/// /// /// import { TlsOptions } from 'cloudflare:sockets'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; /** * Wrapper around the Cloudflare built-in socket that can be used by the `Connection`. */ export declare class CloudflareSocket extends EventEmitter { readonly ssl: boolean; writable: boolean; destroyed: boolean; private _upgrading; private _upgraded; private _cfSocket; private _cfWriter; private _cfReader; constructor(ssl: boolean); setNoDelay(): this; setKeepAlive(): this; ref(): this; unref(): this; connect(port: number, host: string, connectListener?: (...args: unknown[]) => void): Promise; _listen(): Promise; _listenOnce(): Promise; write(data: Uint8Array | string, encoding?: BufferEncoding, callback?: (...args: unknown[]) => void): true | void; end(data?: Buffer, encoding?: BufferEncoding, callback?: (...args: unknown[]) => void): this; destroy(reason: string): this; startTls(options: TlsOptions): void; _addClosedHandler(): void; }