import fs from 'fs'; import { EncryptionAlgorithm, MatrixClient, MessageEvent, RustSdkCryptoStorageProvider, SimpleFsStorageProvider, } from "matrix-bot-sdk"; const configPath = './config.json'; const logError = (message) => { let time = new Date; console.error(`[${time.toLocaleString()}] [LOG] [E] ${message}`); }; const logInfo = (message) => { let time = new Date; console.log(`[${time.toLocaleString()}] [LOG] [I] ${message}`); }; const readConfig = () => { if (!fs.existsSync(configPath)) { fs.writeFileSync(configPath, `{ "homeserverURL": "", "token": "Super secret token! Do not show to anyone! Even your mum! ;)", "maxAmountOfPhotoesPerUser": 5 }` ); logError('[LOG] [E] Config file was not found. I have created a template, please, edit it and restart a bot.'); process.exit(-1); } return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath)); }; const uploadMediaFromEvent = async (client, event) => { const message = new MessageEvent(event); const fileEvent = new MessageEvent(message.raw); const decrypted = await client.crypto.decryptMedia(fileEvent.content.file); const mxc = await client.uploadContent(decrypted); return mxc; }; const convertMsgType = (msgtype) => { switch (msgtype) { case "m.image": return "p"; case "": return "v"; case "m.text": return "t"; default: return msgtype; } }; export { readConfig, logError, logInfo, uploadMediaFromEvent, convertMsgType };