/* * Jake JavaScript build tool * Copyright 2112 Matthew Eernisse (mde@fleegix.org) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ if (!global.jake) { let EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; // And so it begins global.jake = new EventEmitter(); let fs = require('fs'); let chalk = require('chalk'); let taskNs = require('./task'); let Task = taskNs.Task; let FileTask = taskNs.FileTask; let DirectoryTask = taskNs.DirectoryTask; let Rule = require('./rule').Rule; let Namespace = require('./namespace').Namespace; let RootNamespace = require('./namespace').RootNamespace; let api = require('./api'); let utils = require('./utils'); let Program = require('./program').Program; let loader = require('./loader')(); let pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/../package.json').toString()); const MAX_RULE_RECURSION_LEVEL = 16; // Globalize jake and top-level API methods (e.g., `task`, `desc`) Object.assign(global, api); // Copy utils onto base jake jake.logger = utils.logger; jake.exec = utils.exec; // File utils should be aliased directly on base jake as well Object.assign(jake, utils.file); // Also add top-level API methods to exported object for those who don't want to // use the globals (`file` here will overwrite the 'file' utils namespace) Object.assign(jake, api); Object.assign(jake, new (function () { this._invocationChain = []; this._taskTimeout = 30000; // Public properties // ================= this.version = pkg.version; // Used when Jake exits with a specific error-code this.errorCode = null; // Loads Jakefiles/jakelibdirs this.loader = loader; // The root of all ... namespaces this.rootNamespace = new RootNamespace(); // Non-namespaced tasks are placed into the default this.defaultNamespace = this.rootNamespace; // Start in the default this.currentNamespace = this.defaultNamespace; // Saves the description created by a 'desc' call that prefaces a // 'task' call that defines a task. this.currentTaskDescription = null; this.program = new Program(); this.FileList = require('filelist').FileList; this.PackageTask = require('./package_task').PackageTask; this.PublishTask = require('./publish_task').PublishTask; this.TestTask = require('./test_task').TestTask; this.Task = Task; this.FileTask = FileTask; this.DirectoryTask = DirectoryTask; this.Namespace = Namespace; this.Rule = Rule; this.parseAllTasks = function () { let _parseNs = function (ns) { let nsTasks = ns.tasks; let nsNamespaces = ns.childNamespaces; for (let q in nsTasks) { let nsTask = nsTasks[q]; jake.Task[nsTask.fullName] = nsTask; } for (let p in nsNamespaces) { let nsNamespace = nsNamespaces[p]; _parseNs(nsNamespace); } }; _parseNs(jake.defaultNamespace); }; /** * Displays the list of descriptions available for tasks defined in * a Jakefile */ this.showAllTaskDescriptions = function (f) { let p; let maxTaskNameLength = 0; let task; let padding; let name; let descr; let filter = typeof f == 'string' ? f : null; let taskParams; let len; for (p in jake.Task) { if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(jake.Task, p)) { continue; } if (filter && p.indexOf(filter) == -1) { continue; } task = jake.Task[p]; taskParams = task.params; // Record the length of the longest task name -- used for // pretty alignment of the task descriptions if (task.description) { len = p.length + taskParams.length; maxTaskNameLength = len > maxTaskNameLength ? len : maxTaskNameLength; } } // Print out each entry with descriptions neatly aligned for (p in jake.Task) { if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(jake.Task, p)) { continue; } if (filter && p.indexOf(filter) == -1) { continue; } task = jake.Task[p]; taskParams = ""; if (task.params != "") { taskParams = "[" + task.params + "]"; } //name = '\033[32m' + p + '\033[39m '; name = chalk.green(p); descr = task.description; if (descr) { descr = chalk.gray('# ' + descr); // Create padding-string with calculated length padding = (new Array(maxTaskNameLength - p.length - taskParams.length + 4)).join(' '); console.log('jake ' + name + taskParams + padding + descr); } } }; this.createTask = function () { let args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); let arg; let obj; let task; let type; let name; let action; let opts = {}; let prereqs = []; type = args.shift(); // name, [deps], [action] // Name (string) + deps (array) format if (typeof args[0] == 'string') { name = args.shift(); if (Array.isArray(args[0])) { prereqs = args.shift(); } } // name:deps, [action] // Legacy object-literal syntax, e.g.: {'name': ['depA', 'depB']} else { obj = args.shift(); for (let p in obj) { prereqs = prereqs.concat(obj[p]); name = p; } } // Optional opts/callback or callback/opts while ((arg = args.shift())) { if (typeof arg == 'function') { action = arg; } else { opts = Object.assign(Object.create(null), arg); } } task = jake.currentNamespace.resolveTask(name); if (task && !action) { // Task already exists and no action, just update prereqs, and return it. task.prereqs = task.prereqs.concat(prereqs); return task; } switch (type) { case 'directory': action = function action() { jake.mkdirP(name); }; task = new DirectoryTask(name, prereqs, action, opts); break; case 'file': task = new FileTask(name, prereqs, action, opts); break; default: task = new Task(name, prereqs, action, opts); } jake.currentNamespace.addTask(task); if (jake.currentTaskDescription) { task.description = jake.currentTaskDescription; jake.currentTaskDescription = null; } // FIXME: Should only need to add a new entry for the current // task-definition, not reparse the entire structure jake.parseAllTasks(); return task; }; this.attemptRule = function (name, ns, level) { let prereqRule; let prereq; if (level > MAX_RULE_RECURSION_LEVEL) { return null; } // Check Rule prereqRule = ns.matchRule(name); if (prereqRule) { prereq = prereqRule.createTask(name, level); } return prereq || null; }; this.createPlaceholderFileTask = function (name, namespace) { let parsed = name.split(':'); let filePath = parsed.pop(); // Strip any namespace let task; task = namespace.resolveTask(name); // If there's not already an existing dummy FileTask for it, // create one if (!task) { // Create a dummy FileTask only if file actually exists if (fs.existsSync(filePath)) { task = new jake.FileTask(filePath); task.dummy = true; let ns; if (parsed.length) { ns = namespace.resolveNamespace(parsed.join(':')); } else { ns = namespace; } if (!namespace) { throw new Error('Invalid namespace, cannot add FileTask'); } ns.addTask(task); // Put this dummy Task in the global Tasks list so // modTime will be eval'd correctly jake.Task[`${ns.path}:${filePath}`] = task; } } return task || null; }; this.run = function () { let args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); let program = this.program; let loader = this.loader; let preempt; let opts; program.parseArgs(args); program.init(); preempt = program.firstPreemptiveOption(); if (preempt) { preempt(); } else { opts = program.opts; // jakefile flag set but no jakefile yet if (opts.autocomplete && opts.jakefile === true) { process.stdout.write('no-complete'); return; } // Load Jakefile and jakelibdir files let jakefileLoaded = loader.loadFile(opts.jakefile); let jakelibdirLoaded = loader.loadDirectory(opts.jakelibdir); if(!jakefileLoaded && !jakelibdirLoaded && !opts.autocomplete) { fail('No Jakefile. Specify a valid path with -f/--jakefile, ' + 'or place one in the current directory.'); } program.run(); } }; })()); } module.exports = jake;