/* * Jake JavaScript build tool * Copyright 2112 Matthew Eernisse (mde@fleegix.org) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ const PROJECT_DIR = process.env.PROJECT_DIR; let exec = require('child_process').execSync; let fs = require('fs'); let util = require('util'); let { rule, rmRf } = require(`${PROJECT_DIR}/lib/jake`); directory('tmpsrc'); directory('tmpbin'); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Simple Suffix Rule file('tmp', ['tmp_init', 'tmp_dep1.o', 'tmp_dep2.o'], function (params) { console.log('tmp task'); let data1 = fs.readFileSync('tmp_dep1.o'); let data2 = fs.readFileSync('tmp_dep2.o'); fs.writeFileSync('tmp', data1 + data2); }); rule('.o', '.c', function () { let cmd = util.format('cp %s %s', this.source, this.name); console.log(cmd + ' task'); exec(cmd); }); file('tmp_dep1.c', function () { fs.writeFileSync('tmp_dep1.c', 'src_1'); console.log('tmp_dep1.c task'); }); // note that tmp_dep2.o depends on tmp_dep2.c, which is a // static file. task('tmp_init', function () { fs.writeFileSync('tmp_dep2.c', 'src_2'); console.log('tmp_dep2.c task'); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pattern Rule file('tmp_p', ['tmp_init', 'tmp_dep1.oo', 'tmp_dep2.oo'], function (params) { console.log('tmp pattern task'); let data1 = fs.readFileSync('tmp_dep1.oo'); let data2 = fs.readFileSync('tmp_dep2.oo'); fs.writeFileSync('tmp_p', data1 + data2 + ' pattern'); }); rule('%.oo', '%.c', function () { let cmd = util.format('cp %s %s', this.source, this.name); console.log(cmd + ' task'); exec(cmd); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pattern Rule with Folder // i.e. rule('tmpbin/%.oo', 'tmpsrc/%.c', ... file('tmp_pf', [ 'tmp_src_init' , 'tmpbin' , 'tmpbin/tmp_dep1.oo' , 'tmpbin/tmp_dep2.oo' ], function (params) { console.log('tmp pattern folder task'); let data1 = fs.readFileSync('tmpbin/tmp_dep1.oo'); let data2 = fs.readFileSync('tmpbin/tmp_dep2.oo'); fs.writeFileSync('tmp_pf', data1 + data2 + ' pattern folder'); }); rule('tmpbin/%.oo', 'tmpsrc/%.c', function () { let cmd = util.format('cp %s %s', this.source, this.name); console.log(cmd + ' task'); exec(cmd); }); file('tmpsrc/tmp_dep2.c',['tmpsrc'], function () { fs.writeFileSync('tmpsrc/tmp_dep2.c', 'src/src_2'); console.log('tmpsrc/tmp_dep2.c task'); }); // Create static files in folder tmpsrc. task('tmp_src_init', ['tmpsrc'], function () { fs.writeFileSync('tmpsrc/tmp_dep1.c', 'src/src_1'); console.log('tmpsrc/tmp_dep1.c task'); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Namespace Test. This is a Mixed Test. // Test for // - rules belonging to different namespace. // - rules with folder and pattern task('tmp_ns', [ 'tmpbin' , 'rule:init' , 'tmpbin/tmp_dep2.oo' // *** This relies on a rule defined before. , 'rule:tmpbin/dep1.oo' , 'rule:tmpbin/file2.oo' ], function () { console.log('tmp pattern folder namespace task'); let data1 = fs.readFileSync('tmpbin/dep1.oo'); let data2 = fs.readFileSync('tmpbin/tmp_dep2.oo'); let data3 = fs.readFileSync('tmpbin/file2.oo'); fs.writeFileSync('tmp_ns', data1 + data2 + data3 + ' pattern folder namespace'); }); namespace('rule', function () { task('init', ['tmpsrc'], function () { fs.writeFileSync('tmpsrc/file2.c', 'src/src_3'); console.log('tmpsrc/file2.c init task'); }); file('tmpsrc/dep1.c',['tmpsrc'], function () { fs.writeFileSync('tmpsrc/dep1.c', 'src/src_1'); console.log('tmpsrc/dep1.c task'); }, {async: true}); rule('tmpbin/%.oo', 'tmpsrc/%.c', function () { let cmd = util.format('cp %s %s', this.source, this.name); console.log(cmd + ' ns task'); exec(cmd); }); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Chain rule // rule('tmpbin/%.pdf', 'tmpbin/%.dvi', function() { ... // rule('tmpbin/%.dvi', 'tmpsrc/%.tex', ['tmpbin'], function() { ... task('tmp_cr', [ 'chainrule:init' , 'chainrule:tmpbin/file1.pdf' , 'chainrule:tmpbin/file2.pdf' ], function () { console.log('tmp chainrule namespace task'); let data1 = fs.readFileSync('tmpbin/file1.pdf'); let data2 = fs.readFileSync('tmpbin/file2.pdf'); fs.writeFileSync('tmp_cr', data1 + data2 + ' chainrule namespace'); }); namespace('chainrule', function () { task('init', ['tmpsrc', 'tmpbin'], function () { fs.writeFileSync('tmpsrc/file1.tex', 'tex1 '); fs.writeFileSync('tmpsrc/file2.tex', 'tex2 '); console.log('chainrule init task'); }); rule('tmpbin/%.pdf', 'tmpbin/%.dvi', function () { let cmd = util.format('cp %s %s', this.source, this.name); console.log(cmd + ' dvi->pdf task'); exec(cmd); }); rule('tmpbin/%.dvi', 'tmpsrc/%.tex', ['tmpbin'], function () { let cmd = util.format('cp %s %s', this.source, this.name); console.log(cmd + ' tex->dvi task'); exec(cmd); }); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace('precedence', function () { task('test', ['foo.html'], function () { console.log('ran test'); }); rule('.html', '.txt', function () { console.log('created html'); let data = fs.readFileSync(this.source); fs.writeFileSync(this.name, data.toString()); }); }); namespace('regexPattern', function () { task('test', ['foo.html'], function () { console.log('ran test'); }); rule(/\.html$/, '.txt', function () { console.log('created html'); let data = fs.readFileSync(this.source); fs.writeFileSync(this.name, data.toString()); }); }); namespace('sourceFunction', function () { let srcFunc = function (taskName) { return taskName.replace(/\.[^.]+$/, '.txt'); }; task('test', ['foo.html'], function () { console.log('ran test'); }); rule('.html', srcFunc, function () { console.log('created html'); let data = fs.readFileSync(this.source); fs.writeFileSync(this.name, data.toString()); }); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// task('clean', function () { rmRf('./foo'); rmRf('./tmp'); });