# learn-hieroglyphs This project pursues few aims: 1. I'd like to learn rust 2. I'd like to learn gtk 3. I'd like to learn japanese 4. I'd like to help others I am learning japanese as well. I'm not native japanese speaker and even don't speak japanese at all. I just think that there's a good way to learn languages and I'd like to try program these ways to master my own skills and probably help others. ## building To build this on GNU/Linux ### 1.Install dependencies for your distro: Everything, starting with ``$`` should be run as usual user without that sign. ``#`` in the start indicated that root is necessary. #### Arch linux: ``# sudo pacman -S glib2 rust`` #### Debian and derivatives: ``# sudo apt install libgtk-4-dev build-essential cargo`` ### 2.Build it: ``` $ chmod +x ./build.sh $ ./build.sh ``` then, run it: ``` $ cargo run ``` #### Windows Windows sucks. ## Contributing Contributing is welcome! Please, make an issue if you found a bug. Ideas are welcomed as well! ## Закрытие проекта скоро..