Unknown CMake command "_qt5_Core_check_file_exists".
Sorry for being slow, there were some circumstances.
I've separated translations as a new make target in the latest commit. Please, update and try again.
Anyways, the fact that it can't…
Unknown CMake command "_qt5_Core_check_file_exists".
@L29Ah Try installing this packet.
I'll make it an optional dependency
Unknown CMake command "_qt5_Core_check_file_exists".
I suppose qtcore is a basic library which does not include tools like linguistics, which is required to build the application. I'll look forward to make it an optional build target
As for…
Unknown CMake command "_qt5_Core_check_file_exists".
Oh sorry didn't notice that you are using Gentoo. This program needs the qt-base package to compile. Did you install gentoo alternative for it?
Unknown CMake command "_qt5_Core_check_file_exists".
Can you please specify the distro you are using?
If it's debian-based or arch-based, did you run all the commands listed in Building section before actual building?