import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; /** * Wrapper around the Cloudflare built-in socket that can be used by the `Connection`. */ export class CloudflareSocket extends EventEmitter { constructor(ssl) { super(); this.ssl = ssl; this.writable = false; this.destroyed = false; this._upgrading = false; this._upgraded = false; this._cfSocket = null; this._cfWriter = null; this._cfReader = null; } setNoDelay() { return this; } setKeepAlive() { return this; } ref() { return this; } unref() { return this; } async connect(port, host, connectListener) { try { log('connecting'); if (connectListener) this.once('connect', connectListener); const options = this.ssl ? { secureTransport: 'starttls' } : {}; const { connect } = await import('cloudflare:sockets'); this._cfSocket = connect(`${host}:${port}`, options); this._cfWriter = this._cfSocket.writable.getWriter(); this._addClosedHandler(); this._cfReader = this._cfSocket.readable.getReader(); if (this.ssl) { this._listenOnce().catch((e) => this.emit('error', e)); } else { this._listen().catch((e) => this.emit('error', e)); } await this._cfWriter.ready; log('socket ready'); this.writable = true; this.emit('connect'); return this; } catch (e) { this.emit('error', e); } } async _listen() { while (true) { log('awaiting receive from CF socket'); const { done, value } = await; log('CF socket received:', done, value); if (done) { log('done'); break; } this.emit('data', Buffer.from(value)); } } async _listenOnce() { log('awaiting first receive from CF socket'); const { done, value } = await; log('First CF socket received:', done, value); this.emit('data', Buffer.from(value)); } write(data, encoding = 'utf8', callback = () => { }) { if (data.length === 0) return callback(); if (typeof data === 'string') data = Buffer.from(data, encoding); log('sending data direct:', data); this._cfWriter.write(data).then(() => { log('data sent'); callback(); }, (err) => { log('send error', err); callback(err); }); return true; } end(data = Buffer.alloc(0), encoding = 'utf8', callback = () => { }) { log('ending CF socket'); this.write(data, encoding, (err) => { this._cfSocket.close(); if (callback) callback(err); }); return this; } destroy(reason) { log('destroying CF socket', reason); this.destroyed = true; return this.end(); } startTls(options) { if (this._upgraded) { // Don't try to upgrade again. this.emit('error', 'Cannot call `startTls()` more than once on a socket'); return; } this._cfWriter.releaseLock(); this._cfReader.releaseLock(); this._upgrading = true; this._cfSocket = this._cfSocket.startTls(options); this._cfWriter = this._cfSocket.writable.getWriter(); this._cfReader = this._cfSocket.readable.getReader(); this._addClosedHandler(); this._listen().catch((e) => this.emit('error', e)); } _addClosedHandler() { this._cfSocket.closed.then(() => { if (!this._upgrading) { log('CF socket closed'); this._cfSocket = null; this.emit('close'); } else { this._upgrading = false; this._upgraded = true; } }).catch((e) => this.emit('error', e)); } } const debug = false; function dump(data) { if (data instanceof Uint8Array || data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { const hex = Buffer.from(data).toString('hex'); const str = new TextDecoder().decode(data); return `\n>>> STR: "${str.replace(/\n/g, '\\n')}"\n>>> HEX: ${hex}\n`; } else { return data; } } function log(...args) { debug && console.log(; } //#