Update Docs

leca 2024-06-21 16:27:01 +03:00
parent a0324ae78c
commit ed579ffeb3
1 changed files with 20 additions and 0 deletions


@ -118,3 +118,23 @@ Otherwise, compares passwords
If passwords match, creating session and redirects to __/__ If passwords match, creating session and redirects to __/__
Requires client to be not logged in. Requires client to be not logged in.
## Deployment
### Traditional
To deploy an application in traditional way, follow these steps:
1. edit ``config.json`` to your needs.
2. Install dependencies: ``npm i``
3. Run __src/index.js__. Use ``npm run prod`` if you want to run it as a production and ``npm run dev`` if you want to run it with nodemon.
### Docker
To deploy an application with Docker, you need to:
1. edit ``config.json`` to your needs ( do not forget that backend must be able to connect to db container.)
2. edit ``docker-compose.yml`` as with the data you've wrote to ``config.json``
3. Build and launch: ``docker-compose up --build``