MainWindow 0 0 817 659 MainWindow 90 10 211 31 10 10 81 31 Store type 30 560 80 26 Parse 730 0 81 31 Preferences 10 50 801 511 2 Text 0 0 101 18 Check content 0 30 611 441 OCR 10 0 80 26 Choose 0 60 511 401 100 0 381 18 Path to image: 0 30 571 18 Here is recognised check text. Please, edit it if something's wrong: 490 10 291 421 OFD 490 10 291 421 100 0 381 18 Path to image: 10 0 80 26 Choose 180 50 261 26 0000000000000000 10 50 161 21 0 0 FN (Fiscal Number) 10 90 161 21 0 0 FD (Fiscal Document) 180 90 261 26 0000000000 10 130 161 21 0 0 FI (Fiscal Identifier) 180 130 261 26 0000000000 10 170 194 27 10 210 191 26 Funds income Funds return Funds spend Spends return 90 250 113 26 10 250 66 18 Total 0 0 817 23 checks parser