {dagger;sticker}
(カンデラ) [] {candle;candela;cd;standard candle}
(メンデレビウム) [] {mendelevium;Md;Mv;atomic number 101}
(畜殺場) [] {abattoir;butchery;shambles;slaughterhouse}
(オーギュスト・ロダン) [] {Rodin;Auguste Rodin;Francois Auguste Rene Rodin}
(接点) [] {contact}
(逆説) [] {paradox}
(集合論) [] {set theory}
(評議会) [] {council}
(バンジュール) [] {Banjul;capital of Gambia}
(カウナス) [] {Kaunas;Kovna;Kovno}
(役) [] {character;role;theatrical role;part;persona}
(研究所) [] {institute}
(共産主義) [] {communism}
(批評) [] {remark;comment;input}
(血液学) [] {hematology;haematology}
(アラビア半島) [] {Arabian Peninsula;Arabia}
(明らか) [あきらか] {apparent;evident;manifest;patent;plain;unmistakable}
(辛うじて) [かろうじて] {barely;hardly;just;scarcely;scarce}
(ヨハネスブルグ) [] {Johannesburg}
(ブルックリン区) [] {Brooklyn}
(ドブニウム) [] {dubnium;Db;hahnium;element 105;atomic number 105}
(ニューイングランド) [] {New England}
(柱) [] {column;pillar}
(安楽死) [] {euthanasia;mercy killing}
(ビスケット) [] {cookie;cooky;biscuit}
(嘘) [] {lie;prevarication}
(孫息子) [まごむすこ] {grandson}
(ポイント) [] {point}
(ハンザ同盟) [] {Hanseatic League}
(誂え向き) [あつらえむき] {ideal}
(風刺画) [] {caricature;imitation;impersonation}
(ガマール・アブドゥン=ナーセル) [] {Nasser;Gamal Abdel Nasser}
(ヌナブト準州) [] {Nunavut}
(長の) [ながの] {ageless;aeonian;eonian;eternal;everlasting;perpetual;unending;unceasing}
(歌手) [] {singer;vocalist;vocalizer;vocaliser}
(西オーストラリア州) [] {Western Australia}
(法令) [] {decree;edict;fiat;order;rescript}
(問題) [] {matter;affair;thing}
(故国) [] {fatherland;homeland;motherland;mother country;country of origin;native land}
(ピサ) [] {Pisa}
(モラヴィア) [] {Moravia}
(アメリカンフットボール) [] {American football;American football game}
(タルムード) [] {Talmud}
(マハーバーラタ) [] {Mahabharata;Mahabharatam;Mahabharatum}
(表題) [] {title ; heading;header;head}
(ポルト) [] {Porto;Oporto}
(赤経) [] {right ascension;RA;celestial longitude}
(経度) [] {longitude}
(フリウリ=ヴェネツィア・ジュリア州) [] {Friuli-Venezia Giulia}
(ゲーム理論) [] {game theory;theory of games}
(ノースウエスト準州) [] {Northwest Territories}
(シッティング・ブル) [] {Sitting Bull}
(記事) [きじ] {report;news report;story;account;write up}
(面白い) [] {amusing;comic;comical;funny;laughable;mirthful;risible}
(マンハイム) [] {Mannheim}
(宴会) [] {banquet;feast}
(どこでも) [] {everywhere;everyplace;all over}
(雑誌) [] {magazine;mag}
(ドミティアヌス) [] {Domitian;Titus Flavius Domitianus}
(展示会) [] {exhibition;exposition;expo}
(アスマラ) [] {Asmara;Asmera}
(運動エネルギー) [] {kinetic energy;K.E.}
(ネットワーク) [] {network;web}
(船長) [] {captain}
(イエズス会) [] {Society of Jesus;Jesuit order}
(消費者) [] {consumer}
(記号学) [] {semiotics;semiology}
(アメリカ合衆国議会) [] {Congress;United States Congress;U.S. Congress;US Congress}
(スパイ行為) [] {espionage}
(雀蜂) [すずめばち] {wasp ; hornet}
(勇気) [] {courage;courageousness;bravery;braveness}
(欠点) [] {defect;fault;flaw}
(ドワーフ) [] {gnome;dwarf}
(隔離) [] {quarantine}
(スキー) [] {skiing}
(群衆) [] {crowd}
(ガブリエル) [] {Gabriel}
(硬さ) [] {hardness}
(大人) [] {adult;grownup}
(サタン) [] {Satan;Old Nick;Devil;Lucifer;Beelzebub;the Tempter;Prince of Darkness}
(植民地) [] {colonialism}
(例証) [] {illustration}
(頭足類) [] {cephalopod;cephalopod mollusk}
(著者) [] {generator;source;author}
(審判員) [しんぱんいん] {referee;ref}
(タブー) [] {taboo;tabu}
(ファラオ) [] {Pharaoh;Pharaoh of Egypt}
(警察官) [] {policeman;police officer;officer}
(アンリ・マティス) [] {Matisse;Henri Matisse;Henri Emile Benoit Matisse}
(出来物) [できもの] {tumor;tumour;neoplasm}
(鉱夫) [] {miner;mineworker}
(おおいぬ座) [] {Canis Major;Great Dog}
(ダライ・ラマ) [] {Dalai Lama;Grand Lama}
(アーサー・ミラー) [] {Miller;Arthur Miller}
(鳥類学) [] {ornithology}
(聖職者) [] {curate;minister of religion;minister;parson;pastor;rector}
(仙人掌) [さぼてん] {cactus}
(弟子) [] {disciple;adherent}
(表現主義) [] {expressionism}
(公爵) [] {duke}
(敵) [] {adversary;antagonist;opponent;opposer;resister}
(器官) [] {organ}
(義務) [ぎむ] {duty;responsibility;obligation}
(学ぶ) [] {study}
(大動脈) [だいどうみゃく] {aorta}
(やぎ座) [] {Capricornus;Capricorn}
(W) [] {W;w;double-u}
(立法機関) [] {legislature;legislative assembly;legislative body;general assembly;law-makers}
(小冊子) [] {booklet;brochure;folder;leaflet;pamphlet}
(ローン) [] {loan}
(ガンジス川) [] {Ganges;Ganges River}
(辛気臭い) [しんきくさい] {boring;deadening;dull;ho-hum;irksome;slow;tedious;tiresome;wearisome}
(ハラレ) [] {Harare;Salisbury;capital of Zimbabwe}
(ハプスブルク家) [] {Habsburg;Hapsburg}
(オースティン) [] {Austin;capital of Texas}
(廻文) [かいぶん] {palindrome}
(バレンツ海) [] {Barents Sea}
(赤血球) [] {red blood cell;RBC;erythrocyte}
(リボソーム) [] {ribosome}
(岩礁) [] {reef}
(時々) [] {sometimes}
(準星) [] {quasar;quasi-stellar radio source}
(サンディエゴ) [] {San Diego}
(年表) [] {chronology}
(さそり座) [] {Scorpius;Scorpio}
(日本海) [] {Sea of Japan;East Sea}
(チグリス川) [] {Tigris;Tigris River}
(クセノパネス) [] {Xenophanes}
(こぐま座) [] {Little Bear;Ursa Minor}
(原子核) [] {nucleus}
(日没) [] {sunset;sundown}
(機械工学) [] {mechanical engineering}
(曲げる) [] {bend;flex}
(ジスプロシウム) [] {dysprosium;Dy;atomic number 66}
(破裂) [] {explosion;burst}
(ヘモグロビン) [] {hemoglobin;haemoglobin;Hb}
(1890年代) [] {nineties;1890s}
(循環) [] {cycle;rhythm;round}
(大虐殺) [] {slaughter;massacre;mass murder;carnage;butchery}
(ロザリオ) [] {rosary;prayer beads}
(減法) [] {subtraction;minus}
(永遠) [] {eternity;infinity}
(砂岩) [] {sandstone}
(1750年代) [] {1750s}
(ゴム) [] {rubber;natural rubber;India rubber;gum elastic;caoutchouc}
(牝馬) [ひんば] {mare;female horse}
(郵便番号) [] {ZIP code;ZIP;postcode;postal code}
(1850年代) [] {1850s}
(香) [] {incense}
(人懐っこい) [ひとなつっこい] {affable;amiable;cordial;genial}
(マガモ) [] {mallard;Anas platyrhynchos}
(温室) [] {greenhouse;nursery;glasshouse}
(キク科) [] {Compositae;family Compositae;Asteraceae;family Asteraceae;aster family}
(机) [] {desk}
(ウィリアム・バトラー・イェイツ) [] {Yeats;William Butler Yeats;W. B. Yeats}
(木琴) [] {marimba;xylophone}
(取って来る) [] {bring;get;convey;fetch}
(怒り) [] {wrath;anger;ire;ira}
(肥料) [] {manure ; fertilizer;fertiliser;plant food}
(口紅) [] {lipstick;lip rouge}
(貨幣学) [] {numismatics;numismatology;coin collecting;coin collection}
(lsd) [] {lysergic acid diethylamide;LSD}
(タイム) [] {thyme}
(K2) [] {K2;Godwin Austen;Mount Godwin Austen;Dapsang}
(1820年代) [] {1820s}
(フランク・ロイド・ライト) [] {Wright;Frank Lloyd Wright}
(オストラヴァ) [] {Ostrava}
(警笛) [] {horn}
(コレステロール) [] {cholesterol;cholesterin}
(レタス) [] {lettuce}
(出口) [] {exit;issue;outlet;way out}
(砂糖黍) [さとうきび] {sugarcane;sugar cane;Saccharum officinarum}
(カフカス) [] {Caucasus;Caucasus Mountains}
(原理主義) [] {fundamentalism}
(アイスクリーム) [] {ice cream;icecream}
(着物) [] {kimono}
(出エジプト記) [] {Exodus;Book of Exodus}
(モミ属) [] {fir;fir tree;true fir}
(ジープ) [] {jeep;landrover}
(踊る) [] {dance;trip the light fantastic;trip the light fantastic toe}
(ピエロ) [] {clown;buffoon;goof;goofball;merry andrew}
(ペリクレス) [] {Pericles}
(入れる) [いれる] {accept;admit;take;take on}
(素直) [すなお] {obedient}
(セルゲイ・ラフマニノフ) [] {Rachmaninoff;Sergei Rachmaninoff;Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninoff;Rachmaninov;Sergei Rachmaninov;Sergei Vasilievich Rachmaninov}
(鳴る) [なる] {sound}
(ジェームズ・ポーク) [] {Polk;James Polk;James K. Polk;James Knox Polk;President Polk}
(失う) [] {lose}
(フローレンス・ナイチンゲール) [] {Nightingale;Florence Nightingale;Lady with the Lamp}
(羊皮紙) [] {parchment;sheepskin;lambskin}
(ベンジャミン・フランクリン) [] {Franklin;Benjamin Franklin}
(物理化学) [] {physical chemistry}
(ペダル) [] {pedal;treadle;foot pedal;foot lever}
(クイーンズランド州) [] {Queensland}
(見つける) [] {find;regain}
(南京虫) [なんきんむし] {bedbug;bed bug;chinch;Cimex lectularius}
(隣人) [] {neighbor;neighbour}
(ウィリアム・H・タフト) [] {Taft;William Howard Taft;President Taft}
(生物多様性) [] {biodiversity}
(メアリー・シェリー) [] {Shelley;Mary Shelley;Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley;Mary Godwin Wollstonecraft Shelley}
(触角) [] {antenna;feeler}
(レトリック) [] {rhetoric}
(ソロモン王) [] {Solomon}
(ライター) [] {lighter;light;igniter;ignitor}
(ブラム・ストーカー) [] {Stoker;Bram Stoker;Abraham Stoker}
(ピーテル・パウル・ルーベンス) [] {Rubens;Peter Paul Rubens;Sir Peter Paul Rubens}
(略語) [] {abbreviation}
(ホーチミン市) [] {Ho Chi Minh City;Saigon}
(楽器) [] {musical instrument;instrument}
(マーティン・スコセッシ) [] {Scorsese;Martin Scorsese}
(キガリ) [] {Kigali;capital of Rwanda}
(ジュゼッペ・ガリバルディ) [] {Garibaldi;Giuseppe Garibaldi}
(欧州中央銀行) [] {European Central Bank}
(葬式) [] {funeral}
(拍手喝采) [はくしゅかっさい] {applause;hand clapping;clapping}
(オッカムの剃刀) [] {Occam's Razor;Ockham's Razor;principle of parsimony;law of parsimony}
(ピサの斜塔) [] {Leaning Tower;Leaning Tower of Pisa}
(多妻) [たさい] {polygamy}
(経済) [] {economy;economic system}
(埋める) [うめる] {bury;entomb;inhume;inter;lay to rest}
(連隊) [] {regiment}
(ゴマ) [] {sesame;benne;benni;benny;Sesamum indicum}
(扨) [さて] {now}
(半球) [] {hemisphere}
(徴) [しるし] {sign;mark}
(地帯) [ちたい] {area;country ; zone}
(アルベド) [] {albedo;reflective power}
(樽) [たる] {barrel;cask}
(プランクトン) [] {plankton}
(エラトステネス) [] {Eratosthenes}
(銃剣) [] {bayonet}
(ヘスティアー) [] {Hestia}
(リュックサック) [] {backpack;back pack;knapsack;packsack;rucksack;haversack}
(アイドル) [] {paragon;idol;perfection;beau ideal}
(バジリコ) [] {basil}
(崖崩れ) [がけくずれ] {landslide;landslip}
(星条旗) [] {The Star-Spangled Banner}
(打ちまける) [ぶちまける] {confess;squeal;fink}
(ブレスト) [] {Brest}
(ネルウァ) [] {Nerva;Marcus Cocceius Nerva}
(船室) [] {cabin}
(イースト) [] {yeast;barm}
(寝室) [] {bedroom;sleeping room;sleeping accommodation;chamber;bedchamber}
(会合) [] {meeting;group meeting}
(星占い) [] {horoscope}
(破傷風) [] {tetanus;lockjaw}
(イスパニョーラ島) [] {Hispaniola;Haiti;Hayti}
(寄生虫) [きせいちゅう] {parasite}
(暦) [こよみ] {almanac}
(コロンボ) [] {Colombo;capital of Sri Lanka}
(ヴァルナ) [] {Varna}
(勇敢) [] {heroism;gallantry;valor;valour;valorousness;valiance;valiancy}
(自叙伝) [] {autobiography}
(結び付ける) [] {connect;link;tie;link up}
(準備) [] {preparation;readying}
(決める) [] {decide;make up one's mind;determine}
(ペンネーム) [] {pseudonym;anonym;nom de guerre}
(政治家) [] {politician;politico;pol;political leader}
(在庫) [] {store;stock;fund}
(えら) [] {gill;branchia}
(マナグア) [] {Managua;capital of Nicaragua;Nicaraguan capital}
(人間的) [にんげんてき] {human}
(挿話) [] {episode}
(内モンゴル自治区) [] {Inner Mongolia;Nei Monggol}
(カモノハシ目) [] {monotreme;egg-laying mammal}
(二倍) [にばい] {double;doubled;twofold;two-fold}
(ボビー・フィッシャー) [] {Fischer;Bobby Fischer;Robert James Fischer}
(ファラド) [] {farad;F}
(恐ろしい) [] {awful;dire;direful;dread;dreaded;dreadful;fearful;fearsome;frightening;horrendous;horrific;terrible ; atrocious;frightful;horrifying;horrible;ugly}
(子午線) [] {meridian;line of longitude}
(画く) [えがく] {describe;depict;draw}
(3) [] {three;3;III;trio;threesome;tierce;leash;troika;triad;trine;trinity;ternary;ternion;triplet;tercet;terzetto;trey;deuce-ace}
(黄道) [] {ecliptic}
(免許) [] {license;licence;permit}
(助成金) [] {subsidy}
(熱帯) [] {Torrid Zone;tropical zone;tropics}
(ホノルル) [] {Honolulu;capital of Hawaii;Hawaiian capital}
(献立) [こんだて] {menu;bill of fare;card;carte du jour;carte}
(γ) [] {gamma}
(蒸留) [じょうりゅう] {distillation;distillment}
(ヤード) [] {yard;pace}
(航空工学) [] {aeronautics;astronautics}
(免状) [] {diploma;sheepskin}
(肖像画) [] {portrayal;portraiture;portrait}
(ラムセス2世) [] {Rameses II;Ramesses II;Ramses II;Rameses the Great;Ramesses the Great;Ramses the Great}
(吸う) [] {suck}
(潜水夫) [] {diver;frogman;underwater diver}
(フェリーボート) [] {ferry;ferryboat}
(論理的) [ろんりてき] {logical}
(戦士) [] {warrior}
(第四次中東戦争) [] {Arab-Israeli War;Yom Kippur War}
(マーガリン) [] {margarine;margarin;oleo;oleomargarine;marge}
(直接的) [ちょくせつてき] {direct}
(ポンペイ) [] {Pompeii}
(毒科学) [どくかがく] {toxicology}
(長江) [] {Chang Jiang;Changjiang;Chang;Yangtze;Yangtze River;Yangtze Kiang}
(子供) [] {child;kid;youngster;minor;shaver;nipper;small fry;tiddler;tike;tyke;fry;nestling}
(道徳) [] {morality}
(診察) [] {consultation}
(倉庫) [] {storehouse;depot;entrepot;storage;store ; warehouse;storage warehouse}
(居住者) [] {resident;occupant;occupier}
(罪人) [] {criminal;felon;crook;outlaw;malefactor}
(繊維) [] {fiber;fibre}
(アルツハイマー型認知症) [] {Alzheimer's disease;Alzheimer's;Alzheimers}
(チュニス) [] {Tunis;capital of Tunisia}
(歩行者) [] {pedestrian;walker;footer}
(賢明) [けんめい] {wisdom;sapience ; wisdom}
(電場) [] {electric field}
(バーゼル) [] {Basel;Basle;Bale}
(国際的) [こくさいてき] {international}
(重水素) [じゅうすいそ] {deuterium;heavy hydrogen}
(プログラマー) [] {programmer;computer programmer;coder;software engineer}
(預言者) [] {prophet}
(特質) [] {property;attribute;dimension}
(熱心) [] {ardor;ardour;elan;zeal}
(ホルヘ・ルイス・ボルヘス) [] {Borges;Jorge Borges;Jorge Luis Borges}
(ジョージ・ハリスン) [] {Harrison;George Harrison}
(レズビアン) [] {lesbian;tribade;gay woman}
(嘘つき) [] {liar;prevaricator}
(層) [] {layer;bed}
(フィボナッチ数) [] {Fibonacci number}
(ディベート) [] {argument;argumentation;debate}
(告白) [] {confession}
(アラル海) [] {Lake Aral;Aral Sea}
(絶対零度) [] {absolute zero}
(ウラル山脈) [] {Urals;Ural Mountains}
(白色矮星) [] {white dwarf;white dwarf star}
(飴玉) [あめだま] {candy;confect}
(瀝青) [] {bitumen}
(ミーノータウロス) [] {Minotaur}
(フェルディナン・ド・ソシュール) [] {de Saussure;Ferdinand de Saussure;Saussure}
(ロバート・ルイス・スティーヴンソン) [] {Stevenson;Robert Louis Stevenson;Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson}
(陽電子) [] {positron;antielectron}
(クジラ目) [] {Cetacea;order Cetacea}
(長さ) [] {length}
(パンケーキ) [] {pancake;battercake;flannel cake;flannel-cake;flapcake;flapjack;griddlecake;hotcake;hot cake}
(オーデル川) [] {Oder;Oder River}
(はしか) [] {measles;rubeola;morbilli}
(凍原) [とうげん] {tundra}
(パルサー) [] {pulsar}
(へびつかい座) [] {Ophiuchus}
(晩飯) [ばんめし] {dinner}
(知能) [] {intelligence}
(アラブ) [] {Arab;Arabian}
(イギリスの人物) [] {British;British people;Brits}
(材木) [] {lumber;timber}
(休暇) [] {vacation;holiday}
(化学者) [] {chemist}
(首相) [] {Prime Minister;PM;premier}
(シグリ・ウンセット) [] {Undset;Sigrid Undset}
(偽善) [] {hypocrisy}
(ロキ) [] {Loki}
(かみのけ座) [] {Coma Berenices}
(エマ・ゴールドマン) [] {Goldman;Emma Goldman}
(ウィリアム・マッキンリー) [] {McKinley;William McKinley;President McKinley}
(灰皿) [] {ashtray}
(カーリング) [] {curling}
(ユダヤ人) [] {Jew;Hebrew;Israelite}
(裏切り) [] {treachery;betrayal;treason;perfidy}
(近親相姦) [] {incest}
(コンゴ) [] {Congo;Congo River;Zaire River}
(ルーター) [] {router}
(レンズ) [] {lens;lense;lens system}
(植物園) [] {arboretum;botanical garden}
(ものさし) [] {rule;ruler}
(成し遂げる) [] {achieve;accomplish;attain;reach}
(ROM) [] {read-only memory;ROM;read-only storage;fixed storage}
(ビハール州) [] {Bihar}
(クアラルンプール) [] {Kuala Lumpur}
(抽象的) [ちゅうしょうてき] {abstract}
(スケッチ) [] {sketch;study}
(破片) [] {shard;sherd;fragment ; splinter;sliver}
(ニールス・アーベル) [] {Abel;Niels Abel;Niels Henrik Abel}
(行動) [] {action}
(横浜市) [] {Yokohama}
(シャベル) [] {shovel}
(ミラード・フィルモア) [] {Fillmore;Millard Fillmore;President Fillmore}
(ヘント) [] {Gent;Gand;Ghent}
(リンツ) [] {Linz;Lentia}
(疫学) [えきがく] {epidemiology}
(盆栽) [] {bonsai}
(先途) [せんど] {death;dying;demise}
(重慶市) [] {Chongqing;Chungking}
(ゴア州) [] {Goa}
(画素) [] {pixel;pel;picture element}
(ピストン) [] {piston;plunger}
(シャンペン) [] {champagne;bubbly}
(洗礼者ヨハネ) [] {John the Baptist;St. John the Baptist}
(操り人形) [あやつりにんぎょう] {puppet;marionette}
(汚物) [おぶつ] {dirt;filth;grime;soil;stain;grease;grunge}
(資本) [] {capital;working capital}
(条例) [じょうれい] {regulation;ordinance}
(石切り場) [] {pit;quarry;stone pit}
(知事) [] {governor}
(平均) [] {average;norm}
(カーディフ) [] {Cardiff}
(殺虫剤) [] {pesticide}
(ジャン・シベリウス) [] {Sibelius;Jean Sibelius;Johan Julius Christian Sibelius}
(噛む) [] {chew;masticate;manducate;jaw}
(蹄) [ひづめ] {hoof}
(訪問客) [] {visitor;visitant}
(幻覚) [] {magic trick;conjuring trick;trick;magic;legerdemain;conjuration;thaumaturgy;illusion;deception}
(クラウディオ・モンテヴェルディ) [] {Monteverdi;Claudio Monteverdi}
(アメンホテプ4世) [] {Akhenaton;Akhenaten;Ikhanaton;Amenhotep IV}
(チューリングマシン) [] {Turing machine}
(不安) [] {apprehension;apprehensiveness;dread}
(理想) [] {ideal;paragon;nonpareil;saint;apotheosis;nonesuch;nonsuch}
(プレーヤー) [] {reader}
(科学的方法) [] {scientific method}
(方法論) [ほうほうろん] {methodology}
(ニス) [] {varnish}
(タービン) [] {turbine}
(しみ) [] {smudge;spot;blot;daub;smear;smirch;slur}
(アンデルス・セルシウス) [] {Celsius;Anders Celsius}
(メル・ギブソン) [] {Gibson;Mel Gibson;Mel Columcille Gerard Gibson}
(ハムレット) [] {Hamlet}
(平等) [] {equality;equivalence;equation;par}
(ミケランジェロ・メリージ) [] {Caravaggio;Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio}
(バウハウス) [] {Bauhaus}
(アメン) [] {Amen;Amon;Amun}
(ポワトゥー=シャラント地域圏) [] {Poitou-Charentes;Poitou}
(岩石学) [] {petrology;lithology}
(洞穴) [ほらあな] {grotto;grot}
(エアバス) [] {airbus}
(エタン) [] {ethane;C2H6}
(看護婦) [] {nurse}
(行法) [] {meditation}
(オークランド) [] {Auckland}
(造る) [つくる] {manufacture;fabricate;construct}
(レオニード・ブレジネフ) [] {Brezhnev;Leonid Brezhnev;Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev}
(与格) [] {dative;dative case}
(現実) [] {world;reality}
(かぼちゃ) [] {pumpkin}
(テルビウム) [] {terbium;Tb;atomic number 65}
(レントゲニウム) [] {roentgenium;Rg;element 111;atomic number 111}
(ノーフォーク島) [] {Norfolk Island}
(トナカイ) [] {caribou;reindeer;Greenland caribou;Rangifer tarandus}
(代理店) [] {agency}
(歯科医術) [] {dentistry;dental medicine;odontology}
(エクトル・ベルリオーズ) [] {Berlioz;Hector Berlioz;Louis-Hector Berlioz}
(許し) [] {forgiveness;pardon}
(施設) [しせつ] {institution;establishment}
(ユトランド半島) [] {Jutland;Jylland}
(農夫) [のうふ] {peasant;provincial;bucolic}
(粘着剤) [ねんちゃくざい] {adhesive material;adhesive agent;adhesive}
(サマリウム) [] {samarium;Sm;atomic number 62}
(堆積岩) [] {sedimentary rock}
(条項) [] {article;clause}
(マイトネリウム) [] {meitnerium;Mt;element 109;atomic number 109}
(蜂の巣) [はちのす] {beehive;hive}
(絶望) [] {despair;desperation}
(オルダス・ハクスリー) [] {Huxley;Aldous Huxley;Aldous Leonard Huxley}
(ムクドリ科) [] {starling}
(ダームスタチウム) [] {darmstadtium;Ds;element 110;atomic number 110}
(灯油) [] {kerosene;kerosine;lamp oil;coal oil}
(全ろう) [] {deafness;hearing loss}
(破る) [] {break}
(バークリウム) [] {berkelium;Bk;atomic number 97}
(連邦捜査局) [] {Federal Bureau of Investigation;FBI}
(山雀) [やまがら] {titmouse;tit}
(生物地理学) [] {biogeography}
(王朝) [] {dynasty}
(救急車) [] {ambulance}
(獣医) [じゅうい] {veterinarian;veterinary;veterinary surgeon;vet}
(羚羊) [れいよう] {antelope}
(イナゴ) [] {locust}
(ヘンリー・キッシンジャー) [] {Kissinger;Henry Kissinger;Henry Alfred Kissinger}
(アミン) [] {amine;aminoalkane}
(陶磁器) [] {ceramic}
(汚泥) [] {sludge;slime;goo;goop;gook;guck;gunk;muck;ooze}
(WAN) [] {wide area network;WAN}
(望み) [] {hope}
(おもしろい) [] {interesting}
(クビライ) [] {Kublai Khan;Kubla Khan;Kublai Kaan}
(上院議会) [] {senate}
(テグシガルパ) [] {Tegucigalpa;Honduran capital}
(家賃) [] {rent}
(人手) [ひとで] {starfish;sea star}
(ロビー) [] {anteroom;antechamber;entrance hall;hall;foyer;lobby;vestibule}
(菜食主義) [] {vegetarianism}
(ハッシウム) [] {hassium;Hs;element 108;atomic number 108}
(ろ座) [] {Fornax}
(アール・ヌーヴォー) [] {art nouveau}
(保護する) [] {protect}
(気管) [] {trachea;windpipe}
(小論) [] {essay}
(友好的) [ゆうこうてき] {friendly}
(輸出) [] {export;exportation}
(非金属) [ひきんぞく] {nonmetal}
(イブン=スィーナー) [] {Avicenna;ibn-Sina;Abu Ali al-Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina}
(イントラネット) [] {intranet}
(天才) [] {genius;mastermind;brain;brainiac;Einstein}
(優しい) [] {indulgent;lenient;soft}
(アンフィテアトルム) [] {amphitheater;amphitheatre;coliseum}
(癩病) [らいびょう] {leprosy;Hansen's disease}
(強風) [] {gale}
(細胞質) [] {cytoplasm;cytol}
(諭す) [さとす] {warn}
(ヨム・キプル) [] {Yom Kippur;Day of Atonement}
(暴君) [] {tyrant;autocrat;despot}
(プレトリア) [] {Pretoria;capital of South Africa}
(鼻汁) [] {mucus;mucous secretion}
(楽観) [] {optimism}
(自治) [] {autonomy;liberty}
(運動場) [] {playground}
(溶剤) [] {solvent;dissolvent;dissolver;dissolving agent;resolvent}
(アポストロフィ) [] {apostrophe}
(合わせる) [あわせる] {unite;unify;merge}
(アトラス山脈) [] {Atlas Mountains}
(支配者) [] {overlord;master;lord}
(ウシ目) [] {even-toed ungulate;artiodactyl;artiodactyl mammal}
(郭公) [かっこう] {cuckoo}
(ダッカ) [] {Dhaka;Dacca;capital of Bangladesh}
(接尾辞) [] {suffix;postfix}
(ヘブライ文字) [] {Hebrew alphabet;Hebraic alphabet;Hebrew script}
(シーボーギウム) [] {seaborgium;Sg;element 106;atomic number 106}
(幼稚園) [] {kindergarten}
(ケンタウルス座アルファ星) [] {Alpha Centauri;Rigil Kent;Rigil}
(ブルース・リー) [] {Lee;Bruce Lee;Lee Yuen Kam}
(支出) [ししゅつ] {outgo;spending;expenditure;outlay}
(卵子) [] {ovum;egg cell}
(一酸化炭素) [] {carbon monoxide;carbon monoxide gas;CO}
(国籍) [] {nationality}
(イサドラ・ダンカン) [] {Duncan;Isadora Duncan}
(アコンカグア) [] {Aconcagua}
(幹) [] {trunk;tree trunk;bole}
(蘇生) [そせい] {resurrection}
(放射) [] {radiation}
(ザカリー・テイラー) [] {Taylor;Zachary Taylor;President Taylor}
(アストラハン) [] {Astrakhan}
(例外) [] {exception}
(ペルナンブーコ州) [] {Recife;Pernambuco}
(塩化ナトリウム) [] {sodium chloride;common salt}
(指揮者) [] {commanding officer;commandant;commander}
(カルパティア山脈) [] {Carpathians;Carpathian Mountains}
(ビキニ) [] {bikini;two-piece}
(イシス) [] {Isis}
(シャンパーニュ=アルデンヌ地域圏) [] {Champagne;Champagne-Ardenne}
(追跡) [] {pursuit;chase;pursual;following}
(開拓者) [] {pioneer}
(攻城) [こうじょう] {siege;besieging;beleaguering;military blockade}
(ソネット) [] {sonnet}
(瓦礫) [がれき] {debris;dust;junk;rubble;detritus}
(前進) [] {progress;progression;advance}
(写真家) [] {photographer;lensman}
(拒否権) [] {veto}
(章) [] {chapter}
(DOS) [] {DOS;disk operating system}
(診療所) [] {clinic}
(アッシリア) [] {Assyria}
(アッシジのフランチェスコ) [] {Francis of Assisi;Saint Francis of Assisi;St. Francis of Assisi;Saint Francis;St. Francis;Giovanni di Bernardone}
(関節) [] {joint;articulation;articulatio}
(何処か) [どこか] {somewhere;someplace}
(カルナータカ州) [] {Karnataka;Mysore}
(会話) [] {conversation}
(刺胞動物) [] {Cnidaria;phylum Cnidaria;Coelenterata;phylum Coelenterata}
(信心深い) [] {pious}
(優美) [] {grace;good will;goodwill}
(解毒剤) [] {antidote;counterpoison}
(相棒) [] {buddy;brother;chum;crony;pal;sidekick}
(篩) [ふるい] {sieve;screen}
(悪漢) [あっかん] {rogue;knave;rascal;rapscallion;scalawag;scallywag;varlet}
(社会言語学) [] {sociolinguistics}
(タシュケント) [] {Tashkent;Taskent;capital of Uzbek}
(デジデリウス・エラスムス) [] {Erasmus;Desiderius Erasmus;Gerhard Gerhards;Geert Geerts}
(エピクロス) [] {Epicurus}
(大枝) [] {bough}
(鑢) [やすり] {file}
(コラージュ) [] {collage;montage}
(民族誌) [] {ethnography;descriptive anthropology}
(グラナダ) [] {Granada}
(語彙) [ごい] {vocabulary;lexicon;mental lexicon}
(輝く) [かがやく] {shine;beam}
(実際) [] {practice}
(序) [] {foreword;preface;prolusion}
(真の) [しんの] {real;existent}
(チェンナイ) [] {Chennai;Madras}
(アデレード) [] {Adelaide}
(情景) [じょうけい] {sight}
(批評家) [] {critic}
(エウリピデス) [] {Euripides}
(カンヌ) [] {Cannes}
(スフィンクス) [] {sphinx}
(トランク) [] {trunk}
(寂しい) [] {lone;lonesome;only;sole;solitary}
(ラビ) [] {rabbi}
(感知) [かんち] {percept;perception;perceptual experience}
(邪悪) [] {evil}
(シッキム州) [] {Sikkim}
(司書) [] {librarian;bibliothec}
(ココナッツ) [] {coconut;coconut palm;coco palm;coco;cocoa palm;coconut tree;Cocos nucifera}
(青年時代) [] {youth}
(ごみ) [] {garbage;refuse;food waste;scraps}
(ジャック・デリダ) [] {Derrida;Jacques Derrida}
(フォルモサ) [] {Taiwan;Formosa}
(欲深い) [] {avaricious;covetous;grabby;grasping;greedy;prehensile}
(持参金) [] {dowry;dowery;dower;portion}
(軌範) [きはん] {norm}
(石器時代) [] {Stone Age}
(大家) [] {maestro;master}
(ペルミ) [] {Perm;Molotov}
(放物線) [ほうぶつせん] {parabola}
(アスパラガス) [] {asparagus;edible asparagus;Asparagus officinales}
(裏切る) [] {betray;sell}
(略号) [りゃくごう] {code;computer code}
(エトムント・フッサール) [] {Husserl;Edmund Husserl}
(ジョゼフ・コンラッド) [] {Conrad;Joseph Conrad;Teodor Josef Konrad Korzeniowski}
(主人役) [] {host}
(円錐) [] {cone;conoid;cone shape}
(宣言) [] {resolution;declaration;resolve}
(ソースコード) [] {source code}
(平行四辺形) [] {parallelogram}
(プロヴディフ) [] {Plovdiv;Philippopolis}
(葛飾北斎) [] {Hokusai;Katsushika Hokusai}
(湿っぽい) [] {damp;dampish;moist}
(浸す) [] {bathe;bath}
(暫定的) [ざんていてき] {probationary;provisional;provisionary;tentative}
(アプス) [] {apse;apsis}
(ラザフォード・ヘイズ) [] {Hayes;Rutherford B. Hayes;Rutherford Birchard Hayes;President Hayes}
(西ベンガル州) [] {West Bengal}
(ブルジョワジー) [] {middle class;bourgeoisie}
(そり) [] {sled;sledge;sleigh}
(哀歌) [] {elegy;lament}
(円熟した) [えんじゅくした] {ripe;mature}
(見物人) [] {spectator;witness;viewer;watcher;looker}
(エレクトリックギター) [] {electric guitar}
(軽蔑) [] {contempt;disdain;scorn;despite}
(中央同盟国) [] {Central Powers}
(製作者) [] {manufacturer;producer}
(シミュレーション) [] {simulation;computer simulation}
(ウラジオストク) [] {Vladivostok}
(画廊) [] {gallery;art gallery;picture gallery}
(アクロポリス) [] {acropolis}
(瑕疵) [かし] {blemish;defect;mar}
(クラッチ) [] {clutch}
(北極) [] {Arctic;Arctic Zone;North Frigid Zone}
(生産量) [] {production}
(汚れ) [] {stain;discoloration;discolouration}
(フェルト) [] {felt}
(栄光) [] {glory;glorification}
(汗をかく) [] {sweat;sudate;perspire}
(症状) [] {symptom}
(キュクロープス) [] {Cyclops}
(アクセラレータ) [] {accelerator;particle accelerator;atom smasher}
(細菌) [] {bacteria;bacterium}
(パドヴァ) [] {Padua;Padova;Patavium}
(入れ墨) [] {tattoo}
(アンテナ) [] {antenna;aerial;transmitting aerial}
(クー・クラックス・クラン) [] {Ku Klux Klan;Klan;KKK}
(試す) [] {sample;try;try out;taste}
(加水分解) [かすいぶんかい] {hydrolysis}
(測地学) [] {geodesy}
(一団) [] {set;circle;band;lot}
(マサチューセッツ工科大学) [] {Massachusetts Institute of Technology;MIT}
(ティレニア海) [] {Tyrrhenian Sea}
(ジョルダーノ・ブルーノ) [] {Bruno;Giordano Bruno}
(聖公会) [] {Anglicanism}
(ヒツジ) [] {domestic sheep;Ovis aries}
(ミハイル・バクーニン) [] {Bakunin;Mikhail Bakunin;Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin}
(広場) [] {plaza;place;piazza}
(指示薬) [しじやく] {indicator}
(線型代数学) [] {linear algebra}
(スタート) [] {start}
(ゴスペル) [] {Gospel;Gospels;evangel}
(白亜紀) [] {Cretaceous;Cretaceous period}
(鍛冶屋) [] {blacksmith}
(ロベルト・シューマン) [] {Schumann;Robert Schumann;Robert Alexander Schumann}
(絡繰り) [からくり] {mechanism}
(内戦) [] {civil war}
(ボーリウム) [] {bohrium;Bh;element 107;atomic number 107}
(フェアユース) [] {fair use}
(食虫目) [] {Insectivora;order Insectivora}
(ハンカチ) [] {handkerchief;hankie;hanky;hankey}
(世界) [] {world}
(西ドイツ) [] {West Germany;Federal Republic of Germany}
(ペンテコステ) [] {Pentecost;Whitsunday}
(需要) [] {demand}
(オシリス) [] {Osiris}
(クロスワード) [] {crossword puzzle;crossword}
(月食) [] {lunar eclipse}
(中性子星) [] {neutron star}
(峡谷) [] {ravine}
(オビ川) [] {Ob;Ob River}
(物理学者) [] {physicist}
(雄弁家) [] {orator;speechmaker;rhetorician;public speaker;speechifier}
(平方メートル) [] {square meter;square metre;centare}
(積極的) [せっきょくてき] {positive}
(生産性) [] {productiveness;productivity}
(ユーカリ) [] {eucalyptus;eucalypt;eucalyptus tree}
(量) [] {quantity ; sum;amount;total}
(バルコニー) [] {balcony}
(LCD) [] {liquid crystal display;LCD}
(水球) [] {water polo}
(バニラ) [] {vanilla;vanilla extract}
(思春期) [] {puberty;pubescence}
(モンスーン) [] {monsoon}
(ヘラクレス) [] {Hercules;Heracles;Herakles;Alcides}
(少数) [] {minority}
(ハッカー) [] {hacker}
(バミューダトライアングル) [] {Bermuda Triangle}
(漕ぐ) [こぐ] {row}
(ルカによる福音書) [] {Luke;Gospel of Luke;Gospel According to Luke}
(車軸) [] {axle}
(アンリ・ベルクソン) [] {Bergson;Henri Bergson;Henri Louis Bergson}
(独創的) [どくそうてき] {original}
(犠牲) [ぎせい] {sacrifice}
(帝国) [ていこく] {empire;imperium}
(蝌蚪) [かと] {tadpole;polliwog;pollywog}
(セーヌ川) [] {Seine;Seine River}
(家系) [] {lineage;line;line of descent;descent;bloodline;blood line;blood;pedigree;ancestry;origin;parentage;stemma;stock}
(愛人) [] {lover}
(慣用句) [] {idiom;idiomatic expression;phrasal idiom;set phrase;phrase}
(陸橋) [] {viaduct}
(デバイス) [] {device}
(オト) [] {Urban II;Odo;Odo of Lagery;Otho;Otho of Lagery}
(ナザレ) [] {Nazareth}
(注射器) [] {syringe}
(カタログ) [] {catalog;catalogue}
(オランウータン) [] {orangutan;orang;orangutang;Pongo pygmaeus}
(ウィントフック) [] {Windhoek}
(反物質) [] {antimatter}
(追う) [] {pursue;follow ; chase;chase after;trail;tail;tag;give chase;dog;go after;track}
(スーツ) [] {suit;suit of clothes}
(とどまる) [] {stay;remain;rest}
(クラスタ) [] {bunch;clump;cluster;clustering}
(標本) [] {specimen}
(ヴォルフガング・パウリ) [] {Pauli;Wolfgang Pauli}
(硝酸) [] {nitric acid;aqua fortis}
(獣脂) [] {grease;lubricating oil}
(警告) [] {warning}
(公会議) [] {ecumenical council}
(ニューサウスウェールズ州) [] {New South Wales}
(混和物) [こんわぶつ] {mixture}
(絵画) [] {painting;picture}
(ルイ・ブライユ) [] {Braille;Louis Braille}
(食指) [しょくし] {index;index finger;forefinger}
(誉め称える) [ほめたたえる] {praise}
(招待) [] {invitation}
(熱い) [] {hot}
(隠す) [] {hide;conceal}
(蒋介石) [] {Chiang Kai-shek;Chiang Chung-cheng}
(アブサン) [] {absinth;absinthe}
(マルチメディア) [] {multimedia;multimedia system}
(ピリッポス2世) [] {Philip II;Philip II of Macedon}
(ジョージ・バークリー) [] {Berkeley;Bishop Berkeley;George Berkeley}
(サファイア) [] {sapphire}
(涼しい) [] {cool}
(陸水学) [] {limnology}
(ジャンル) [] {music genre;musical genre;genre;musical style}
(カースト) [] {caste}
(マディーナ) [] {Medina;Al Madinah}
(会計学) [] {accountancy;accounting}
(殺す) [] {kill ; murder;slay;hit;dispatch;bump off;off;polish off;remove}
(ケベック) [] {Quebec;Quebec City}
(会議) [] {conference}
(観測者) [] {perceiver;percipient;observer;beholder}
(キャッシュ) [] {cache;memory cache}
(賞賛) [] {praise;congratulations;kudos;extolment}
(ペニシリン) [] {penicillin}
(持ち場) [] {post;station}
(ウェーク島) [] {Wake Island;Wake}
(蟋蟀) [こおろぎ] {cricket}
(肉屋) [] {butcher;meatman}
(功績) [] {deservingness;merit;meritoriousness}
(小道) [] {alley;alleyway;back street}
(ハレム) [] {harem;hareem;seraglio;serail}
(ホースラディッシュ) [] {horseradish;horseradish root}
(謙遜) [けんそん] {humility;humbleness}
(確率論) [] {probability theory;theory of probability}
(トラキア) [] {Thrace}
(アルヴァ・アールト) [] {Aalto;Alvar Aalto;Hugo Alvar Henrik Aalto}
(パレスチナ解放機構) [] {Palestine Liberation Organization;PLO}
(埋葬) [] {burial;entombment;inhumation;interment;sepulture}
(豚肉) [] {pork;porc}
(モサド) [] {Mossad}
(アーンドラ・プラデーシュ州) [] {Andhra Pradesh}
(キャンプ) [] {camping;encampment;bivouacking;tenting}
(浮き) [] {buoy}
(サルマン・ラシュディ) [] {Rushdie;Salman Rushdie;Ahmed Salman Rushdie}
(スタンフォード大学) [] {Stanford University;Stanford}
(アドーニス) [] {Adonis}
(バルドル) [] {Balder;Baldr}
(場合) [] {juncture;occasion}
(ヴェローナ) [] {Verona}
(キオスク) [] {booth;cubicle;stall;kiosk}
(聞く) [] {listen;hear;take heed}
(年金) [] {pension}
(チェスター・A・アーサー) [] {Arthur;Chester A. Arthur;Chester Alan Arthur;President Arthur}
(かじき座) [] {Dorado}
(裸子植物) [] {gymnosperm}
(精神医学者) [せいしんいがくしゃ] {psychiatrist;head-shrinker;shrink}
(見付ける) [] {spot;recognize;recognise;distinguish;discern;pick out;make out;tell apart}
(エルヴィン・ロンメル) [] {Rommel;Erwin Rommel;Desert Fox}
(軸) [] {axis}
(基本粒子) [] {elementary particle;fundamental particle}
(情報技術) [] {information technology;IT}
(自発的) [じはつてき] {voluntary}
(真直) [まっすぐ] {honest;honorable}
(航空母艦) [] {aircraft carrier;carrier;flattop;attack aircraft carrier}
(ハツカダイコン) [] {radish}
(話し手) [] {speaker;talker;utterer;verbalizer;verbaliser}
(会計士) [] {accountant;comptroller;controller}
(騎手) [] {horseman;equestrian;horseback rider}
(同盟) [] {federation}
(ギヨーム・アポリネール) [] {Apollinaire;Guillaume Apollinaire;Wilhelm Apollinaris de Kostrowitzki}
(サイコロ) [] {die;dice}
(腱) [] {tendon;sinew}
(場面) [] {scene}
(軟骨) [] {cartilage;gristle}
(追録) [ついろく] {addendum;supplement;postscript}
(ヤク) [] {yak;Bos grunniens}
(プロメーテウス) [] {Prometheus}
(快い) [] {agreeable}
(アル・カポネ) [] {Capone;Al Capone;Alphonse Capone;Scarface}
(けんびきょう座) [] {Microscopium}
(侵略者) [] {attacker;aggressor;assailant;assaulter}
(ピエール・ド・フェルマー) [] {Fermat;Pierre de Fermat}
(エーテル) [] {ether;ethoxyethane;divinyl ether;vinyl ether;diethyl ether;ethyl ether}
(ヴィシュヌ) [] {Vishnu}
(バス・ノルマンディー地域圏) [] {Basse-Normandie;Lower-Normandy}
(ダニエル・デフォー) [] {Defoe;Daniel Defoe}
(合成) [] {synthesis;synthetic thinking}
(乳糖) [にゅうとう] {lactose;milk sugar}
(フランクリン・ピアース) [] {Pierce;Franklin Pierce;President Pierce}
(東アフリカ) [] {East Africa}
(表面) [] {surface}
(スーパーマーケット) [] {supermarket}
(ジェームズ・ブキャナン) [] {Buchanan;James Buchanan;President Buchanan}
(ペトラルカ) [] {Petrarch;Petrarca;Francesco Petrarca}
(罪科) [ざいか] {misdemeanor;misdemeanour;infraction;violation;infringement}
(捨象) [しゃしょう] {abstraction;abstract}
(酸性雨) [] {acid rain;acid precipitation}
(養子縁組) [ようしえんぐみ] {adoption}
(サーカス) [] {circus}
(糞便) [] {fecal matter;faecal matter;feces;faeces;BM;stool;ordure;dejection}
(カササギ) [] {magpie}
(脅す) [おどす] {endanger;jeopardize;jeopardise;menace;threaten;imperil;peril}
(鉄のカーテン) [] {iron curtain}
(テレパシー) [] {telepathy;thought transference}
(戦闘機) [] {fighter;fighter aircraft;attack aircraft}
(構想) [] {concept;conception;construct}
(策略) [] {ruse;artifice}
(オラトリオ) [] {cantata;oratorio}
(染料) [] {dye;dyestuff}
(オート・ノルマンディー地域圏) [] {Haute-Normandie;Upper-Normandy}
(消極的) [しょうきょくてき] {passive;inactive}
(家畜) [] {livestock;stock;farm animal}
(ヨルダン川) [] {Jordan;Jordan River}
(行列) [] {procession}
(イチョウ) [] {ginkgo;gingko;maidenhair tree;Ginkgo biloba}
(ライナー・マリア・リルケ) [] {Rilke;Rainer Maria Rilke}
(ベルンハルト・リーマン) [] {Riemann;Bernhard Riemann;Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann}
(粗い) [あらい] {coarse;harsh}
(要因) [] {factor}
(エドモントン) [] {Edmonton}
(大多数) [] {majority;bulk}
(苦しみ) [] {distress;hurt;suffering}
(ラッカー) [] {lacquer}
(輸入品) [] {import;importation}
(敵意) [] {hostility;enmity;antagonism}
(潟) [] {lagoon;laguna;lagune}
(退位) [たいい] {abdication;stepping down}
(ジェームズ・ディーン) [] {Dean;James Dean;James Byron Dean}
(眠る) [ねむる] {sleep;kip;slumber;log Z's;catch some Z's}
(ウプサラ) [] {Uppsala;Upsala}
(観測所) [] {observatory}
(トニ・モリソン) [] {Morrison;Toni Morrison;Chloe Anthony Wofford}
(照らす) [] {light;illume;illumine;light up;illuminate}
(パース) [] {Perth}
(デシベル) [] {decibel;dB}
(リングワ・フランカ) [] {lingua franca;interlanguage;koine}
(ヒグマ) [] {brown bear;bruin;Ursus arctos}
(盗む) [] {steal}
(電気化学) [] {electrochemistry}
(妨害) [] {hindrance;hinderance;hitch;preventive;preventative;encumbrance;incumbrance;interference}
(こいぬ座) [] {Canis Minor;Little Dog}
(衣裳) [いしょう] {dress;frock}
(支払う) [] {pay}
(ハルキウ) [] {Kharkov;Kharkiv}
(無秩序) [] {disorderliness;disorder}
(雲雀) [ひばり] {skylark;Alauda arvensis}
(オッカムのウィリアム) [] {Occam;William of Occam;Ockham;William of Ockham}
(リュート) [] {lute}
(山登り) [やまのぼり] {mountain climbing;mountaineering}
(屋根裏) [] {loft;attic;garret}
(アリウス派) [] {Arianism}
(マンドリン) [] {mandolin}
(六角形) [ろっかくけい] {hexagon}
(暗黒物質) [] {dark matter}
(歯車) [はぐるま] {gear;gear wheel;geared wheel;cogwheel}
(樹液) [] {sap}
(ラップトップ) [] {laptop;laptop computer}
(同素体) [] {allotropy;allotropism}
(へび座) [] {Serpens}
(浮く) [] {float;swim}
(薊) [あざみ] {thistle}
(共有結合) [] {covalent bond}
(クセノポン) [] {Xenophon}
(セイヨウスグリ) [] {gooseberry;gooseberry bush;Ribes uva-crispa;Ribes grossularia}
(聴診器) [] {stethoscope}
(電撃戦) [] {blitz;blitzkrieg}
(ブール代数) [] {Boolean logic;Boolean algebra}
(数理論理学) [] {symbolic logic;mathematical logic;formal logic}
(使命) [しめい] {mission;military mission}
(モニタ) [] {monitor;monitoring device}
(果樹園) [] {grove;woodlet;orchard;plantation}
(アセトン) [] {acetone;propanone;dimethyl ketone}
(保守主義) [] {conservatism;conservativism}
(カヤック) [] {kayak}
(ボーキサイト) [] {bauxite}
(竜骨) [] {keel}
(トゥキディデス) [] {Thucydides}
(テオドシウス) [] {Theodosius;Theodosius I;Theodosius the Great;Flavius Theodosius}
(歯茎) [はぐき] {gingiva;gum}
(クエンティン・タランティーノ) [] {Tarantino;Quentin Tarantino;Quentin Jerome Tarantino}
(ワレンチナ・テレシコワ) [] {Tereshkova;Valentina Tereshkova;Valentina Vladmirovna Tereshkova}
(懐疑) [] {agnosticism;skepticism;scepticism}
(廃虚) [] {ruin}
(公文書館) [] {archive}
(ロバート・A・ハインライン) [] {Heinlein;Robert A. Heinlein;Robert Anson Heinlein}
(ペルシア) [] {Persia;Persian Empire}
(スラウェシ島) [] {Celebes;Sulawesi}
(延ばす) [] {postpone;prorogue;hold over;put over;table;shelve;set back;defer;remit;put off}
(チップ) [] {gratuity;tip;pourboire;baksheesh;bakshish;bakshis;backsheesh}
(遠足) [] {excursion;jaunt;outing;junket;pleasure trip;expedition;sashay}
(イグナチオ・デ・ロヨラ) [] {Ignatius of Loyola;Saint Ignatius of Loyola;St. Ignatius of Loyola;Loyola}
(マンモス) [] {mammoth}
(レプトン) [] {lepton}
(アメリカ合衆国上院) [] {United States Senate;U.S. Senate;US Senate;Senate}
(計画) [] {purpose;intent;intention;aim;design}
(風諭) [ふうゆ] {allegory}
(救い出す) [すくいだす] {rescue;deliver}
(部局) [ぶきょく] {section;subdivision}
(業) [] {karma}
(キニーネ) [] {quinine}
(検閲) [] {censoring;censorship;security review}
(表わす) [] {represent;stand for;correspond}
(こと座) [] {Lyra}
(品物) [] {article}
(ゲノム) [] {genome}
(信頼) [] {confidence}
(解放) [] {liberty}
(四川省) [] {Szechwan;Sichuan;Szechuan;Szechwan province}
(くじら座) [] {Cetus}
(かかし) [] {scarecrow;straw man;strawman;bird-scarer;scarer}
(イヌ科) [] {Canidae;family Canidae}
(四国) [] {Shikoku}
(マリア・カラス) [] {Callas;Maria Callas;Maria Meneghini Callas}
(平和主義) [] {pacifism;pacificism;passivism}
(線画) [] {drawing}
(水酸化カリウム) [] {potash;caustic potash;potassium hydroxide}
(オーフス) [] {Arhus;Aarhus}
(ウイルス学) [] {virology}
(カエデ) [] {maple}
(衛生) [] {hygiene;hygienics}
(オーギュスト・コント) [] {Comte;Auguste Comte;Isidore Auguste Marie Francois Comte}
(ルーテル教会) [] {Lutheranism}
(プリンタ) [] {printer}
(フェリックス・メンデルスゾーン) [] {Mendelssohn;Felix Mendelssohn;Jakob Ludwig Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy}
(プロペラ) [] {propeller;propellor}
(職人) [] {craftsman;artisan;journeyman;artificer}
(ラン科) [] {Orchidaceae;family Orchidaceae;orchid family}
(トマス・ロバート・マルサス) [] {Malthus;Thomas Malthus;Thomas Robert Malthus}
(ドゥブロヴニク) [] {Dubrovnik;Ragusa}
(自尊心) [] {pride;pridefulness}
(本格的) [ほんかくてき] {earnest;sincere;solemn}
(モロコシ属) [] {sorghum}
(地下鉄) [] {rapid transit;mass rapid transit}
(振り子) [] {pendulum}
(ブラザヴィル) [] {Brazzaville}
(関税) [かんぜい] {customs;customs duty;custom;impost}
(サクラメント) [] {Sacramento;capital of California}
(オーラルセックス) [] {oral sex;head}
(ヴェルナー・フォン・ブラウン) [] {Braun;von Braun;Wernher von Braun;Wernher Magnus Maximilian von Braun}
(悪臭) [] {malodor;malodour;stench;stink;reek;fetor;foetor;mephitis}
(南シナ海) [] {South China Sea}
(細菌学) [] {bacteriology}
(ルサカ) [] {Lusaka;capital of Zambia}
(火山学) [] {volcanology;vulcanology}
(ETA) [] {Basque Homeland and Freedom;Basque Fatherland and Liberty;Euskadi ta Askatasuna;ETA}
(どんぐり) [] {acorn}
(スクロース) [] {sucrose;saccharose}
(沸かす) [] {boil}
(側溝) [] {gutter;trough}
(忘れる) [] {forget}
(ウンウンクアジウム) [] {ununquadium;Uuq;element 114;atomic number 114}
(定期刊行物) [] {periodical}
(管理人) [] {defender;guardian;protector;shielder}
(如何にも) [いかにも] {truly;genuinely;really}
(破綻) [はたん] {bankruptcy;failure}
(ヌー) [] {gnu;wildebeest}
(ホルス) [] {Horus}
(葉緑体) [] {chloroplast}
(エスキモー) [] {Eskimo;Esquimau;Inuit}
(真珠湾) [] {Pearl Harbor}
(コヨーテ) [] {coyote;prairie wolf;brush wolf;Canis latrans}
(強める) [つよめる] {stress;emphasize;emphasise;punctuate;accent;accentuate}
(伝言) [] {message}
(乳房) [にゅうぼう] {udder;bag}
(棍棒) [こんぼう] {club}
(冗談) [] {joke;gag;laugh;jest;jape}
(流産) [] {spontaneous abortion;miscarriage;stillbirth}
(公爵夫人) [] {duchess}
(小惑星帯) [] {asteroid belt}
(ブラジャー) [] {brassiere;bra;bandeau}
(氷河期) [] {ice age;glacial period;glacial epoch}
(潰瘍) [] {ulcer;ulceration}
(水圏) [] {hydrosphere}
(アルマトイ) [] {Almaty;Alma-Ata}
(婿) [むこ] {son-in-law}
(クスコ) [] {Cuzco;Cusco}
(プルタルコス) [] {Plutarch}
(煉獄) [れんごく] {purgatory}
(ボイコット) [] {boycott}
(領事館) [] {consulate}
(ヴァルハラ) [] {Valhalla;Walhalla}
(乗組員) [のりくみいん] {crew}
(グラフィカル ユーザー インターフェイス) [] {graphical user interface;GUI}
(白海) [] {White Sea}
(連携) [れんけい] {cooperation}
(カロリー) [] {Calorie;kilogram calorie;kilocalorie;large calorie;nutritionist's calorie}
(エール) [] {ale}
(正義) [] {justice;justness}
(ウンウンビウム) [] {ununbium;Uub;element 112;atomic number 112}
(みずへび座) [] {Hydrus}
(ウンウンペンチウム) [] {ununpentium;Uup;element 115;atomic number 115}
(パスワード) [] {password;watchword;word;parole;countersign}
(薬方) [やくほう] {prescription}
(靴屋) [] {cobbler;shoemaker}
(ポンプ座) [] {Antlia}
(アトランティス) [] {Atlantis}
(聖杯) [] {grail;Holy Grail;Sangraal}
(アーチェリー) [] {archery}
(ゴルジ体) [] {Golgi body;Golgi apparatus;Golgi complex;dictyosome}
(主要) [しゅよう] {chief;main;primary;principal;master}
(元首) [] {head of state;chief of state}
(爆撃機) [] {bomber}
(クレーター) [] {crater}
(七年戦争) [] {Seven Years' War}
(レチクル座) [] {Reticulum}
(クリミア自治共和国) [] {Crimea}
(鬼) [] {goblin;hob;hobgoblin}
(消化器) [] {alimentary canal;alimentary tract;digestive tube;digestive tract;gastrointestinal tract;GI tract}
(茂み) [] {brush;brushwood;coppice;copse;thicket}
(国際連合食糧農業機関) [] {Food and Agriculture Organization;Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;FAO}
(ソルトレイクシティ) [] {Salt Lake City;capital of Utah}
(言い合う) [] {argue;contend;debate;fence}
(カクテル) [] {cocktail}
(ちょうこくぐ座) [] {Caelum}
(デンバー) [] {Denver;Mile-High City;capital of Colorado}
(シヴァ) [] {Siva;Shiva}
(麦芽) [] {malt}
(契る) [ちぎる] {promise;assure}
(シレジア) [] {Silesia;Slask;Slezsko;Schlesien}
(ラフト) [] {raft}
(電気陰性度) [] {electronegativity;negativity}
(ウンウントリウム) [] {ununtrium;Uut;element 113;atomic number 113}
(ワルキューレ) [] {Valkyrie}
(アガメムノーン) [] {Agamemnon}
(陰嚢) [いんのう] {scrotum}
(エレクトリックベース) [] {bass guitar}
(禁じる) [] {forbid;prohibit;interdict;proscribe;veto;disallow;nix}
(不注意) [] {negligence;carelessness;neglect;nonperformance}
(粘度) [] {viscosity;viscousness}
(出会う) [] {meet;run into;encounter;run across;come across;see}
(ブランデー) [] {brandy}
(日食) [] {solar eclipse}
(アリバイ) [] {alibi}
(共生) [きょうせい] {symbiosis;mutualism}
(知能指数) [] {intelligence quotient;IQ;I.Q.}
(装備) [] {equipment}
(素早く) [すばやく] {quickly;rapidly;speedily;chop-chop;apace}
(ライラック) [] {lilac}
(ソ連国家保安委員会) [] {Committee for State Security;KGB;Soviet KGB}
(牡羊) [おひつじ] {ram;tup}
(マッハ数) [] {Mach number}
(悲観主義) [] {pessimism}
(糸巻き) [] {bobbin;spool;reel}
(歓待) [] {cordial reception;hospitality}
(ユースホステル) [] {hostel;hostelry;inn;lodge;auberge}
(気まぐれ) [] {caprice;impulse;whim}
(チョウザメ) [] {sturgeon}
(気管支炎) [] {bronchitis}
(西アフリカ) [] {West Africa}
(パパ) [] {dad;dada;daddy;pa;papa;pappa;pop}
(花輪) [] {wreath;garland;coronal;chaplet;lei}