add lake tile
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Things and ideas I'd like to implement
- Empty ✔️
- Empty ✔️
- Plain ✔️
- Plain ✔️
- Forest ✔️
- Forest ✔️
- Lake
- Lake ✔️
- Sea
- Sea
- Desert
- Desert
- Mountains
- Mountains
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blend_shape_mode = 0
shadow_mesh = SubResource("ArrayMesh_waern")
[sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape3D" id="ConvexPolygonShape3D_p1luu"]
[sub_resource type="ConvexPolygonShape3D" id="ConvexPolygonShape3D_p1luu"]
points = PackedVector3Array(4.9999, -0.0589142, -5, 4.9999, -0.0589142, -5, 4.9999, -0.0589142, -5, 4.9999, -55.0581, -5, 4.9999, -55.0581, -5, 4.9999, -55.0581, -5, 4.9999, -0.0589142, 5, 4.9999, -0.0589142, 5, 4.9999, -0.0589142, 5, 4.9999, -55.0581, 5, 4.9999, -55.0581, 5, 4.9999, -55.0581, 5, -5, -0.0589142, -5, -5, -0.0589142, -5, -5, -0.0589142, -5, -5, -55.0581, -5, -5, -55.0581, -5, -5, -55.0581, -5, -5, -0.0589142, 5, -5, -0.0589142, 5, -5, -0.0589142, 5, -5, -55.0581, 5, -5, -55.0581, 5, -5, -55.0581, 5, 4.9999, -5.64326, -5, 4.9999, -5.64326, -5, -5, -5.64326, 5, -5, -5.64326, 5, 4.9999, -5.64326, 5, 4.9999, -5.64326, 5, -5, -5.64326, -5, -5, -5.64326, -5, 4.9999, -23.818, -5, 4.9999, -23.818, -5, 4.9999, -23.818, 5, 4.9999, -23.818, 5, -5, -23.818, -5, -5, -23.818, -5, -5, -23.818, 5, -5, -23.818, 5, -5.126e-05, -0.0589142, -7.62939e-05, -2.5001, -0.0589142, -2.50011, 2.5, -0.0589142, 2.49996, 2.5, -0.0589142, -2.50011, -2.5001, -0.0589142, 2.49996)
points = PackedVector3Array(4.9999, -0.0589142, -5, 4.9999, -0.0589142, -5, 4.9999, -0.0589142, -5, 4.9999, -55.0581, -5, 4.9999, -55.0581, -5, 4.9999, -55.0581, -5, 4.9999, -0.0589142, 5, 4.9999, -0.0589142, 5, 4.9999, -0.0589142, 5, 4.9999, -55.0581, 5, 4.9999, -55.0581, 5, 4.9999, -55.0581, 5, -5, -0.0589142, -5, -5, -0.0589142, -5, -5, -0.0589142, -5, -5, -55.0581, -5, -5, -55.0581, -5, -5, -55.0581, -5, -5, -0.0589142, 5, -5, -0.0589142, 5, -5, -0.0589142, 5, -5, -55.0581, 5, -5, -55.0581, 5, -5, -55.0581, 5, 4.9999, -5.64326, -5, 4.9999, -5.64326, -5, -5, -5.64326, 5, -5, -5.64326, 5, 4.9999, -5.64326, 5, 4.9999, -5.64326, 5, -5, -5.64326, -5, -5, -5.64326, -5, 4.9999, -23.818, -5, 4.9999, -23.818, -5, 4.9999, -23.818, 5, 4.9999, -23.818, 5, -5, -23.818, -5, -5, -23.818, -5, -5, -23.818, 5, -5, -23.818, 5, -5.126e-05, -0.0589142, -7.62939e-05, -2.5001, -0.0589142, -2.50011, 2.5, -0.0589142, 2.49996, 2.5, -0.0589142, -2.50011, -2.5001, -0.0589142, 2.49996)
@ -44,7 +12,7 @@ script = ExtResource("1_s01tx")
[node name="VisibleMesh" type="MeshInstance3D" parent="."]
[node name="VisibleMesh" type="MeshInstance3D" parent="."]
transform = Transform3D(5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, -50, 0)
transform = Transform3D(5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, -50, 0)
mesh = SubResource("ArrayMesh_8ky3l")
mesh = ExtResource("2_0bgqh")
skeleton = NodePath("")
skeleton = NodePath("")
[node name="CollisionMesh" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="."]
[node name="CollisionMesh" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="."]
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ var walk = 0.25
enum TileType {
enum TileType {
var creating_tile_type = TileType.Plain
var creating_tile_type = TileType.Plain
@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ func _physics_process(delta):
var speed
var speed
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("tile type loop"):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("tile type loop"):
creating_tile_type = wrap(creating_tile_type + 1, 0, 3)
creating_tile_type = wrap(creating_tile_type + 1, 0, TileType.size())
tile_type_label.text = "Tile type: " + str(TileType.keys()[creating_tile_type])
tile_type_label.text = "Tile type: " + str(TileType.keys()[creating_tile_type])
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("LMC") and eye_raycast.is_colliding() and !get_node("UI/ingame_menu").visible:
if Input.is_action_just_pressed("LMC") and eye_raycast.is_colliding() and !get_node("UI/ingame_menu").visible:
@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ extends StaticBody3D
enum TileType {
enum TileType {
var tile_materials = [ # must be in the same order as an enum above!
var tile_materials = [ # must be in the same order as an enum above!
preload("res://materials/empty_tile.tres"), # Empty
preload("res://materials/empty_tile.tres"), # Empty
preload("res://materials/plain_tile.tres"), # Plain
preload("res://materials/plain_tile.tres"), # Plain
preload("res://materials/plain_tile.tres") # Forest
preload("res://materials/plain_tile.tres"), # Forest
preload("res://materials/lake_tile.tres") # Lake
@export var decorations = {
@export var decorations = {
"Forest": {
"Forest": {
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